  • 法官应该公平无私。
    A judge should be disinterested.
  • 工人们决定对司正式提起诉讼。
    The workers decided to take judicial proceedings against the company.
  • 正的人总是不带偏见地考虑发生争执的双方的意见,然後才作出决定。
    A judicial mind consider both side of a dispute fairly before make a decision.
  • 该权利在拆讼中得不到认。
    This right do not obtain in judicial proceeding.
  • 该权利在拆讼中得不到认。
    This right does not obtain in judicial proceeding.
  • 三、世贸组织的规则要求行政和司法等各领域要具有”透明度”,有助于”开性“的原则被接受。
    Thirdly, the WTO also requires “transparency” in areas like government administration and the judiciary.
  • 这将迫使中国司法制度进行改革,推进司法独立和司法开,加大对行政权力的制衡。
    This will help promote an independent and transparent judiciary which will have a more effective role keeping an eye on the government.
  • 与此同时,检察机关加大执法监督的力度,特别是加大了对少数安、司法人员滥用职权、不依法办事现象的查处工作。
    In the meantime, procuratorial bodies have stepped up their efforts to supervise law enforcement, especially to investigate and punish a small number of public security and judiciary personnel who abused power and did not act in accordance with the law.
  • 朱迪,你能到我办室吗?我要和你谈一谈。
    Judy, may I have a word with you in my office?
  • 会计因涂改司的帐目而入狱。
    The accountant went to prison for juggling his firm's accounts.
  • 他因涂改司的帐目而入狱。
    He went to prison for juggling his firm's accounts.
  • 你们得把共汽车的时间表固定下来,不要老是把行车时间变来变去。
    You must stop juggling the bus-times around and settle on a fixed timetable.
  • 你们得把共汽车的时间固定下来,不要老是把行车时间变来变去。
    You must stop juggling the bustimes mound and settle on a fixed timetable.
  • 今年我和丈夫得处理一大堆难办的事:新生儿的照顾、司的发展、搬新家的事、新生产线的启动等。
    My husband and I are juggling the challenges of a new baby, a growing company, a move to a new home and t he launch of a new product line.
  • 就职美国查尔斯城浸没生物医疗司的朱利娅·格林斯坦,正在密苏里大学和同事们从事着类似的研究,即培育去除某种基因的小猪。她说:"尽管干细胞研究的许多工作令人非常激动,但在培养器中成功地培育出器官还为时过早。
    "But although a lot of the stem cell work is very exciting, we're still very far off being able to grow an organ in a culture dish," says Julia Greenstein of Immerge Bio Therapeutics in Charlestown, US, who is working on creating similar knock-out pigs with researchers at the University of Missouri.
  • 古罗马用的阴历,于元前年被儒略历(历)取代。
    the lunar calender in use in ancient Rome; replaced by the Julian calendar in 46 BC.
  • 享誉国际的指挥家尼威尔.马连那爵士、圣马田乐团、小提琴家尼祖.肯尼迪、大提琴家朱利安.莱.韦伯、敲击乐家伊芙莲.格妮、钢琴家彼得.多诺浩和多位来自内地、本港、台湾的杰出音乐家,在约为期一周的音乐节内参与了20场开演奏,26场大师班及43场演奏训练,为学院的音乐系学生及本港的学生提供前所未有的学习机会。
    Internationally renowned conductor Sir Neville Marriner, the Academy of St.Martin in the Fields, violinist Nigel Kennedy, cellist Julian Lloyd Webber, percussionist Evelyn Glennie, pianist Peter Donohoe and many distinguished musicians from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan participated in 20 public concerts, 26 master classes and 43 coaching sessions.
  • 室里的文件杂乱无章。
    The papers in the office were all jumbled up.
  • 他一下子跳了起来,跑出了办室。
    He jumped to his feet and ran out of the office.
  • 西晋(元265年—元316年)末年,前凉政权(元301年—元376年)创建者张骏发兵西征,占领高昌地区,设立高昌郡。
    In the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty (265-316), Zhang Jun, founder of the Former Liang Regime (301-376), sent an expedition to the Western Regions, occupied the Gaochang area and established Gaochang Prefecture.
  • 今天她吵着要我去打电报或长途电话给你那一家实习的司,后来我说星期日司没有人接电报,答应她明天准办,她又叫均元写一张英文信与司寄空邮去,要是你今天没有电报来,明日又不知要如何了!
    Today she pestered me to send a telegram or to telephone long distance to the company where you are receiving your practical training. In the end I told her that there is no one in your company to answer calls on a Sunday. But I promised her that I would do so the next day. She then asked Jun-yuan to write a letter in English to be airmailed to your company. If we had not received your telegram today, I don't know what we will have to do tomorrow!
  • 在两条公路的交叉点
    at the junction of two highways
  • 这个加油站位於两条路的会合处。
    The gas station is at the junction of two highways.
  • 由于发生撞车事故,从高速路第四交叉口开始受阻车辆排起了6英里的长队。
    Because of the crash, there's a six-miles tailback on the motorway from junction four.
  • 由于发生撞车事故,从高速路第四交叉口开始受阻车辆排起了6英里的长队。
    Because of the crash, there's a six mile tailback on the motorway from junction four.
  • 电话通讯系统采用虚拟交换局方式,中继线60条,展馆内外采用ic卡用电话。
    With 60 junction lines, the telephone communication system will operate by virtual exchange. The Exhibition Hall is equipped with IC telephones.
  • 你搭这班车往中央署中央园就是你要下车的转车站。
    You get on this train and go to Central Park. Central Park is the junction you want to get off at.
  • 天一亮,大炮就对准了路的各个交叉点。
    With first light, the artillery zeroed in on the road junctions.
  • 此时很难预料司的前景.
    It is very difficult at this juncture to predict the company's future.
  • 开投标日期:1989年6月16日
    Tender opening date: June 16, 1989
  • 一条新路穿越森林。
    A new highway knifes through the jungle.
  • 他是这家司地位较低的股东。
    He is the junior partner in the firm.