  • 他的话我很大支持。
    His words upheld me greatly.
  • 我要对你的要求予支持和帮助。
    I'll back you up in your demands.
  • 自足的不依靠别人的帮助、关心或资助的;自力更生的
    Not relying on others for support, care, or funds; self-supporting.
  • 他们拨款我们帮助。
    They voted us support.
  • 特区政府面对种种挑战,特别是亚洲金融风暴,期间中央人民政府一直予全力支持。
    "Throughout all of these challenges - and in particular the regional financial crisis - the Central People's Government has been very supportive.
  • 我们需要司机小费吗?
    Are we supposed to tip the driver?
  • 旁白只说观众而认为不会让台上其他演员听到的一段对话
    A piece of dialogue intended for the audience and supposedly not heard by the other actors on stage.
  • 这种想法的通常表现是,认为自然力予人类农业活动的帮助多于予制造业活动的帮助。
    The form which this conceit usually assumes, is that of supposing that nature lends more assistance to human endeavours in agriculture, than in manufactures.
  •  (1)关于规定的工业产权维持费的缴纳,应予不少于六个月的宽限期,但是如果本国法律有规定,应缴纳附加费。
    A period of grace of not less than six months shall be allowed for the payment of the fees prescribed for the maintenance of industrial property rights, subject, if the domestic legislation so provides, tothe payment of a surcharge.
  • 可以,给你。
    Sure, here it is.
  • 当然,给你。
    Sure. here you go.
  • 好的,给你。
    Sure, here you are.
  • 外科医生他开了一个诊断书。
    THe surgeon made him out a medical certificate.
  • 医生他打开胸膛并取出肿瘤。
    The surgeon cut his chest open and took out the tumour.
  • 同时由建设项目、相关产业发展和奥运会商业化筹资方式形成的巨大商机将吸引众多投资者前来寻求合作机会,形成巨大的投资市场,北京带来巨大商机。
    The surging demand for goods and services will boost the consumption market. At the same time, international business representatives visiting the city will bring about huge opportunities for investment and cooperation in Beijing.
  • 我讲的情况真使人吃惊。
    What you've told me is just surprising.
  • 他们把枪支交了警察。
    They surrender their guns to the police.
  • 把某人或某物交他人。
    to surrender someone or something to another.
  • “红色代码”专门攻击微软公司的windowsnt、windows2000,以及iis网络服务器软件,然后通过被感染的电脑传播网上的其他机器。
    Code Red surreptitiously infects computers running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT or 2000 operating systems and its IIS Web server software and then makes infected machines scan the Internet for more victims.
  • 那不是生存竞争强加它们的;
    It was not forced upon them by the survival competition;
  • 那个男孩在事故中得以生还,他母亲很大的安慰。
    The boy's survival from the accident gave great comfort to his mother.
  • 他把他的庄园留了他的幸存者。
    he left his farm to his survivors.
  • 我已经答应把这本书苏姗。
    I've promised this book to Susan.
  • 我试图我的小说增加一点悬念和神秘的色彩。
    I try to add an element of suspense and mystery to my novel.
  • 外科医生小孩动手术时,我们焦虑地等了2个多钟头。
    We were kept in suspense for over two hours when the surgeon operated on the child
  • 我们靠面包和水供营养。
    We sustained ourselves on bread and water.
  • 他把钱一穷人家维持生活。
    He gave money for the sustenance of a poor family.
  • 所需的支持或食物。
    provide what is desired or needed, esp. support, food or sustenance.
  • 沿着船壁向上引导的以及与航行方向一致的气流足以这种长有特大翅膀的大鸟以充分的支撑力和前进力。
    The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.
  • 此外,工农武装割据的存在和发展,还需要具备下列的条件:(1)有很好的群众;(2)有很好的党;(3)有相当力量的红军;(4)有便利于作战的地势;(5)有足够养的经济力。
    In addition, its survival and growth require the following conditions: (1) a sound mass base, (2) a sound Party organization, (3) a fairly strong Red Army, (4) terrain favourable to military operations, and (5) economic resources sufficient for sustenance.
  • 1984年自治区人民政府将档案馆保存的《甘珠尔》藏文大藏经拉萨版赠送自治区佛协,并资助50万元开办了拉萨印经院,几年来已印出1000多部《甘珠尔》藏文大藏经,供区内外各藏语系佛教寺庙。
    In 1984, the autonomous region's people's government presented the Lhasa edition of the Gangyur of Tripitaka in Tibetan, which used to be kept in local archives, to the Tibet Buddhist Association. It offered 500,000 yuan to the latter for the establishment of the Lhasa Sutra Printing House which, in recent years, has printed more than 1,000 volumes of the Gangyur of Tripitaka in Tibetan for Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and temples located both inside and outside the autonomous region.
  • 王平:那天,在我们北体的游泳馆里,张健在水里游,岸上的人帮他数来回,送饮食,他鼓励加油。
    Wang Ping: That day in the swimming hall of the Beijing Univer-sity of Physical Education, Zhang Jian swam in the pool, and people at the bank counted the times.