  • 非常突而且出乎意料。
    exceedingly sudden and unexpected.
  • 突如其来的暴风雨;突的决定;突的痊愈。
    a sudden storm; a sudden decision; a sudden cure.
  • 突发的念头一个突的、未预料到的念头
    A sudden, unanticipated whim.
  • 突如其来的出其不意的或意外的;突
    Abrupt or unexpected; sudden.
  • 砰的一声突尖利的爆炸声
    A sudden sharp, explosive sound.
  • 他的死是突然的。
    His death was very sudden.
  • 我豁明白了,我忽开窍了。
    I had a sudden enlightenment.
  • 容易突、不可预料的改变。
    liable to sudden unpredictable change.
  • 对……突进行人身上的攻击。
    make a sudden physical attack on.
  • 对……发动一次突袭击。
    make a sudden surprise attack on.
  • 有人喊道:'已是12点零2分了!
    "Suddenly someone shouted, 'It's two minutes past twelve!'"
  • 他突然转过身来。
    He wheeled around suddenly.
  • 风突然停了。
    The wind suddenly lulled.
  • ,她的脸色变了。
    Suddenly, her face changed.
  • ,瑞拉感到很难受。
    Suddenly, Rilla felt ill.
  • 我突然地明白过来。
    Suddenly I tumbled to it.
  • 马达突然启动了。
    Suddenly the motor kicked on.
  • 火车突然停住了。
    The train suddenly fetched up.
  • 他突然病倒了。
    He has suddenly fallen ill.
  • 我的脑子突间变成一片空白。
    My mind suddenly blanks out.
  • 这一突不幸对你一定是一沉重打击。我无法表达我的悲痛之情。
    I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock; and I just can't tell you how sorry I am.
  • 发出突或者是猛烈地喷发或放出,如水蒸气
    To force out or release something, such as steam, with violence or suddenness.
  • 如果我有时间考虑,我本来会拒绝批准他的,但他的要求提得突,使我猝不及防。
    If I had time to think it over I would have refused him the permission, but the suddenness of his request took me at a disadvantage.
  • 当看到她的脸的影像的时候,他猛一动,将帽沿上的雨水仄楞流下,顺着他的脖子淌了下来。
    The suddenness with which he moved when he saw the reflection of her face tipped the water out of his hatbrim in such a way that some of it ran down his neck.
  • (英国)板油面团上涂满果酱或水果,后卷起来,烘焙或蒸制而成的布丁。
    (British) pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steamed.
  • 而,接连的报告排除了二者的联系,受害者也不得不放弃指控电力公司的法律诉讼。
    However, successive reports ruled out the connection and legal action by sufferers against electricity companies was abandoned.
  • 在一九八一年前被诊断患上肺尘埃沉着病的人士不受该条例保障,但他们可以根据肺尘埃沉着病特惠金计划,获得由政府发放的特惠款项。
    Pneumoconiosis sufferers diagnosed before 1981 are not covered by the ordinance. They receive ex gratia benefits from the Government under the Pneumoconiosis Ex Gratia Scheme.
  •  现阶段中国已经实现了粮食基本自给,在未来的发展过程中,中国依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给,客观上具备诸多有利因素。根据中国农业自资源、生产条件、技术水平和其他发展条件,粮食增产潜力很大。
    China has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain at the present stage, and there are many favorable objective factors for her to maintain such achievement by her own efforts in the course of future development: Natural agricultural resources, production conditions, technical level and some other conditions ensure great potential in this respect.
  • 那里存在一种自给自足的自经济。
    There a self-sufficient natural economy prevailed.
  • 博士比她大20多岁,但还是热烈地爱上了她。
    Andrews, though twenty years her senior, had fallen sufficiently in love with her to agree.
  • 夏日里,我把日光室的纱窗摘下,希望它能突飞到里面来说洗浴,或是吃点儿糖蜜,或是逗留片刻。
    In the summer, I keep the screen off a window in the sun room, hoping he might suddenly fly in for a shower or a sugary treat or just to visit for a shile.
  • ,也有些意见没有接受。
    Of course, some suggestions were rejected.