  • 工人们船的尾部铺上木板。
    The workers are boarding over the stern of the boat.
  • 然而两天后,国际奥委会就剥夺了他的金牌,并他打发回老家,因为他在赛后被检查出使用了类固醇禁药。
    Two days later, however, Johnson was stripped of his gold medal and sent packing by the IOC when his post-race drug test indicated steroid use.
  • 他的儿子取名为史蒂文。
    He called his boy Steven.
  • 洋葱切片放入炖牛肉中。
    She slice the onion and put it in the beef stew.
  • 斯特华先生,您什么时间到达呢?
    What time will you be arriving, Mr.Steward?
  • 在西藏,形成于十七世纪并沿用了300多年的法律——《十三法典》、《十六法典》,人严格划分为三等九级:“上等人”是大贵族、大活佛和高级官员,“中等人”为一般僧俗官员、下级军官和上等人的管家等,“下等人”是农奴和奴隶。
    In Tibet the Thirteen-Point Law and Sixteen-Point Law formulated in the 17th century and used for more than 300 years, divided the people strictly into three classes and nine grades: the people of the upper class were big nobles, Grand Living Buddhas and high officials, the people of the intermediate class were ordinary clerical and secular officials, junior officers and stewards of upper class people, and the people of the lower class were serfs and slaves.
  • 将椅子置于墙角。
    Stick the chair in the corner.
  • 跳棒游戏一种游戏,很多草或细棍放在一起,游戏者依次地试着每次拣起一根,不得触动其它
    A game played with a pile of straws or thin sticks, with the players attempting in turn to remove a single stick without disturbing the others.
  • 用棍胡萝卜连根掘出
    Grubbed carrots with a stick.
  • 蛋白甜饼鸡蛋白与糖搅拌至发硬然后烘烤而成的小糕饼皮或小蛋糕,通常含有水果或坚果仁
    A small pastry shell or cake made of stiffly beaten, baked egg whites and sugar, often containing fruit or nutmeats.
  • 政府竭尽全力去刺激经济发展。
    The government will do everything in its power to stimulate economic growth.
  • 当他们面对不同刺激做出笑的反应时,我们拍摄他们的向部。
    We'll video their faces while they laugh in response to various stimuli.
  • 一套全新的电子刺激代替人在真实世界的各种感觉。
    His various senses in the realistic world would be replaced with a series of new electric stimuli.
  • 这三种原理付诸施行的刺激方式已尽述于前,程序的开端是以渴望开启的。
    The stimuli through which you put these three principles into action have been described-the procedure begins with DESIRE.
  • 冷雨如针、寒雪刺骨,她不停地、毫无怨言地做着苦工,完全生活在丈夫会回来这一希望之中。
    In the stinging rain and the chillling snow she toils unceasingly, uncomplainingly, living wholly in the hope of her husband's return.
  • 我们履行合同的全部条款。
    We'll fulfill all the contract stipulations.
  • 然而,陈先生,生意毕竟是生意。在签订合同前条款订得周到一点,不要更好吗?
    But, Mr Chen, business is business, and isn't it better t make the stipulations complete before we sign the contract?
  • 一语即出,股票就下跌了14%,同时也其他电脑公司的股票拉下水。
    word got out, and the stock plunged 14 percent, taking other computer stocks down with it.
  • 查特威尔投资公司,股票经济人休·惠特布雷德预测这是一个平静的夏天。
    Sue Whitbread,stockbroker for Chartwell Investment Management, predicts a quiet summer.
  • 基米站在银行台阶上的一个男孩叫了进来,活像一个股东似的,向他了解该镇的情况,不时给他几个一角的银币。
    Jimmy called a boy that was standing on the steps of the bank as if he were one of the stockholders, and began to ask him questions about the town, giving him dimes from time to time.
  • 出现紧急情况时,把女子长袜系紧后可以充作汽车鼓风机皮带,这样就可以汽车开到汽车修理厂去。
    In an emergency a tightly tied woman's stocking can do duty for a car's fan belt so that you can drive it to a garage.
  • 长统袜慢慢地卷着穿上去,以免拉破。
    Roll your stockings on, to avoid damaging them.
  • 当我在众多的警车及电视新闻采访车中停下车来时,我看到了一位身穿棉质工作服、敦实的白发男子站在一辆轻型小货车旁。照(摄)相机的镜头对准了他,记者们都麦克风举在他面前。
    As I parked among police cars and TV?news cruisers, I saw a stocky, white?haired man in cotton work clothes standing near a pickup, Cameras were trained on him, and reporters were sticking microphones in his face.
  • 叛乱分子当场打伤西藏地方政府卸任噶伦、时任西藏军区副司令员的桑颇·才旺仁增,用石头爱国进步人士、自治区筹委会委员堪穷帕巴拉·索朗降措活活打死,并拴在马尾上拖尸到市中心示众。
    The rebels hit and wounded Sampo Cewang Rinzin, a former Galoin of the Tibetan local government and then a deputy commander of the Tibet Military Area Command. They stoned to death Kainqoin Pagbalha Soinam Gyamco, a progressive patriot and member of the Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region. His body was tied to the tail of a horse and dragged through downtown as a warning.
  • 别为来拟定确实的计划,那等于种下癞蛤蟆而期望长出牛肝。
    Do not lie any certain plan for the future; it is like planting toad and expecting to raise toad - stool.
  • 您能邦我安排一下飞行路线吗?我乘飞机从北京飞往东京,如下是途经城市和所逗留的时间:
    Will you please help route me from Beijing by airline to Tokyo, via the following cities, with stopovers as indicated:
  • 嗯,这次飞行时间很长,说起来有近10个小时而且中途没停,我肯定每个乘客都会有些疲劳。
    Ms.Well, it was a pretty long trip, say, almost 10 hours without stopovers. I'm sure everyone will suffer from jetlag.
  • 我从未阻止过你,来也不会。
    I have never been a stopper to you and will never be.
  • 我们家具存放在仓库里。
    We put our furniture into storage.
  • 谁知道我们来会怎么样?
    Who knows what the future has in store for us?
  • 因为dna拥有存储信息的能力--几克dna也许就可以存储这个世界上已知的所有信息--所以一些科学家认为这种生化物质最终会成为效率最高的存储和处理信息的媒介。
    Because of DNAs power to store information, a few grams of the material could store all the data known to exist in the world, some scientists believe that such biochemicals will eventually be the most efficient medium of storing and manipulating information.
  • 当文件服务器用于局域网时,大型数据库就被存储在服务器上,而且用户也可以其所有的工作文件存放在上面。
    When a file server is used on a LAN, large databases are stored on the server and users may store all of their work flies there as well.