  • 他在这家司担任一个低级职务。
    He has junior position in the company.
  • 他即将在办室里上班,当一名低级办事员。
    he will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk.
  • 有的,我最初在史密斯司工作,职业是初级会计。
    Yes, I started out working for Smith's Company as a junior accountant.
  • 他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家司的董事。
    He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director.
  • 郊游,作公费旅游
    To go on a junket.
  • 郊游者,(费)旅游者前往郊游或作费旅游的人
    One who goes on a junket or junkets.
  • 旅游,尤指由政府出钱做费旅游,或由寻求优惠的企业或机构出资做费旅游
    To go on a junket, especially at the expense of a government or a favor-seeking business or agency.
  • 再一幅是描写欧罗巴尼如何被化身成牛的朱庇特所欺骗。
    Still another depicted Europa deceived by Jupiter under the disguise of a bull.
  • 我们看过朱庇特怎样化成一头牛驮走了腓尼基国王阿革诺耳的女儿欧罗巴。
    We have seen how Jupiter, under the disguise of a bull, had carried away Europa, the daughter of Agenor, King of Phoenicia.
  • 年内,3家航空司──日本佳速航空司、俄罗斯全禄航空司及柬埔寨航空司(取代皇家柬埔寨航空司),分别于六月、七月及十月开办定期航班服务飞往香港特区,使为香港特区提供定期航班服务的航空司数目增至67家。
    Three new carriers introduced scheduled services to the HKSAR during the year - Japan Air System in June, Transaero in July and Kampuchea Airlines (replacing Royal Air Cambodge) in October. As a result of these changes, the number of scheduled airlines serving the HKSAR increased to 67.
  • 联合国要求的克什米尔民投票一直未能实现。
    The plebiscite in Kashmir desire by the U.N. have never take place.
  • 元前一世纪前后,产生于印度的佛教经克什米尔传入新疆。
    Around the first century B.C., Buddhism, born in India, was introduced into Xinjiang through Kashmir.
  • 希望以相同条件签约,因此地竞争激烈,本司目前无法提高销售极限。
    Argot renewal on same term rest since our current sale max cannot increase as competition keener here.
  • 皇家园林卫队保护皇家森林和园的看守者
    The keeper of a royal forest or park.
  • 警长收下委托书,换了一张给墓看守人的通知书交给他;
    In return, the superintendent gave him an advice note for the cemetery keeper;
  • 寄宿寓的管理员拔出手枪对欠他房租的矿工说,“把钱交出来!”
    The boarding-house keeper drew his pistol upon the miner who owed him, and said, “Down with the dust!”
  • 乐队所属的哥伦比亚唱片司声明说,"命运之子"将以米歇尔·威廉姆斯、贝昂茜·勒基斯和凯利·罗兰的三人组合形式继续存在。
    The group's record label,Columbia,released a statement saying Destiny's Child will continue as the trio of Michelle Williams,Kelly Rowland,and Beyoncé Knowles.
  • kelly说:"savagebeast司的这项技术就走在了别人前面一步,这个搜索引擎将会把你导向你喜爱的音乐,而非搜索某个歌手的所有歌曲。"
    "But this [technology] goes a step further," said Kelly. "It steers you toward categories of music that you like, rather than just artists."
  • 喂,我是beijing贸易司的kennash。
    Hello. This is Ken Nash of Beijing trading company.
  • 您能把肯尼思·莱(安然司总裁)借给我们一段时间吗?我听说他最近不太忙。
    Could you send Ken Lay (CEO of Enron)over sometime, I hear he is not very busy these days?
  • 格林广告司主管玛丽·劳伦斯行将挂冠求去的谣言再度掀起。她现已出国接洽业务。该司全球业务总裁奥尔尚正式否认她将离去。
    Rumors that Mary Wells Lawrence, the boss at the Wells Rich Greene ad agency, is going to pack it in have started up again. She's out of the country on a business trip, and Ken Olshan, the agency's worldwide chairman, officially denies she's leaving.
  • 这是索米司的肯尼迪先生,请问史密斯先生在吗?
    This is Mr. Kennedy of Somy Electronics. Is Mr. Smith in?
  • 我是索米司的肯尼迪先生,请问建设问门的史密斯先生在吗?
    This is Mr. Kennedy of Somy Electronics calling. May I speak to Mr.Smith of the Plant Department?
  • 我是索米司的肯尼迪先生,我是打电话来跟你说我要调到会计部门去了。
    This is Mr. Kennedy of Somy Electronics. I call you to tell you that I was transferred to counting Department.
  • 由于linux的内核不是专有的,所以应用软件司的活动场地处于同等水平。
    And because the Linux kernel is not proprietary, the playing field for application vendors is level.
  • 例如,微软司正在把数据库和unixapi做进windowsnt的内核。
    Microsoft, for example, is adding both a database and Unix API to its Windows NT kernel.
  • 目前还不知道亨氏下一步会推出什么色调的番茄酱,但司强调将始终以顾客们的需求为本--尤其是那些喜欢从缤纷色彩中体验超凡感受的人们。
    There's no telling what shade ketchup will take next, but the company keeps an eye on ideas from customers - especially those who get a kick out of weird-colored food.
  • 不需要看键盘就能打好文的熟练的打字员。
    a skilled typist who can type a document without looking at the keyboard.
  • 一种源输入用程序的操作,在这一操作过程中,它将键入的源语句作为新记录加到源成员中。
    The source entry utility operation during which source statements are keyed in and added a new records in a source member.
  • 司使它的各工厂能够生产更多货物。
    The company keyed its factories to produce more goods.
  • 当他们抵达费城时,一纸电文接踵而至,把替换基石电影司的一位明星的机遇赐于了他。
    They had reached Philadelphia when a telegram arrived and he was being offered the chance to replace a star in the Keystone film company.
  • 我的体重从65斤减到50斤。
    My weight fell from 65 kg.to 50 kg.