  • 够收缩或者已经收缩了。
    capable of contracting or being contracted.
  • 肌,股束由纤维组成够通过伸缩影响机体运动的组织
    A tissue composed of fibers capable of contracting to effect bodily movement.
  • 中小型企业与大型工厂一向保持十分紧密的伙伴关系,他们互相依靠,作出有效的分判安排,令整个制造业够灵活迅速地应付不断转变的市场需求。
    Many SMEs are linked with larger factories through an efficient and flexible sub-contracting network. This arrangement has enabled the manufacturing sector to respond swiftly to market changes.
  • 许多小型工厂均通过灵活有效的分判网络,与规模较大的工厂建立合作关系,使本港的制造业够迅速回应市场的最新需求。
    Many small establishments are linked with larger factories through an efficient and flexible sub-contracting network. This arrangement has enabled the manufacturing sector to respond swiftly to changes in demand.
  • 近年来,中国军队不断探索并努力实现社会化保障,借助社会力量,利用市场资源,精干担负军事保障职的机构,提高国防费使用效益。
    In recent years, the Chinese armed forces have endeavored, through continuous explorations, to realize a socialized service system by contracting out certain logistical support items, utilizing market resources and streamlining military support establishments, so as to raise the cost-effectiveness of defense expenditure.
  • 测力器用来测量在收缩中某一块肌肉或一组肌肉做功力的装置
    A device for measuring the work capacity of a muscle or group of muscles during contraction.
  • 正常伸缩性安静的肌肉所具有的正常的受压伸缩或局部弯曲的
    The normal state of elastic tension or partial contraction in resting muscles.
  • 脊椎动物肌肉组织中的一种化合物,提供肌肉收缩的量。
    a compound that is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates; supplies energy for muscle contraction.
  • 磷酸肌酸一种有机化合物,c4h10n3o5p,常见于肌肉组织,可以为肌肉收缩存储和提供
    An organic compound, C4H10N3O5P, found in muscle tissue and capable of storing and providing energy for muscular contraction.
  • 痉挛一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部
    A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.
  • 肌酸一种含氮的有机酸,c4h9n3o2,主要以磷酸肌酸的形式发现于脊椎动物的肌肉细胞组织中,并可为肌肉萎缩提供
    A nitrogenous organic acid, C4H9N3O2, that is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates mainly in the form of phosphocreatine and supplies energy for muscle contraction.
  • 通常固体也膨胀和收缩,但是总的来说固体的膨胀收缩系数比液体小。
    As a general rule, solids can expand and contract too. But the coefficients of expansion and contraction of solids are on the whole smaller than those of liquids.
  • 税务局:如果提供在境内介绍成交的全部合同资料,可以按合同成交额的3%核定佣金计税。
    Tax official: in this case, the taxable receipt can be assessed on the base of3% of the whole contractual turnover, provided that you can provide the whole contractual documents introduced and bargained within china.
  • 我知道现在的合同情况,但你补充一下过去的详情吗?
    I know the contractual situation as it stand now, but can you fill in the background details?
  • 我知道现在的合同情况,但你补充一下过去的详情吗
    I know the contractual situation as it stands now, but could you fill in the background details
  • 主要缺点是对它们的法律保护不如对股份制合资企业的那么完整,因为一个契约式合资企业可是也可不是一个独立法人。
    The major disadvantage is that the legal protection for them is not as complete as for equity joint ventures, because a contractual joint venture may or may not be an independent legal person.
  • 军队装备部门行使装备订货甲方责任主体职,武器装备科研、订购和维修按照国家和军队有关法规实行合同制管理。
    The armament departments perform the functions of the principal responsible party in weapon and equipment ordering, and institutes contractual management in the research, procurement and maintenance of weapons and equipment in accordance with state and PLA regulations.
  • 你是个女人:千万别讲你想的事情;你的话一定会跟你的思想矛盾,而你的行动又可跟你的话矛盾。
    You are a woman: you must never speak what you think; your words must contradict your thought, but your actions may contradict your words.
  • 口头证据不用来否认书面契约条款的规则。
    a rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract.
  • 你不说刺猬逗人喜爱-那个说法在词语上自相矛盾。
    You can't call a hedgehog cuddly – that is a contradiction in terms!
  • 中方是否够容忍这样相互矛盾的立场?
    Can China tolerate such a contradictory policy?
  • 够用通常是矛盾的两个方法来解释。
    capable of being interpreted in two usually contradictory ways.
  • 因此,正如这一问题所表明的,这里可存在着一些相互矛盾的方面。
    So there might be, as the question seems to indicate, some almost contradictory aspects.
  • petri网中两个事件间的矛盾现象,指的是多个事件共享一个事前条件或共享一个事后条件。在此情况下这些事件中只有一个可发生。
    A contradictory phenomenon between two events in Petri net. It means that several events share a precondition or share a postcondition. In this situation, only one of these events mayoccur.
  • (二六)我们已把强弱、大孝进步退步、多助寡助几个敌我之间矛盾着的基本特点,作了比较研究,批驳了亡国论,答复了为什么不易妥协和为什么政治可进步的问题。
    26. In our comparative study of the enemy and ourselves with respect to the basic contradictory characteristics, such as relative strength, relative size, progress or reaction, and the relative extent of support, we have already refuted the theory of national subjugation, and we have explained why compromise is unlikely and why political progress is possible.
  • 这个奇妙的玩意儿用吗?
    Does this contraption work?
  • 这一套东西噪音很大,与我们现在所看到的狼吞虎咽地收割庄稼的现代机械可是没法比。
    It was a noisy contraption unlike the modern machines you see these days devouring the golden armies of grain in wide gulps.
  • 有比较才能鉴别。
    There can be no differentiation without contrast.
  • 任何可触犯国家法律的事都不干。
    Don't do whatever may contravene the law of the country.
  • 我们当然应该把我们的知识和技贡献给我们的国家。
    We should certainly contribute our knowledge and skills to our country.
  • 而任何与其他东西交换的东西,都在相同程度上对生产作出贡献。
    and anything, which is susceptible of being exchanged for other things, is capable of contributing to production in the same degree.
  • 即工作压力不太可单独使人产生失误,而经常是结合其他因素,如疲劳、错误判断等。
    It is more likely that workload will be a contributing factor along with other factors, such as fatigue and false expectations or assumptions.