  • 孩子他们的生活带来了几分快乐。
    The baby has brought some sunshine into their life.
  • 我留晚饭,我要和朋友共进晚餐。
    Don't keep dinner for me, I shall be supping with my friend.
  • 汽车加满特级汽油。
    Fill it up with super, please.
  • 汽车加满特级汽油。
    Top it up with super, please.
  • 汽车加满特级汽油。
    Fill it up with super gasoline, please.
  • 表面上的相似;肤浅的想法;他的想法肤浅又模糊;知识浅薄;没有与真实描述的肤浅的报告;只是表面不同。
    superficial similarities; a superficial mind; his thinking was superficial and fuzzy; superficial knowledge; the superficial report didn't give the true picture; only superficial differences.
  • 表面装饰,假象被予引人注目的外表的物体
    Something used to give a superficially attractive appearance.
  • 征服者们试图将他们的观念和文化强加该城已有的观念和文化上,但未成功。
    The conquerors tried to superimpose their ideas and culture on the previous ones of the gown, but did not succeed.
  •  机动船舶有前款违法行为的,由港务监督机构根据不同情节予警告或者处以罚款。
    If a motor vessel is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a disciplinary warning or fine shall be imposed by the harbour superintendency administration in light of the seriousness of the act.
  • 这个督学已经向几位教师提到要完成校长的工作。
    The Superintendent of Schools has approached several educators about filling the principal 's job.
  • 我要把你的情况报告你的上司!
    I'll report you to your superior officer!
  • 竞赛中获奖人员的奖励。
    something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition.
  • 把文章交指导教师审阅的大学生
    University students showing essays to their supervisor
  • 我起了个调子,我就无精打采地按照这个调子演奏了起来。
    he called the tune to me and I supinely took it up.
  • 不要费事我们做晚饭了。
    Don't trouble to get supper for us.
  • 猜猜看我你做了什么晚饭?
    Guess what I made you for supper.
  • 猜猜看我你做了什么晚饭?
    Guess what I make you for supper.
  • 告诉你们吧,天上没有我呆的地方了——我的位置让别人占据了。
    Learn that I am supplanted in heaven - my place is given to another.
  • 私人授课以贴补收入。
    She gives private lessons to supplement her income.
  • 分发媒体成员用以增补或代替口头宣布的通告。
    an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation.
  • 了我们一套制服。
    We were supplied with a uniform.
  • 他们这些农场提供了大量拖拉机。
    They supplied large numbers of tractors to the farms.
  • 一个补者(特别是致幻毒品)。
    a supplier (especially of narcotics).
  • 我们已将您的投诉送交我们的供货人。
    We have refer your complaint to our supplier.
  • 为军中供应食品或供品的商人。
    a supplier of victuals or supplies to an army.
  • 我们会再与供应商联系,看看有无可能供你方订货。
    We'll contact the supplier again and see if it is possible to fill your order.
  • 我们将再去核实一下,看供货商是否准备优先供货您。
    We'll try again and make sure if the supplier is prepare to give you priority with their offer.
  • 我们将再去核实一下,看供货商是否准备优先供货您。
    We 'll try again and make sure if the supplier is prepared to give you priority with their offer.
  • 补给船结队航行.
    The supply ships travelled in convoy.
  • 城市给水系统
    urban water supply system
  • 给水和排水工程
    water supply and wastewater engineering
  • 父亲死後,吉姆了我们巨大的帮助。
    Jim was a great support to us when father died.