  • 我们当然能辨是非。
    We certainly can distinguish(between)right and wrong.
  • 我不明白您怎么能区这两者。
    I don't see how you can distinguish between the two.
  • 接近相等的两个值的能力的一种度量。
    A measure of the ability to distinguish between nearly equal values.
  • 用示踪原子使化合物或子等示踪。
    distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom.
  • 使用不同程度的音调来区相似的词的意义。
    employing variations in pitch to distinguish meanings of otherwise similar words.
  • 黑暗中只有他们枪筒的光亮可以辨认出来;一个可以为四个发展阶段的计划;双胞胎之间可以辨别的差异。
    only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom; a project distinguishable into four stages of progress; distinguishable differences between the twins.
  • 连续不可的整体,其中任何一部都不与相邻部有明显区别的连续过程。
    a continuous nonspatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct of distinguishable from adjacent parts.
  • 填塞并且使变翘线在这样的一方式内相交以至没有可辨的斜纹织物产生的编法。
    a weave in which the filling and warp threads intersect in such a way as to give a smooth compact surface with no distinguishable twill line.
  • 内科医师通常与外科医师区开。
    Physicians are usually distinguished from surgeons.
  • 名称,称号(用于区的)名字或头衔
    A distinguishing name or title.
  • 个性特征个性的或带有区性质的特征
    An individual or distinguishing feature.
  • 与物种有关的,区物种的,或组成物种的。
    relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species.
  • 特征简述有机体的辨别特征的简述,如类学上的特征简述
    A brief description of the distinguishing characteristics of an organism, as for taxonomic classification.
  • 制造时压制在纸上的可辨的标记;把纸举起对准光线就可以看到。
    a distinguishing mark impressed on paper during manufacture; visible when paper is held up to the light.
  • 地质学中研究矿物结构性质和如何辨的支。
    the branch of geology that studies minerals: their structure and properties and the ways of distinguishing them.
  • 检表一组生物的明显特征的概括,用于指导类检查
    An outline of the distinguishing characteristics of a group of organisms, used as a guide in taxonomic identification.
  • 比如正确区和处理两类不同性质的矛盾。
    distinguishing between the two different types of contradictions [those among the people and those between the people and the enemy] and handling each correctly;
  • 邪教组织的为首子或歪曲宗教教义,制造邪说,蒙骗群众,抗拒国家法律、法令的实施,煽动推翻政府;
    Some of the heads of these pseudo-religions distort religious doctrines, create heresies, deceive the masses, refuse to obey the State's laws and decrees, and incite people to overthrow the government.
  • 有的人口头上讲团结,而把党委内部一些不同的意见捅出去,加以歪曲,散布流言蜚语,拉一部人支持自己。
    Some people who pay lip-service to unity distort certain differences of opinion within a Party committee and leak them to the public; they spread rumours and slanders and try to win over groups of people in order to build support for themselves.
  • 七月九日,他公然将两岸关系歪曲为“国家与国家,至少是特殊的国与国的关系”,企图从根本上改变台湾是中国一部的地位,破坏两岸关系、特别是两岸政治对话与谈判的基础,破坏两岸和平统一的基础。
    " On July 9, he went so far as to publicly distort inter-Straits relations as "state to state relations, or at least special state to state relations," in an attempt to fundamentally change the status of Taiwan as a part of China, sabotage the relations between both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially the basis for cross-Straits political dialogues and negotiations, and wreck the foundation for peaceful reunification.
  • 七月九日,他公然将两岸关系歪曲为“国家与国家,至少是特殊的国与国的关系”,企图从根本上改变台湾是中国一部的地位,破坏两岸关系、特别是两岸政治对话与谈判的基础,破坏两岸和平统一的基矗
    On July 9, he went so far as to publicly distort the cross-Straits relations as "state to state relations, or at least special state to state relations," in an attempt to fundamentally change the status of Taiwan as a part of China, sabotage the relations between both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially the basis for cross-Straits political dialogues and negotiations, and wreck the foundation for peaceful reunification.
  • 接受到的信号被扭曲的部
    The distorted portion of a received signal.
  • 我读书的注意力散了。
    My attentions are distracted from my study.
  • 散我的注意力,我正要学习呢!
    Don't distract my attention, I'm trying to study!
  • 为了散注意力主要观点的任何偏离。
    any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue.
  • 那纯粹是障眼法,用以散人们对他真正意图的注意力。
    It is all a ploy to distract attention from his real aim.
  • 这部影片散了我的注意力,让我暂时忘记了这些难题。
    The film manage to distract me from these problem for a while.
  • 抢戏移向舞台后部迫使另一演员无法面对观众从而散观众(对另一演员的)注意力
    To distract attention from(another performer) by moving upstage, thus forcing the other performer to face away from the audience.
  • 思想不集中,心注意力散的行为或状态
    The act of distracting or the condition of being distracted.
  • 不要使我分心。
    Don't distract me.
  • 安静的未受打扰的或注意力被散的
    Not disturbed or distracted.
  • 3.15你散对方注意力。
    3. 15 You distracted your opponent.