  • 火雞,吐綬雞一種大型的北美洲鳥(吐綬雞),羽毛呈古銅,頭頸赤裸、有垂肉,一般傢養作食物用
    A large North American bird(Meleagris gallopavo) that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
  • 光譜是按波長由紅到紫排列的。由於藍光的波長比其他顔的光的波長更容易通過大氣微粒,所以我們憑肉眼看到的天空呈現藍
    The light spectrum ranges in wavelength from red to violet, and, since the wavelength of the blue light passes through the particles with greater ease than the wavelengths of the other colors of light, the sky appear blue to the naked eye.
  • 的有同樣的顔或波長的,用於光
    Having the same color or wavelength. Used of light.
  • 彩的性質認知彩由紅至黃、緑、藍的排列的彩的性質,這種排列取决於光的主波長
    The property of colors by which they can be perceived as ranging from red through yellow, green, and blue, as determined by the dominant wavelength of the light.
  • 換句話說,一種顔素吸收除我們看到的以外的各種波長的光。
    In other words, the pigment of a color absorbs all the wavelengths of light except that which we see.
  • 的原波長互相混合以産生其他顔的或與之有關的
    Of or being any of certain primary colors of wavelengths that may be mixed with one another to produce other colors.
  • 紋理;紋路;條紋不同度或顔的波浪形長條,如在木材或大理石中,或在幹酪中形成的紋理
    A long, wavy strip of a different shade or color, as in wood or marble, or as mold in cheese.
  • 古老的法國品種,通常為黑、長尾,皮毛有些硬且呈長波浪。
    old French breed of large strong usually black dogs having a long tail and long wavy and slightly stiff coat.
  • 她的面色變得蠟黃。
    Her face turned waxen.
  • 抹香鯨的油脂中提取的白蠟狀物質。
    a white waxy substance from oil of the sperm whale.
  • 胎兒皮脂覆蓋在胎兒皮膚表面的一種蠟狀白保護性物質
    A waxy white protective substance covering the skin of a fetus.
  • 蠟製葉緑素物質一種蠟製的藍黑微晶緑植物素,c55h72mgn4o5,具有藍緑的酒精溶液特徵
    A waxy blue-black microcrystalline green-plant pigment, C55H72MgN4O5, with a characteristic blue-green alcohol solution.
  • 杓蘭屬的一種蘭花,花莖纖細,莖上長一朵或幾朵蠟白花,有囊狀唇瓣。
    any of various orchids of the genus Paphiopedilum having slender flower stalks bearing 1 to several waxy flowers with pouchlike lips.
  • 一面覆有深蠟狀物質(通常含碳)的薄紙,用於將所寫的東西轉印到放在下面的一頁紙上。
    a thin paper coated on one side with a dark waxy substance (often containing carbon); used to transfer characters from the original to an under sheet of paper.
  • 軍閥間的分裂和戰爭,削弱了白政權的統治勢力。
    Splits and wars among the warlords weaken the power of the White regime.
  • 去年演另一出戲時,弛不得不穿短襪和一條彩鮮豔的橘紅衣裙。
    Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress.
  • 這些州裏的人在夏天穿淡的衣服,但在鼕天需要穿厚羊毛衫或毛皮大衣。
    In those states, people wear light clothing during the summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothing in the winter.
  • 她喜歡穿咖啡衣服。
    She likes to wear brown.
  • 服裝顔色不可辨別。
    The wearing colour is undistiguishable.
  • 那一天她穿着一件黃的衣服。
    She was wearing yellow that day.
  • 啊,那即將來臨的夜,給予勞累一天的人們多少希望和允諾!
    Ah, the promise of the night. What does it not hold for the weary!
  • 白鼬北部地區的一種鼬(白鼬鼬屬),尾部為黑,深棕皮毛在鼕天變白
    A weasel(Mustela erminea) of northern regions, having a black-tipped tail and dark brown fur that in winter changes to white.
  • 太陽使油漆褪色。
    The sun weathered the paint.
  • 赤銅礦一種天然的紅次生銅礦,其基本元素為cu2o,作為風化的産物而形成
    A natural red secondary ore of copper, essentially Cu2O, that forms as a result of weathering.
  • 他們自稱是織工,並說他們會織世界上彩最漂亮,圖案最美的布料。
    They called themselves weavers and said that they knew how to weave cloth of the most beautiful colors and designs in the world.
  • 原纖由紡織前就染的纖維或紗綫製成的。尤指地毯
    Made of fiber or yarn dyed before weaving. Used especially of rugs.
  • 那位紡織工人在她所織的白布裏加上一些緑
    The textile worker worked some green into the white cloth she was weaving.
  • 擁有亮麗花的歐洲草本;𠔌地裏生長的普通野草。
    European herb with bright yellow flowers; a common weed in grain fields.
  • 一種多年生雜草,具有堅韌的鐵絲狀莖和紫花;原産歐洲,但已被廣泛移植。
    a weedy perennial with tough wiry stems and purple flowers; native to Europe but widely naturalized.
  • 美洲多年生粗雜草,莖穿過巨大的葉子,花紫或暗紅
    coarse weedy American perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers.
  • 豬殃殃一種草本或裝飾性植物豬殃殃屬,有環生葉、簇狀白或黃小花和帶刺的莖
    Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genus Galium, having whorled leaves, clusters of small white or yellow flowers, and prickly stems.
  • 在過去10年裏,外出過“情”周末的夫婦增加了35%。
    In the last 10 years, the number of cou ples going on dirty weekends has increased by 35 per cent.