  • 户外运动增进健康。
    Exercise taken in open air is contributive to health.
  • 只有这样,才够建立起自己对自己、家庭、社会、以至国家和民族的责任感,这才够真真正正地对自己和社会作出承担和贡献。
    It is only through this that they are able to build up a firm sense of duty towards themselves, their families, the community, the country and the people, thereby becoming truly committed and contributive to themselves and society.
  • 土地利用方式的变化,可是目前生物多样性下降的主要原因。
    Changes in how the land is used are probably the principal contributor to the current decline in biodiversity.
  • 从贵国在1978年实施对外开放政策以来,贸易额增加已成为实现中国经济惊人增长的主要因素。加入wto只加速这一进程。
    Increased trade has been a major contributor to your country's phenomenal growth tare since the 'open door'policy was launched in 1978,and accession to WTO can only accelerate the process.
  • 运动锻炼可也是慢跑运动的先驱者吉姆·菲克丝死亡的原因之一。他在一次跑步之中跌倒致死,年仅52岁。还有《免费搭车遨游银河系指南》的作者,49岁的道格拉斯·亚当,他在一次自行车运动中心脏病突发死亡。
    Exercise may also have had a contributory factor in the deaths of Jim Fixx, the pioneer of jogging who dropped dead ona run aged 52, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams,49,who had a fatal heart attack on his exercise bike.
  • 有些事情人们是无为力的.
    Some things are beyond human contrivance.
  • 陷阱用于捕获动物的装置,如一个隐蔽的坑或似夹钳的突然弹起并夹住动物的装置
    A contrivance for catching and holding animals, as a concealed pit or a clamplike device that springs shut suddenly.
  • 当一个物体倾斜时使它保持平衡的一种发明物。
    a contrivance that allows an object (such as a ship's compass) to remain horizontal even as its support tips.
  • 设法早到点?
    Can you contrive to be here early?
  • 我没有肉也凑合(吃这顿饭)。
    I can contrive without meat.
  • 设法在中午前赶到车站吗?
    Can you contrive to be at the station by noon?
  • 设法在六点钟赶到那儿吗?
    Can you contrive to be there by six?
  • 设法在中午前赶到车站吗?
    Can you contrive to is at the station by noon?
  • 你设法尽可早点完成这个报告。
    You contrive to finish the report as soon as possible.
  • 难统治的不被统治、限制或控制的
    Incapable of being governed, restrained, or controlled.
  • 帮助库存管理员清点存货吗?
    Can you assist the stock controller in counting the stock?
  • 使3791控制器执行一个特定操作的任何键。
    Any key that causes the 3791 controller to perform a particular operation.
  • 由于空中交通管制人员罢工,可会出现长时间的延误。
    Long holdup was expected as the air- traffic controller went on strike.
  • 由于管制员个人的知识、技、经验及当时情况(如健康、疲劳度等)的不同,相同的条件下的管制会对不同的管制人员产生不同的工作负荷;
    The same demands can impose more or less workload on an individual controller depending on the controller's knowledge, skill, experience, and personal characteristics such as health and fatigue.
  • 对于初级管制人员产生高工作负荷的管制环境,对具有20年管制经验的成熟管制员而言很可就只意味着中等甚至较低的工作负荷。
    What may be high workload for a developmental air traffic controller is likely to be experienced as moderate to low workload by a Full Performance Level (FPL) controller who has 20 years of experience.
  • 那些认为他们再也不学到任何东西或提高水平的管制员都是笨蛋。
    The controller that thinks they can’t learn anything else or improve their performance is a fool.
  • 在高度的时间压力下,管制员有可只注意到那些迫在眉睫的冲突而忽视其他那些处于发展阶段中的问题。
    Under high time pressure, the controller may be able to focus only on the immediate problem and simply "not see" problems developing elsewhere.
  • 也就是说,不让一名管制员始终处于高负荷运行状态。
    Just as some system capacity needs to be kept in reserve, the controller cannot be expected to work at full capacity all the time.
  • 为初始化磁盘和常常执行与传送相关的功所使用的一种装置或一种装置的一部分(如外设控制器的一部分)。
    A device or section of a device(say, of a peripheral controller) used to initialize magnetic discs and, often, to perform transfer-related functions.
  • 如管制员可因为忙于处理其他工作而忘记指挥一个航空器下降高度记得忘记他应该发出的管制指令而去忙其他事务。
    If timesharing demands are heavy, a controller may forget his/her intention to issue a clearance to descend an aircraft because s/he has become busy with another task.
  • 由于管制员具有同时处理不同信息的力,因此合理分配时间是可行的。有时在很短的一段时间内,时间的分配与即时的管制状况存在矛盾,可用的时间较少,这就要求管制员分清轻重缓急。
    Timesharing is possible because of the controller's ability to process different kinds of information in parallel. At some point, timesharing comes up against the limits of parallel processing.
  • 我能够控制局势。
    I'm capable of controlling the situation.
  • 够产生或控制光的装置。
    a device for producing or controlling light.
  • 你可会很惊讶,这在美国音乐界也是一个争论激烈的问题。
    You may be surprised to know that it' s also a very controversial question in American music.
  • 够引起争论为特点。
    marked by or capable of arousing controversy.
  • 引起激烈的情绪或争辩。
    capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy.
  • 属于、关于逐渐康复或康复期的,或为了逐渐康复的。
    of or for or relating to convalescence or convalescents.