  • 总之,在时和精力允许的情况下,尽量求新求变,料和方法,使自己感到新鲜,把本来例行公事化的教学变成富有刺激和挑战的创作,这么做,时和精力上也许要稍微多付出一点,可是效果却有利于自己的心理健康和工作士气。
    In short, do something new to make teaching refreshing for yourself so that a routine job becomes an excitement and a challenge. This is good for your psychological well-being and professional morale.
  • 对空旷的空产生病态的恐惧。
    a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place).
  • 更井然有序,更干净!
    Still more orderly and more clean!
  • 此外,那是浪费时
    It was, moreover, a waste of time.
  • 再说,职业培训需要时,效果也不是立竿见影。
    Moreover, training requires time and the effects will not be known till much later.
  • 一段时以来公司已面临倒闭,但新来的总经理也许能使它起死回生。
    The company has been moribund for a time, but perhaps the new managing director will be able to breathe some life into it.
  • 在一年多一点的时里,迈克尔o阿姆斯壮改变了看来日渐老化和衰败的电话公司的经营战略、企业文化和发展前景。
    In little more than a year, Armstrong has changed the strategy, the culture, and the prospects of what appeared to be an aging and moribund phone company.
  • 浪费了一上午时间
    Diddled around all morning.
  • (语言学)中的处于一个词或词素的头尾之的(音、音节或字母)
    Being a sound, syllable, or letter occurring between the initial and final positions in a word or morpheme.
  • 莫里斯舞中系于表演者腰的马状物
    A figure of a horse worn attached to the waist of a mummer, as in a morris dance.
  • 我以为即使她明天就跟他结婚,她必能获得的幸福,比起她花上一年的时,研究了他的性格、再去跟他结婚所能获得的幸福,并不见得会少到哪里去。
    and if she were married to him to-morrow, I should think she had as good a chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelvemonth.
  • 长划在莫尔斯电码和类似的密码中,长音或信号用在写点和无声的隔中来代表字母或数字
    In Morse and similar codes, the long sound or signal used in combination with the dot and silent intervals to represent letters or numbers.
  • 这位老妇人说道:"波西卡和别的凡女子不同,她不会嫁给凡人。
    And the old woman said,"Psyche is not like another mortal women and she will not marry a mortal husband.
  • 宙斯希腊神话中的主神,天堂的统治者,其他神和人英雄的父亲
    The principal god of the Greek pantheon, ruler of the heavens, and father of other gods and mortal heroes.
  • 做成凹痕在(木头)上作槽口、凹口或眼,使其能榫固
    To make notches, grooves, or holes in(wood, for example) for the purpose of mortising.
  • 今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相的画面。
    The sky this morning was a mosaic of blue and white.
  • 今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相的画面。
    The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.
  • 莫斯科与伦敦之的时差为2个小时。
    There are two hour time differences between Moscow and London.
  • 莫斯科与伦敦之的时差为2个小时。
    There is two hours' time difference between Moscow and London.
  • 莫斯科与苏联各地的交通和通讯设施极佳。
    Moscow has excellent communications with all parts of the Soviet Union.
  • 他任总统期,美国抵制了莫斯科奥运会。
    " The U.S. boycotted the Olympics in Moscow while he was president.
  • 一位身在莫斯科的美国人想打听一下时
    An American who finds himself in Moscow wants to know the time.
  • 此外,汉森还透露了为美国工作的苏联双重谍的身份,其中两名在冷战期被召回莫斯科后被处决。
    In addition,he identified Soviet double agents working for the United States,two of whom were called back to Moscow and executed during the Cold War.
  • 快要离开的时候,摩西鼓起勇气来到了楼上她的房,他要抓住这最后的机会和她谈一谈。
    When it came time for him to leave, Moses gathered his courage and climbed the stairs to her room to take one last opportunity to speak with her.
  • 他们中有个人后来改信了伊斯兰教。
    One of them later turned Moslem.
  • 伊斯兰教清真寺宣礼塔上一天报五次时的人。
    the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day.
  • 朝圣在回历十二月期去麦加朝觐,这是穆斯林宗教生活的一个人生目标
    A pilgrimage to Mecca during Dhu抣 Hijja, made as an objective of the religious life of a Moslem.
  • 他的大部分时花在旅行上。
    Most of his time is spent travelling.
  • 上周他大部分时都生病。
    He was ill for most of last week.
  • 会治愈大多数的苦恼。
    Time heals most troubles.
  • 我大部分时都会在伦敦停留。
    I'll be mostly in London area.
  • 两组学生之的差异大多很小。
    Mostly, differences between the two groups were slight.