  • 必须强调的是,够用母语谈天、读书和写信是第一步,接着便需要进一步提升,让华语华文也成为新加坡公众知识分子在讨论家国天下大事,进行文化传承和创新以及记录精致思维的重要资源。
    It must be emphasised that being able to converse, read and write a letter in one's native language is only the first step. Further upgrading is needed to make Chinese a major medium through which Singapore's public-minded intellectuals can discuss important national and even global issues, pass down and enrich their cultural heritage and record their delicate and profound thoughts.
  • 反过来说,其他星球上的刚刚开始进化的智力生命,他们要过几千年之后,也许才可收到我们的信号。
    Conversely, intelligent beings which are just beginning to develop on remote worlds may be ready to pick up our signals in thousands of years.
  • 反之,有时够跨越民族和部落的界限而被普遍接受。
    Conversely , general acceptance can sometimes span national and tribal borders.
  • 相反,用秘密密钥加密的普通文本只由公开密钥解密。
    Conversely, plaintext encrypted with the private key can be decrypted only with the public key.
  • 另一方面,猎头公司也不指望很快、很容易地满足客户的要求和期望。
    Conversely, the headhunter should not expect to match the firm's qualifications and expectations quickly and easily.
  • 相反的,如果我们的结论是超出一般观点,那我们可有所发现。
    Conversely, if our conclu-sion unearths new information from the gene-ral market, we may have discovered something interesting here.
  • 相反,你也以那些你不认同的人为镜子,由此了解你对自己所不认同的方面。
    Conversely,you can view the people you judge negatively as mirrors to show you what you are not accepting about yourself.
  • 没有抗日革命的一面,就不称为革命两面政策,同样,忽视了应付敌人的一面,也无法实现革命两面政策。
    Without the former it cannot be called a dual revolutionary policy and, conversely, if we ignore the latter, the policy won't work.
  • 倒转来说,党更加布尔什维克化,党就、党也才更正确地处理党的政治路线,更正确地处理关于统一战线问题和武装斗争问题。
    Or conversely, the more bolshevized the Party, the more correctly can it decide upon its political line and handle the questions of the united front and armed struggle.
  • 反之,我们在社会主义安定团结的基础上,就一定够有计划、有步骤地实现可实现的一切,最大限度地满足人民的要求。
    Conversely, with socialist stability and unity, we will be able to accomplish step by step and in a planned fashion everything that can possibly be accomplished and to meet the people's demands to the fullest possible extent.
  • 人越全面发展,社会的物质文化财富就会创造得越多,人民的生活就越得到改善,而物质文化条件越充分,又越推进人的全面发展。
    The more comprehensively people develop, the more material and cultural wealth they will create for society and the better the people's life will be. Conversely, the more adequate the material and cultural life is, the better man will achieve his all-round development.
  • 反之,因为封建地主阶级是帝国主义统治中国的主要社会基础,而农民则是中国革命的主力军,如果不帮助农民推翻封建地主阶级,就不组成中国革命的强大的队伍而推翻帝国主义的统治。
    Conversely, unless help is given to the peasants in their struggle to overthrow the feudal landlord dass, it will be impossible to build powerful revolutionary contingents to overthrow imperialist rule, because the feudal landlord class is the main social base of imperialist rule in China and the peasantry is the main force in the Chinese revolution.
  • 色原够转变为颜料或染料的物质
    A substance capable of conversion into a pigment or dye.
  • 水力发电的通过转变奔腾的水的量产生电
    Generating electricity by conversion of the energy of running water.
  • 化学转为电将化学转变为蓄电池中的电
    Conversion of chemical energy to electric energy in a storage battery.
  • 物理学中有关不同形式量的转换的分支。
    the branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy.
  • 机电的有关机械转换成电或电转换成机械的、或与之有关的
    Of or relating to the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy or vice versa.
  • 异构酶一种对一种异构体转化为另一种异构体进行催化物的一组酶
    One of a group of enzymes that catalyzes the conversion of one isomer into another.
  • 太阳电池把阳光的量转化为电
    The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.
  • 美金再也不兑换为银。
    Dollars can no longer be converted into silver.
  • 可以转化为光
    Electric energy can be converted into light energy.
  • 东南亚的危机出现以后,我们认真吸取教训,健全银行制度和企业制度,加强国际收支的平衡力,以创造条件来实现人民币资本项目可兑换。
    Since the appearance of the Southeast Asian financial crisis, seriously drawing lessons from it, we have strived to complete our banking and enterprise systems and enhance our ability to maintain the balance of international payments, in an effort to create conditions for achieving the convertibility of the Renminbi under capital accounts.
  • (指纸币)不按持有者的喜好兑换成铸币。
    (of paper money) not convertible into coin at the pleasure of the holder.
  • 肌肉细胞中的核苷酸,对新陈代谢有重要作用,可逆地转化为adp和atp。
    a nucleotide found in muscle cells and important in metabolism; reversibly convertible to ADP and ATP.
  • 量从一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置。在与计算机有关时,这个术语用在磁盘系统中的读/写磁头、扇面标记的检测上,以及用在延迟线存储器的电子或声波脉冲变换器上。
    A device for converting energy form one form to another. In relation to computers, the term is applied to a read/write head, to detector of sector marks in a magnetic disc system, and to electronic/sonic pulse converters of delay line memory.
  • 够把声波转成电的装置。
    a device for converting sound waves into electrical energy.
  • 通过特殊设置把电源量供应转化为必须的电压的装置。
    a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment.
  • 电池组两个或更多的相联电池组,它把化学转变化电并产生直流电
    Two or more connected cells that produce a direct current by converting chemical energy to electrical energy.
  • 它是把数据转换成一种不用秘密的解密钥匙就不读出的形式的过程。
    It is the process of converting data into a form that is unintelligible without the secret decryption key.
  • 请收好兑换单,再把未用完的人民币换成港元可用得着。
    Please take care of the exchange memo. You may need it for converting your unspent Renminbi back into Hong Kong dollars.
  • 除了会减少污染外,新的引擎还以更高的效率把汽油和氢转化成电,驱动汽车行驶。
    In addition to being less polluting, the engines are extremely efficient in converting gasoline or hydrogen into electric power to drive the vehicle.
  • 够产生放大图像的单个凸透镜。
    a single convex lens is used to produce an enlarged image.