  • 現在對24名婦女進行的一項小型研究可能給了答案:大豆似乎可以降低體內循環的雌激素的水平,其轉而又可以抑製乳腺癌細胞的擴散。
    Now a small study of two dozen women may point to an answer: soy seems to keep circulating levels of estrogen low, which in turn inhibits breast cells from proliferating.
  • 他們選擇這種或那種工作並不是於什麽激情,是生活環境為他們選定了工作。
    They didn't pick this or that kind of job out of passion; the circum stances of their lives did the choosing for them.
  • π,圓周率超越函數的數,大約為3。14159,代表符號是x,表示圓的周長與直徑的比例,在許多數學式中作為常數
    A transcendental number, approximately3.14159, represented by the symbol x, that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and appears as a constant in many mathematical expressions.
  • 她渴望跳自己的小圈圈與外界有所接觸。
    She hungered for some contact outside her own circumscribed world.
  • 謹慎的,慎重的以謹慎和理智的自我控製為特徵的,做事謹慎理智的,或在言行上表現謹慎和理智的自我控製;周到的
    Marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect.
  • 我們應該指,證據完全是依情況而定的。
    We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial.
  • 在馬戲團海豹表演得很色。
    The seals performed well at the circus.
  • 馬戲團訓獸員把獅子放來了。
    THe circus trainer has let the linos loose.
  • 他從傢裏跑來參加了馬戲團。
    he ran away from home to join the circus.
  • 那個男孩講述馬戲團的情景時,臉上顯興奮之色。
    The boy 's face kindled as he told about the circus.
  • 在紐約,有一傢叫做雅剋托裏斯的巧剋力公司。公司老闆以前是lecirque2000飯店的甜品師。他的店裏有一款名叫威剋德的熱巧剋力最名。
    At Jacques Torres Chocolates, the New York company owned by the former pastry chef at the restaurant Le Cirque 2000, the big seller is Wicked Hot Chocolate.
  • 止住水使之不再從水箱溢
    Stop the overflow from the cistern
  • 貯水池裏溢的水滲透房頂滴到下面的房間裏。
    The water from the burst cistern penetrated through the ceiling of he room beneath.
  • 岩薔薇一種長於東半球亞非歐的植物岩玫瑰屬,能産一種用於調味料和香料的香精油
    A resin of certain Old World plants of the genus Cistus, yielding a fragrant essential oil used in flavorings and perfumes.
  • -候緑曦博士:中國傳統音樂,巴黎音樂城版社,二零零零年版(actessud/cit?delamusique,2000,paris,france).
    Dr. Lucie Rault: Traditional Chinese Music, Actes Sud/Cité de la Musique, 2000, Paris, France.
  • 康奈爾大學的信息技術組織(cit)即將進一步深入——推替代大部分用戶電話交換機(pbx)服務的內部網電話係統。
    Cornell University's Information Technology organization (CIT) is on the verge of going even further -- introducing an intranet telephony system that will displace PBX services substantially.
  • 她由於工作色受到了表揚。
    She was given a citation for her outstanding work.
  • "為說明這一點,他們經常舉那些漂亮誘人卻是虛假坑人的廣告,使得不少顧客上當受騙。"
    "They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim."
  • 授引提或授引…以支持或證明
    To appeal to or cite in support or justification.
  • 你究竟還能不能舉一個與此相似的案例?
    Can you cite another case at all like this one?
  • 我將嚮大傢舉部分例子,這些事實是人力方面的。
    I will cite some examples, and these are from human sources.
  • 從文獻中摘一段以供引用或摹仿。
    take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy.
  • 律師們還提了一些妨礙這些婦女作不利於她們丈夫的證詞的棘手的文化障礙問題。
    Advocates also cite formidable cultural barriers that prevent women from testifying against their husbands.
  • 為反駁他們,我們不妨舉紅軍的戰爭史。
    To refute them we need only cite the war history of the Red Army.
  • 我認為我是對的,儘管對於這一點我說不確切的法律依據。
    I think I'm right, though I can't cite you chapter and verse what the law says on this point.
  • 可能的話,你可說一項可能會給公司帶來好處的弱點,如可說:“我是一個完美主義者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不會撒手的。”
    If possible, cite a weakness that will work to the company's advantage. "I' m such a perfectionist that I won't stop until a job is well done."
  • 《考剋斯報告》無法舉哪怕是一個中方人員在美國武器實驗室工作時違反保密規定的例子。
    The Cox Report cannot even cite a single example of violations of the secret protection requirements by any person from the Chinese side working in US nuclear weapon laboratories.
  • 如果我們說,這是古代,不足為據,他們又可以搬英滅印度的事實,證明小而強的資本主義國傢能夠滅亡大而弱的落後國傢。
    If we say these events occurred long ago and do not prove the point, they can cite the British subjugation of India to prove that a small but strong capitalist country can vanquish a large but weak and backward country.
  • 通過引證人類和其它動物在大腦解剖學和腦化學構成領域內存在的相似之處,神經科學家西維提:“如果你相信依靠物競天擇而實現了物種的進化,你又怎能認為感情是憑空突如其來地現在人類中的呢?”
    Citing similarities in the brain anatomy and chemistry of humans and other animals, neuroscientist Siviy asks:" If you believe in evolution by natural selection, how can you believe that feelings suddenly appeared, out of the blue, with human beings?
  • 他是一個傑的中國公民。
    He is an eminent citizen of China.
  • 壞官員,是由不投票的好市民選來的。
    Bad official is elected by good citizen who do not vote.
  • 對於安基塔來說,離婚也就意味着被驅逐境,因為她沒有公民身份。
    For Ankita,a non-citizen,divorce spelled deportation.