  • 两个朋友之曾经发生过误会。
    There fell out a misunderstanding between the two friends.
  • 你们当中可能有人把安排的会面时搞错了,这样的话,就不会让客人认为你迟到了。
    One of you may have misunderstood the time set for your meeting, and this way, the guest isn' t left thinking that you were simply late.
  • 不过在重新划分选区之后,若有三个月时让所有有意参与竞选的人有时研究及准备,才不会被误解为“怕输”。
    But to avoid being misunderstood as “kiasu”, the ruling party should give people who are keen to join the political fray three months to study the changes and make preparations.
  • 与上一代相比,潜在的患儿倾向于停留在室内的时比在室外的时要长,这样,他们会更多的接触家庭中的变应原,其中包括室内尘埃,猫及蟑螂。
    Among the candidates is the tendency of children to spend more time indoors than did those in earlier generations, thus increasing their exposure to household allergens, including dust mites, cats and cockroaches.
  • 不同种类的动物之的交配。
    the act of mixing different breeds of animals.
  • 搁板在堡垒中护城河与护墙之的搁板
    A ledge between the parapet and the moat in a fortification.
  • 这些财力和物力的投资,加上这个国家的幅员辽阔和科学家们充分的自由交往和自由流动,使美国在本世纪第三个25年期在许多科学领域内成就非凡。
    These resources coupled with the size of the country and the total freedom of interaction and mobility of scientists, has brought American science to preeminence in many fields of science during the third quarter of this century.
  • 第一,认同的主体要具备流动性。或是在一国的不同城市,或是行走于不同国家。人们在流动之,对所处的城市和环境产生不同程度的认知情感,形成归属认同的基础。
    First, one must enjoy a certain mobility, having been to different cities in a country or different parts of the world and, in the process, develops varying degrees of liking for the place he has spent time in, which is the basis for growing a sense of belonging.
  • 美国著名计算机安全公司sophos20日宣布,一种新的邮件病毒开始以附件形式在网络上出现。该病毒伪装成屏保程序,内容一般是有关美国谍卫星拍摄的伊拉克图片或是歌颂、讽刺布什总统的动画。
    A new e-mail worm has surfaced that purports to show screensavers of U.S. spy satellite pictures of Iraq or animations that are either patriotic or that mock President Bush, a computer security company warned on Thursday.
  • --亚太经合组织的发展应反映各成员最广泛的共同利益。采取更富成效的合作方式,缩小成员的差距,增强凝聚力。
    APEC should develop in a way that reflects the broadest common interests of all its members and adopt more effective cooperation modalities to narrow the gap between its members so as to enhance their cohesion.
  • 迈克花了一天的时在一块木头上刻一艘船。
    Mike spent a whole day modeling a ship out on bits of wood.
  • “到现在我做模特已经有一段时了,我和别人一样起步——慢慢攒钱,访问不同的公司,做一些零活,逐渐开拓出自己的道路。”
    " I have been modelling for quite a while now, and I started where everyone else does by building up my book, visiting different companies, doing small jobs, working my way up."
  • 政治上中庸的人;中派议员,中立派议员。
    politically moderate persons; centrists.
  • 不太慢,速度处于小广板与小快板之的节拍。
    a moderately slow tempo (a walking pace).
  • 在此期,我们国家在现代化发展和社会进步方面取得了巨大的进展。
    During this period of time, my country has made tremendous strides on the road to modernisation and social progress.
  • 我预见到香港作为特别行政区,将会为中国的现代化作出重大贡献。香港将与中国并驾齐驱,见证中国在国际取得领导的地位;
    * I see Hong Kong, as a Special Administrative Region, making significant contributions to the modernisation of China and moving forward with China as she emerges as a leader among the community of nations;
  • 脚板用来遮盖内墙和地板之结合处的板
    A molding that conceals the joint between an interior wall and a floor.
  • 在天花板和一堵墙顶之的角落里的塑造物。
    a molding at the corner between the ceiling and the top of a wall.
  • 柱颈线脚柱子顶部和柱头突出部分之的线脚
    A molding between the upper part of a column and the projecting part of the capital.
  • 檐屋子的墙顶上与天花板之的铸制品
    The molding at the top of the walls of a room, between the walls and ceiling.
  • 希尔博士本人用了数年的时,希望搞明白牧场蟋蟀这种领地特征明显的穴居昆虫是如何在地下划分领地的。
    Dr Hill herself spent years trying to work out how prairie mole crickets, a highly territorial species of burrowing insect, manage to space themselves out underground.
  • 事实上,修订版报告中所谓证据均是在为可疑的谍/鼹鼠开脱责任。
    In fact, the specific Evidence that is presented in the Redacted Report is actually exculpatory for the suspected Spies and/or Moles.
  • ?分子——理解单个分子的结构,不同长度级别分子集合与相对应的由分子集合体构成物体的性能之的关系。
    Molecules -- Understanding single molecule mechanics,different length scales,and correlating material properties of molecular assembly.
  • 当一束光线穿进暗淡的房时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。
    We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
  • 可食用蟹,换壳后时长因而有一个硬壳。
    edible crab that has not recently molted and so has a hard shell.
  • (地质学)用于岩石材料的;融入岩石裂缝或岩层之时直接生成岩石的。
    (geology) of rock material; forced while molten into cracks between layers of other rock.
  • 他从不浪费一刻时
    He never wasted a moment.
  • 孩子们吓得怔住了,一时不敢说话。
    The startled boys were frozen with fear and momentarily afraid to speak.
  • 别人得到这份工作的消息使约翰一时烦恼不已。
    The news that someone else had been given the job threw John momentarily off balance.
  • 她的恐惧感仅是瞬息的,很快就消失了。
    Her feeling of fear was only momentary; it soon passed.
  • 歇,小憩短时的停止或休息
    A momentary pause or rest.
  • 轻拂空气的瞬间搅动
    A momentary stirring of air.