  • 对基督在伯利恒马厩里生的表现。
    a representation of Christ's Nativity in the stable at Bethlehem.
  • 人们通常认为基督时代是从耶稣世开始算起的。
    The Christian age is usually reckoned from the birth of Christ.
  • 追随耶稣基督的教义或者显示耶稣基督的品质和精神。
    following the teachings or manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus Christ.
  • 被耶稣选来的为他传播福音的原十二使徒之一。
    one of the original 12 disciples chosen by Christ to preach his gospel.
  • 基督徒在生时或洗礼时被给予的名。
    the first name given to Christians at birth or christening.
  • 那人被驱逐基督教会。
    The man was excommunicated from the Christian Church.
  • 她吐露了内心的秘密。
    She breathes the Christian spirit.
  • 每星期版的《基督教周报》和《时代论坛》,从基督教的观点提供时事消息和评论。
    Two weekly newspapers, The Christian Weekly and The Christian Times, present news and comments from a Christian perspective.
  • 这枚昂贵的彩蛋叫做thewinteregg,自俄国皇家珠宝匠卡尔·费伯奇之手。1913年的复活节,俄国沙皇尼古拉二世曾将这枚珠宝作为复活节礼物送给他的母亲。而这件稀世珍宝将于4月19日在著名的christie纽约拍卖行进行拍卖。
    The Winter Egg, produced by Carl Faberge and given by Russian Czar Nicholas II to his mother on Easter 1913, will be sold on April 19 at Christie's New York auction house.
  • 父母们说,像布莱特妮-斯皮尔斯和克莉丝汀-阿奎莱拉这样的年轻性感明星的现对孩子们产生了很大的影响,孩子们在开学之初相互攀比,竟相购买新衣服。
    Some parents say sexy young stars like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera have made back-to-school shopping a battle.
  • 两年后,演结束,克里斯蒂娜得到国机会,到国外发展她的演唱事业,并和日本流行歌星中西圭三录制了一段二重唱。
    Two years later,the show ended and Christina took the opportunity to travel overseas,to pursue her singing career,and recorded a duet with Japanese pop star Keizo Nakanishi.
  • 克里斯蒂娜在新年一开始就在"超级碗"比赛中场休息时同恩里克·伊格莱西亚斯表演精彩的二重唱,菲尔·柯林斯和托尼·布拉克斯顿也参加了演
    Christina's new year started with a great duet performance with Enrique Iglesias at the Super Bowl Half Time Show which also featured Phil Collins and Toni Braxton.
  • 与克里斯蒂娜·阿吉莱拉的夏秋季巡回演在进行中,尽管富兰克林在仅加盟"命运之子"5个月后便宣布退从而使这些计划复杂起来。
    A summer and fall tour with Christina Aguilera is in the works,although those plans have now been complicated by Franklin's announcement that she has left Destiny's Child,a mere five months after joining the group.
  • 基督的表现耶稣的品德或精神;具有耶稣精神的
    Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
  • 圣诞节祝福送的卡。
    a card expressing a Christmas greeting.
  • 她与第二个丈夫制片人汤麦斯·路易斯育有二子,56岁的克里斯托福和55岁的皮特。她的养女,今年64岁的朱蒂·路易斯声称她的生来自扬和克拉克·盖博的一场风流韵事。
    And Judy Lewis,64,her adopted daughter--she has two sons, Christopher, 56, and Peter,55,from her second marriage, to producer Thomas Lewis--claimed to be the result of a romance between Young and Clark Gable.
  • 木琴一种打击乐器,由逐级加长的一排排镶嵌的木棒组成,并发半音音阶,用两个小木槌敲击
    A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale, played with two small mallets.
  • 着丝点染色体微管的两个亚微观连接点,在细胞分裂过程中现在各自的着丝粒上
    Either of two submicroscopic attachment points for chromosomal microtubules, present on each centromere during the process of cell division.
  • 染色体重复染色体中遗传物质段的重复现b
    The occurrence of a repeated section of genetic material in a chromosome.
  • 谱班太阳黑子区附近现的明亮和极热的区域,通常是与黑子联系在一起
    A bright and intensely hot area in the sun's chromosphere, usually associated with a sunspot.
  • 现在热带和亚热带地区的一种慢性传染病。
    chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions.
  • 慢性白血病特征是现粒状白血球。
    chronic leukemia characterized by granular leukocytes; more common in older people.
  • 一种慢性白血病;普遍现在老人身上。
    chronic leukemia characterized by lymphoblast-like cells; more common in older men.
  • 天疱疹多种现大量搔痒疱疹的急慢性皮肤病的任一种
    Any of several acute or chronic skin diseases characterized by groups of itching blisters.
  • 慢性淋病性尿道炎慢性淋病性尿道炎,症状为排粘膜液体
    Inflammation of the urethra resulting from chronic gonorrhea and characterized by a mucopurulent discharge.
  • 一干七百七十五年就是像这样表现了它的伟大,也把成干上万的小人物带上了他们前面的路--我们这部历史中的几位也在其中。
    Thus did the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five conduct their Greatnesses, and myriads of small creatures--the creatures of this chronicle among the rest--along the roads that lay before them.
  • 我把它们按时间顺序放好,当最高法庭作任命后,我把这堆报纸放进一个透明塑料袋存放起来。
    I stacked them chronologically and when the Supreme Court made the appointment,I placed the stack in a clear plastic bag and put them in storage.
  • 从亚洲种(红花除虫菊)中衍生的庭园多年生种之一,在晚春开白色、桃红色、红色或罕见的淡紫色花;除虫剂的原料;有时归入菊花属。
    spring-flowering garden perennial of Asiatic origin having finely divided aromatic leaves and white to pink-purple flowers; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum.
  • 在那儿,她看到了一张照片,照片上一个胖乎乎的小孩正打开一个珠宝盒,从盒子中飞了蝴蝶。
    There Baumbich found a photograph of a chubby toddler opening a treasure chest -- out of which flew butterflies.
  • 教室的另一角是一个涂着海报油彩由纸板制成的马槽,这自孩子们那胖乎乎、脏兮兮的小手。
    In another rested a manger scene produced from cardboard and poster paints by chubby, and sometimes grubby, hands.
  • 那天,在我们等待发信号时,查比在原地腾跳,全神贯注,明显表现要奔跑的强烈愿望。
    As we waited for the start signal that day,Chubby was prancing in place,alert and obviously eager to be running.
  • 信号一发,我还没来得及反应,查比如弩箭离弦向前奔去,我所作的只有握紧缰绳,任它奔驰。
    When the signal came,Chubby was off like a rocket before I could react,and it was all I could do to hold on.