不连续的由互不关联的部分构成的 Consisting of unconnected distinct parts.
与其他的分离、不同。 separate and distinct from others.
个体化形成分离的、可区分的个体 To form into a separate, distinct entity.
区分,辨别,分清感觉到不同的或有区别的 To perceive as being different or distinct.
清晰的,嘹亮的易为眼睛或耳朵感知的;分明的 Easily perceptible to the eye or ear; distinct.
我们应该分清是非。 We should make a distinction between right and wrong.
要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。 A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions.
区分的做出区别的;辨别的 Marking a distinction; distinguishing.
这样的分类并非是一成不变的 This distinction isn't hard and fast.
他们是非不分。 They drew no distinction between right and wrong.
这也是奖罚分明。 This makes a clear distinction between reward and penalty.
描述区别鲜明的语言的分布情况的地图。 an atlas showing the distribution of distinctive linguistic features.
即使有的标记本来不能区分有关商品或服务,成员亦可依据其经过使用而获得的识别性,确认其可否注册。 Where signs are not inherently capable of distinguishing the relevant goods or services, Members may make registrability depend on distinctiveness acquired through use.
他说话十分清晰。 He spoke very distinctly.
明显与第一个分离开的。 distinctly separate from the first.
他能清楚地分清这两个双胞胎。 He could separate the twins distinctly.
同其他物体明显区分的性质。 the quality of standing out strongly and distinctly.
附图的大小及清晰度,应当保证在该图缩小到三分之二时仍能清晰地分辨出图中的各个细节。 The scale and the distinctness of the drawings shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to two-thirds would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.
附图的大小及清晰度应当保证在该图缩小到4厘米×6厘米时,仍能清晰地分辨出图中的各个细节。 The scale and the distinctness of the figure shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to 4cm x 6cm would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.
这对孪生子像得使人无法分辨。 The twins were so much alike that it was impossible to distinguish one from the other.
把东西分成类 distinguish things into classes
你能区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗? Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now?
你能区分那两个物体吗? Can you distinguish between those two objects?
通过对比物体的质量来做出区分。 distinguish by contrasting qualities.
区分它们是容易的。 It is easy to distinguish them.
我们区分出了几种枫树。 We distinguish several kinds of maple.
他是非不分。 He couldn't distinguish right from wrong.
这两个东西我能区分开。 I can distinguish(between) those two objects.
把现实与虚构区分开来是很重要的。 It's important to distinguish fact from fiction.
区分明确的和不明确的观点——《心理学摘要》。 distinguish between crystallized and uncrystallized opinion- Psychological Abstracts.
我们要学会分清敌我。 We must learn to distinguish friend from foe.
要分辨他和他的哥哥ww是困难的。 It is hard to distinguish him from his brother.