  • 蛎鹬任一种蛎鹬属的涉禽鸟有黑的和白的羽毛和长桔的嘴,食牡蛎、蛤蚌以及帽贝
    Any of several wading birds of the genus Haematopus, having black and white plumage and a long orange bill and feeding on oysters, clams, and limpets.
  • 鹭鹭科中的各种涉水禽鸟之一,有长颈、长腿、长长的尖喙,通常为白、灰或淡蓝灰的羽毛
    Any of various wading birds of the family Ardeidae, having a long neck, long legs, a long pointed bill, and usually white, gray, or bluish-gray plumage.
  • 这两个角反映了史泰龙从一名贫穷的后生到一名最受欢迎的世界影星的个人经历与奋斗历程。
    Both characters are reflections of Stallone's personal experiences and the battles he waged during his transition from a poor kid to one of the world's most popular stars.
  • 打赌谁能赢得角色。
    Laid a wager on who would get the role.
  • 我们把所有的墙壁都漆成了白
    We have painted all the walls white.
  • 请把墙刷成黄色。
    Please colour this wall yellow.
  • 是褐色皮夹。
    It's a brown leather wallet.
  • 的壁纸使得房间明亮。
    The white wallpaper lightened the room.
  • 墙纸和油漆颜不协调。
    The wallpaper and paint don't match each other.
  • 窗帘和墙的颜很搭配。
    curtains and walls were color coordinated.
  • 北美胡桃树,有浅褐的木头和可食用的果子;一种浅褐染料的来源。
    North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye.
  • 今天的特菜是桃仁酥鸭。
    The special today is pressed duck with walnuts.
  • 她久病后脸变得苍白。
    Her face wan after her long illness.
  • 鸟儿在我窗外绿的嫩枝上歌唱。
    Birds are singing on the green wands outside my window.
  • 多茎的草本植物,厚密的、玫瑰紫的花组成纤细的棍状花序;产自美国中部和加拿大至德克萨斯和墨西哥北部。
    herb with many stems bearing narrow slender wands of crowded rose-lavender flowers; central United States and Canada to Texas and northern Mexico.
  • 她久病后脸变得苍白。
    Her face waned after her long illness.
  • 他不想要蓝的,他要白的。
    He does not want blue, he wants white.
  • 他不想要蓝的,他要白的。
    He do not want blue, he want white.
  • 有暗黄羽毛的欧洲森林地区的莺。
    European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage.
  • 棕柳莺一种原产欧洲羽毛为黄绿、形小的啭鸣鸟(棕柳莺)
    A small European warbler(Phylloscopus collybita) with yellowish-green plumage.
  • 黑白相间的北美洲林莺,头部和喉部为橙和黑相间。
    black-and-white North American wood warbler having an orange-and-black head and throat.
  • 北美洲捕捉昆虫的林莺,其雄性身体两侧羽毛及翅上和尾上有亮橙斑块。
    flycatching warbler of eastern North America the male having bright orange on sides and wings and tail.
  • 美洲黄喉地莺黄喉地莺属的一种美洲小莺,尤指普通莺喉地莺,长有淡褐的背,黄的喉结,而且雄莺有黑的面部遮饰
    Any of several small New World warblers of the genus Geothlypis, especially G. trichas, having a brownish back, yellow throat, and, in the male, a black facial mask.
  • 我们经常听人说起“暖”和“冷”,它们分别是光谱中的红一端和蓝的一端。
    We often hear of the warmness or coldness of colors, the red and blue sides of the color spectrum, respectively.
  • 沃伦在足球队比其他男孩子都出得多。
    Warren ran rings around the other boys on the football team.
  • 海泽回忆当时的情景说:"我从艺术系的教室开门走出去,看见一个蒙面人,他身穿黑的ninja电子游戏中的武士服装。
    "I opened the door from the art classroom and saw a masked man in a black Ninja warrior-style outfit.
  • 用水洗就退或缩水的衣服得乾洗。
    If a garment won't wash, it must be dry-cleaned.
  • 这块布料洗得褪了。
    The fabric was washed out.
  • 其他常见的昆虫计有蜻蜓、豆娘、黄蜂和有金属泽的甲虫等。
    Dragonflies and damselflies are also common, as are wasps and metallic-coloured beetles.
  • 温暖水域中带蓝的海洋食用和猎用鱼,幼鱼成群游入浅水。
    bluish warm-water marine food and game fish that follow schools of small fishes into shallow waters.
  • 海水与淡水间的互动作用,全年产生此消彼长的影响,因而形成香港水文地理的特
    Hong Kong's waters are characterised by the interaction of oceanic and fresh water masses which vary in relative effect throughout the year.
  • 油布,漆布用粘土、油和素处理过使之防水的织物
    Fabric treated with clay, oil, and pigments to make it waterproof.