  • 袭击,出其不意[强攻,使轰动]
    Take by surprise [storm]
  • 后她赶回家去生炉子。
    Then she hurried home to light the stove.
  • 左转弯然后笔直走。
    Turn leave and go straight on.
  • 左转弯然后笔直走。
    Turn left and go straight on.
  • 撒谎是我的天才,我不会这末傻,一下子就告诉他实数,我只说是属牛的,牛虽笨,在十二生肖中,他是和其他的一样活动,可以说是四十六,也可以说是三十四,再嫌多的话,还可减到二十二,让聪明的主考自己去猜罢了。
    Well, telling lies is a natural talent of mine. I was not so stupid as to tell him my exact age straightaway. So I just told him I was born in the year of the ox. An ox may be a stupid animal, but it is one of the 12 animals in the cycle and it is as flexible as any of the rest. I might be 46 or 34. And if he thought that's too old, I could reduce it to 22. I would let this clever examiner make his own guess.
  • 他挺直身体,梳了梳头,后走进会场。
    He straightens up, combs his hair, and walks into the meeting.
  • 在一个并非所有人看待事物都这么坦率的文化中,我们必要在道德伦理上达到某种调和。
    In a culture in which not everyone sees things so straightforwardly, however, some ethical accommodation is going to have to be reached.
  • 扭曲扭曲成不自的形状或表情
    To become twisted into a strained shape or expression.
  • 事实证明,台湾海峡局势仍存在着严重的危机。
    Facts prove that a serious crisis still exists in the situation of the Taiwan Straits.
  • 我们整整一夜被困在汽车里,而最糟糕的是,我们没有吃喝的东西。
    We were stranded in the car all night and the worst of it was that we didn't have anything to eat or drink.
  • 说来也怪那位新选出的理事在委员会中居占有绝对的支配地位。
    "Strange enough, that new director has complete dominance of / over the whole committee."
  • "陌生人看了看我,后就开车离开了银行一句话也没有说。"
    The stranger looked at me for a few minutes and then drove away from the bank without a word.
  • 过去十几年间斜塔四周起支撑作用的吊杆和绕在塔身上的华而不实的钢圈现已荡无存。
    Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.
  • 全体被分成几类后对每一分层进行随机取样。
    the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum.
  • 这个小资产阶级内的各阶层虽同处在小资产阶级经济地位,但有三个不同的部分。
    Although all strata of this class have the same petty-bourgeois economic status, they fall into three different sections.
  • 统一累进税实行以后,不仅可以进一步奠定财政的基础,而且必提高各阶层的生产热忱。
    This taxation system will help improve the financial foundation and will certainly enhance the enthusiasm of the people of the various social strata for developing production.
  • 我们也不是完全依靠上层,而是通过他们慢慢影响各方面的工作。
    Of course, we are not depending completely on the upper strata; we are seeking their help in order gradually to promote our work in all fields.
  • 比赛接近尾声时,我们突时来运转,一直赢了下去。
    Toward the end of the game, we had a sudden streak of luck and kept winning steadily.
  • 布什的努力全无益。事实上,反而有害。他九月份奋力竞选,民意测验赞许率降低5点,目前是百分之三十七,仍在下降。
    Nothing Bush tries works. In fact, everything hurts. His strenuous September campaigning sliced five points off his approval rating, which is at37 percent and heading south.
  • 虽说工作既单调又繁重,但他们依兢兢业业。
    Though the work was dull and strew, they plodded away at it in earnest.
  • 然后就快步走开了。
    Then I strode off.
  • 她对父亲的去世处以泰
    She took her father's death in her stride.
  • 我们多次讲过,在中国这样一个大国,没有共产党的领导,必四分五裂,一事无成。
    We have said many times that without leadership by the Party a big country like China would be torn by strife and incapable of accomplishing anything.
  • 轰炸机对这港口进行了一次突袭击。
    The bombers made a sudden strike on the harbor.
  • 在报上偶见到一个朋友的名字
    strike the name of a friend in a newspaper
  • 我心中忽产生一个念头。
    An idea suddenly struck me.
  • 意外发展突的、惊人的变化;意想不到的转折
    A sudden, striking surprise; a twist.
  • 工作赚钱的是我,管钱包的却是我太太。
    Although I earn the pay, it's my wife who holds the purse string.
  • 麦克仍偶尔同洛娜一起出去,但是我认为他只是保留着与她的友情而已。
    Mike still occasionally goes out with Lorna but I think he's just stringing her along.
  • 但在中国,这个条件已不是什么待争取的条件和待解决的问题,而是自具备只待人去利用的东西。
    In China, this condition is not something which has to be striven for, nor does it present a problem; it is there physically, waiting only to be exploited.
  • 所有的囚犯突全逃了。
    All the prisoners escaped at one stroke.
  • 你先初刷一遍,后往下再刷一层使表面光滑。
    Make your first brush strokes, then lay off to get the surface smooth.