| - 昨夜的暴风雨把蔬菜地全给淹了。
Last night's storm has swamped the vegetable fields with rain. - 比尔想露一手,给安留下一个好印象。
Bill tried to show off and cut a big swathe with Ann. - 门的突然打开使得它轻轻地晃动。它给我的印象是它要向我扑过来。
The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me. - 医生正在给受伤的男孩动手术时停电了,弄得医生焦急万分。
When the doctor was making an operation on a wounded boy electricity went out, so the doctor sweated blood. - 嗯,他需要多锻炼。你为什么不送给他汗衫?
Well, he does need more exercise. Why don't you get him some sweats? - 我想给我的儿子买件羊毛衫。
I am after a sweater for my son. - 他们给她起名英格利,与时年二岁的瑞典公主同名。
They named her after[3] the Sweden's two-year-old royal princess Engrid. - 我们几乎让浪头给打倒了。
We almost sweep off our feet by the wave. - 但是当一位同事在公司的鸡尾酒会上把她作为有线电视观众评奖中囊括一切奖项的皇后介绍给大家时,罗菲意识到有一个品牌被她忽视了,那就是她自己。
But when a colleague introduced her at a corporate cocktail party as Robin, the Sweepstakes Queen of Cable a reference to her successful viewer contests Roffer realized there had been one brand she'd neglected: herself. - 他答应给我一块糖果。
He promised me a sweet. - 我给你的咖啡加点糖好吗?
Shall I sweeten your coffee? - misssmithdidn'twantthejobuntilthecompanysweentenedthepotbyofferingherahighersalaryandtheuseofacompanycar.施密斯小姐本来不想要那份工作的。后来,那家公司提高了给她的工资,还给她一辆公司的汽车用。这样,她才接受了那个工作.they'vebuiltsomanynewofficebuildingsherethattheyhavetroublerentingoutallthespace.sosomelandlordssweetenthepot;theyofferacompanysixmonthsfreerentifitsignsathree-yearlease.他们在这儿盖了那末多的办公楼,现在都租不出去。所以,有的房产主就设法增加一些吸引人的条件。他们对一个公司说,要是这个公司和他们签订一个三年的租房合同,他们就可以免交半年房租.
Sweeten the pot 为了使一个提议更有吸引力而在原有的条件基础上再增加一些对对方有利的条件 - 我们答应给他买个玩具,这才哄得他不哭了。
We sweetened him with the promise of a toy and he stopped crying. - 被选择在情人节送给祝贺的情人。
a sweetheart chosen to receive a greeting on Saint Valentine's Day. - 在情人节送出的卡片(比如给爱人)。
a card sent or given (as to a sweetheart) on Saint Valentine's Day. - 信物在圣瓦伦丁节时作为一种爱的象征而寄给心爱之人的礼物
A gift sent as a token of love to one's sweetheart on Saint Valentine's Day. - 而且,我们可以用扫描仪把自己的照片传给那些已经忘记了我们模样的心上人、朋友和家人。
Plus,scanning has allowed us to send pictures to our sweethearts,friends,and family who have forgotten what we look like. - 请把糖分给大家。
Please hand the sweets round. - 外宾:我想给孩子买点糖果。
I'd like some sweets for my children. - 我给你一点药片来消肿。
I'll give you some tablets to reduce the swelling. - 这位巨人把一百只手都同时用上了,迅速解开绳结给主神以自由。
Briareus swiftly untied the thongs, using every hand at once, and released his master. - 赖帐不还帐或不付工钱给他人从而欺骗他人
To swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager. - 一个骗子卖给她一只不走的表,骗走了60元钱。
A swindler touched her up for sixty yuan by selling her a watch which did not work. - 不要把珍贵之物送给不识货的人;勿明珠暗投;勿对牛弹琴。
Never cast your pearls before swine. - 罗恩老装病逃避份内工作,把很多苦活留给我们干。
Ron is always swinging the lead and leaving us to do most of the hard work. - 该交换机给其它七号信令交换机传信号,以建立、管理和释放完成一次通话所需的话音电路。
The switch signals other SS7 switches to set up, manage and release voice circuits required to complete a call. - 我将你转回给总机,他们会给你连接。
I'll put you back to the switchboard and they'll connect you. - 他请电话总机接线员给他接通德国的一个电话号码。
He ask the switchboard operator to get him a number in germany. - 从现在起到年底请您们给我们提供一位总机接线员。
We would like you to provide us with a switchboard operator from now until the end of the year. - 共享技术,如快速以太网、100vg-anylan网和fddi(光纤分布数据接口),它们提供的性能是10base-t的10倍,而交换技术,如交换以太网和异步传输模式(atm)给网络设备提供珍视的专用带宽。
While shared technologies, such as fast Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN and FDDI, offer 10 times the performance of 10Base-T, switching technologies, such as switched Ethernet and Asynchronous Transfer Mode, provide network devices with prized dedicated bandwidth. - 桥给上涨的河水冲走了。
The bridge was washed away by the swollen river. - 陪审团宣誓就特定的事项予以判决和裁定的团体,尤指受法律的传唤,宣誓后,就提交给法院的案子予以听证并给出裁定的团体
A body of persons sworn to judge and give a verdict on a given matter, especially a body of persons summoned by law and sworn to hear and hand down a verdict upon a case presented in court.