  • 熔岩在距自己住所不到3英里的地方汩汩地流动,镇上一位名叫杰奥瓦尼-瑟拉费那的居民说:"太可怕了,就连我爷爷也未曾见到过这么可怕的场面。"当地不少居民还把圣母玛利亚的塑像树立在家门口以求庇护。
    "It is a terrible moment. Even our grandfathers can't even remember it being like this," said Giovanni Serafina as lava bubbled less than three miles from the town's houses, many of which were adorned with statues of the Madonna for protection.
  • 她身拖地的淡紫色的长睡衣,与她那耀眼的红头发很不协调。
    A trailing lavender negligee that swore at her bright red hair.
  • 草地上点缀五角星形的花坛。
    The lawn is interspersed with flower-beds in the shape of five-point stars.
  • 草坪上点缀着雏菊。
    The lawn is studded with daisies.
  • 他梦想着成为律师。
    He is dreaming of becoming a lawyer.
  • 前两年我们曾指出各级领导上存在软弱涣散的状况,对严重刑事犯罪分子下不了手也是一种表现。
    Two years ago I pointed out that many leaders at various levels were weak and lax, as was shown by their tender-heartedness in dealing with persons guilty of grave criminal offences.
  • 但是,应当明确指出,当前思想战线首先要重解决的问题,是纠正右的、软弱涣散的倾向。
    But it should be clearly understood that the primary problem on the ideological front is to overcome the Right tendency to weakness and laxity.
  • 但是当前的主要问题不在于有这些现象,而在于我们对待这些现象处置无力,存在涣散软弱的状态。
    At present, the main problem is not so much the existence of this phenomenon as the fact that we are too soft in handling it. There is laxity and weakness.
  • 但是,当前更需要注意的问题,我认为是存在涣散软弱的状态,对错误倾向不敢批评,而一批评有人就说是打棍子。
    However, a more important problem at present, I think, is laxity and weakness and a fear of criticizing wrong trends. As soon as you criticize something, you are accused of brandishing a big stick.
  • 受伤者躺着呻吟。
    The wounded lay groaning.
  • 这条街道沿山坡向上。
    this street lay uphill.
  • 他躺着酣睡了。
    He lay in wakeless sleep.
  • "梳妆台上盖一层灰尘,在客人来之前,把它擦干净。"
    There is a layer of dust on the dressing-table. Clean it before the guest arrives.
  • 未经磨光的大米,保留黄褐色的外皮。
    unpolished rice retaining the yellowish-brown outer layer.
  • ,附细胞壁连续层的生长
    The growth of successive layers of a cell wall.
  • 这个懒惰的女孩正梦想嫁给一个有钱人, 从此不再工作。
    The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and therefore won't do any work.
  • 沿缓慢的河流上溯;悠闲的白云;以悠闲的步伐。
    up a lazy river; lazy white clouds; at a lazy pace.
  • 阴天;阴暗的天空;阴暗的、下雨的下午;阴云;天空阴沉。
    a dark day; a dull sky; a gray rainy afternoon; gray clouds; the sky was leaden and thick.
  • 我们伟大的领袖不再活
    Our great leader is no more.
  • 她长着柳叶眉。
    Her brow looked like a leaf.
  • 她翻看停放在室里的旧杂志。
    She leafed through some old magazines that were kept in the waiting room.
  • 我在那儿坐立不安,忍疼痛翻了一刻钟的杂志。终于听到护士叫我的名字,我跟护士来到一间小的检查室。
    After sitting there restlessly and leafing through magazines in pain for about 15 minutes,I heard my name called by a nurse.I followed the nurse to a small exam room.
  • 院子四周围枝叶茂密的树木。
    The yard is hemmed about by leafy trees.
  • 院子四周围枝叶茂密的树木。
    The yard is hemmed in by leafy trees.
  • 背靠大树, 他坐在那里喘大气。
    He sat there panting, with his back leaning against a big tree.
  • 一个年轻人靠壁炉站在那里。
    A young man was leaning against the mantelpiece.
  • 那老太太拄着手杖。
    The old woman was leaning on her staff.
  • 然后他依墙壁站,说不出话来。
    Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak.
  • 有一个老太婆拄手杖沿路走过来。
    An old woman came along the road leaning on her staff.
  • 然后校长靠门站,说不出话来。
    Then the master stood leaning against the door, unable to speak.
  • 她用双手蒙脸,斜依在墙上。
    She was leaning against a wall with her face buried in her hands.
  • 那对情侣俯身在桥上看流水。
    The pair of lovers were leaning over the bridge , looking into the water.