  • 他们想花费最少的时和钱。
    They want to spend a minimum of both time and money.
  • 超短裙至少在能穿它们的姑娘们中非常流行。
    Miniskirts are all the rage, at least among girls who can wear them.
  • 日前,我部计算机2000年问题工作小组已发出通知,请各部委、各盛自治区、直辖市政府计算机2000年问题主管机构,在活动周期根据本地区、本部门的实际情况,组织开展相关的宣传及研讨活动,以使活动周取得更好的效果和更广泛的社会影响。
    Recently, the Y2K Working Group of the Ministry has issued a notification, inviting the competent bodies under various ministries and provincial and municipal governments to organize relevant publicity activities and seminars during Y2K Week in light of their actual conditions in order for this event to be as effective as possible and to attract greater attention from the general public.
  • 她向敏妮要墨水和信纸,那些东西就在吃饭的壁炉架上。等她姐姐10点上床,她就掏出杜洛埃的名片开始写信。
    She asked Minnie for ink and paper, which were upon the mantel in the dining-room, and when the latter had gone to bed at ten, got out Drouet's card and wrote him.
  • 对整个群体或空进行宽角度拍摄时,按减号(-)键来拉远
    Zoom out for a wide-angle shoot of the whole group or room by pressing the minus sign(-)
  • 1970年至1980年,在人口普查表上声明属"美洲印第安人"的人口数量从80万增至140万,造成这一增长速度的原因远不止于"出生人口减去死亡人口"。
    Between 1970 and 1980, the number of people who checked "American Indian" on their census forms grew from 800,000 to 1.4 million, a much faster increase than could be accounted for by births minus deaths.
  • 在两个窗之的大镜子。
    a large mirror between two windows.
  • "我误了火车,因我估计错了到车站去路上所需的时。"
    I missed the train; I'd miscalculated the time it would take me to reach the station.
  • 她老是在他们之拨弄是非。
    She was always making mischief between them.
  • 洗心革面在一段时后克服或减轻了(如罪行)带来的耻辱
    To overcome or reduce the shame of(a misdeed, for example) over a period of time.
  • 从隔壁房里传出悲怆的呜咽声。
    Miserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next room.
  • 一节容易曲解的段落;意译;尚未解决的问题;时是由主管和比赛者确定的,所以要服从很多的变化。
    a passage capable of misinterpretation; open to interpretation; an issue open to question; the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation.
  • 这些地球表面温度和其他气候参数的迅速变化,可能导致地区条件和许多植物生理需求之的不协调。
    These rapid changes in surface temperature and other weather parameters could lead to severe mismatches between regional conditions and the physiological requirements of many plant species.
  • 因为现在他有更多时完成他的任务了。
    Now he would have more time for his mission.
  • 在…中或在…之传教
    To perform missionary work in or among.
  • 随着时的流逝,上帝又将73个其他部落召唤到这里,但是维多利亚瀑布仍不为外界所知。直到1855年,苏格兰传教士戴维·利文斯顿偶然地发现了这座雄伟的瀑布,并宣布瀑布为其女王维多利亚所有。
    Over time,the God's called 73 other tribes to the area.But Victoria Falls remained a secret to the rest of the world until 1855,when Scottish missionary David Livingston discovered the majestic falls quite by accident,and he claimed it for his queen,Victoria.
  • 广泛分布在密西西比河及洛矶山脉之
    widely distributed between the Mississippi and the Rockies.
  • 比洛克西美国密西西比州东南部一城市,位于墨西哥湾的比洛克西湾与密西西比海峡之的半岛上。老比洛克西是1699年由法国人建立的。人口46,319
    A city of southeast Mississippi on a peninsula between Biloxi Bay and Mississippi Sound on the Gulf of Mexico. Old Biloxi was settled by the French in1699. Population,46, 319.
  • 密苏里州最大的城市;在世纪是西行马车队的一个重要的中站。
    the largest city in Missouri; was an important staging area for wagon trains westward in the 19th century.
  • 不知不觉雾笼罩了山谷。
    A mist stole over the valley.
  • 不知不觉出了差错。
    A mistake has slipped in.
  • "将军在不适当的时发起了进攻,一小时前他就应该这样做了。"
    "The general mistimed the attack, which should have been made an hour earlier."
  • 这个篮球队因比赛时安排不当而输了一场
    The basketball team mistimed the final play and lost the game.
  • 将军在不适当的时发动进攻,一小时前他就应该这样做了。
    The general mistimed his attack; it should have been made an hour earlier.
  • 要是人没了丈夫,试问谁会照顾我们这些主妇?
    If there were no husband, who will look after our mistress?
  • 要是人没了丈夫,试问谁会照顾我们这些主妇?
    If there is no husband, who will look after our mistress?
  • 我不希望我们之有任何误会。
    I don't want any misunderstanding between us.
  • 我们之的误会涣然冰释。
    The misunderstanding between us has been cleared up.
  • 我们在时方面意见稍有分歧。
    We had a slight misunderstanding over the time.
  • 他们之的误会是怎样产生的?
    What has brought about the misunderstanding between them?
  • 他从未听说过他们之发生过任何分歧。
    He has never heard of any misunderstanding between them.
  • 他从未听说他们之发生过任何误会。
    He was never heard of any misunderstanding between them.