  • 共汽车非常无规律。
    The bus service is very irregular.
  • 司最近在付款方面几乎没有准则,我们曾一再催告,然而毫无结果。
    Of late, payments have been quite irregularly made, and more than one occasion we have had to press for them.
  • 野猪把地面拱得像一条垄沟,耕地给糟蹋得不能种庄稼了。
    The wild boar plow the earth up like a furrow, and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands.
  • 布许多核机密被视为这一战略基本的一个部分,因为这表明了一个全新的全球格局,在这样一个格局中,核技术突然间无可挽回地跌价了,真正的安全在于这样一个集体认识:没有人可以将武器的研制推到人类知识界限之外。
    Releasing many of America's nuclear secrets was seen as an essential part of this strategy.,since it would signal a new global order in which nuclear know-how was suddenly and irreparably devalued and real security would lie in the collective knowledge that nobody was able to push weaponry beyond the known boundaries.
  • 在一年中最冷的日子里,有条84里长的完备的冬季步行道,非去不可,可沿途观赏达沃斯清新的田园风光。
    At the coldest time of year,84 km of well prepared winter walking paths offer an irresistible invitation to discover the crisp Davos countryside.
  • 我们要透过宣扬良好民意识,鼓励不同年龄、不同阶层的市民积极叁与这次活动,从个人做起,从保持自己家居清洁做起。
    Through the promotion of civic awareness in the community, we shall encourage people from various social sectors, irrespective of age, to take an active part in this campaign. Efforts of individual members of the community in keeping places clean will start from home.
  • 在中国,除依法被剥夺政治权利的人以外,凡年满18周岁的民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况和居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权。
    In China, except for those who have been deprived of their political rights, all citizens aged 18 or above, irrespective of ethnic status, race, sex, occupation, family background, religious belief, education, property status or length of residence, have the right to vote and stand for election.
  •  第一百零二条对退休或符合规定离职的务人员,包括香港特别行政区成立前退休或符合规定离职的务人员,不论其所属国籍或居住地点,香港特别行政区政府按不低于原来的标准向他们或其家属支付应得的退休金、酬金、津贴和福利费。
    Article 102 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall pay to public servants who retire or who leave the service in compliance with regulations, including those who have retired or who have left the service in compliance with regulations before the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, or to their dependants, all pensions, gratuities, allowances and benefits due to them on terms no less favourable than before, irrespective of their nationality or place of residence.
  • 朝向开革命不可逆转的势头
    An irreversible momentum toward open revolution.
  • 付款条件:以本司为受益人的一流银行开出的不可撤销信用证。
    Terms: by irrevocable letter of credit open by a1 bank in our favor.
  • 付款条件:凭装运单据,在装运港支付现金,或开立以我司为受益人的不可撤销信用证。
    Payment terms: cash in port of shipment against shipping document, or an irrevocable letter of credit open in our favour.
  • 依照这些价格,如贵司愿采用不可撤消信用状,见票即付的给款方式,欢迎来函订购第一批货品。
    We shall be glad to receive your initial order at the prices on a draft at sight under your irrevocable L/C.
  • 徐:根据我司的规定,信用证必须是保兑的,虽然我们肯定像你这样的国际商人不会不遵守合同。
    According to our company policy, the L/C must be a confirmed and irrevocable one, though we know for certain that an international businessman like you will never default.
  • "有了私人小汽车,也就没有了等候共汽车或出租车带来的烦恼。"
    "With a private car, there will be no irritation caused by waiting for buses or taxies."
  • 穆罕默德伊斯兰教的阿拉伯先知,四十岁时开始作为真正的宗教的上帝的先知传教。穆罕默德在元622年以后在麦地那建立了一个政教合一国家并使阿拉伯半岛皈依伊斯兰教
    Arab prophet of Islam. At the age of40 he began to preach as God's prophet of the true religion. Mohammed established a theocratic state at Medina after622 and began to convert Arabia to Islam.
  • 本港的回教事务,均由香港回教信讬基金总会统筹,该会是一个共慈善团体。
    The co-ordinating body for all Islamic religious affairs is the Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong, a public charity.
  • 在伊斯兰教国家里,妇女们在共场合不能揭开面纱。
    Women must not unveil themselves in public in Islamic societies.
  • 我也支持新加坡回教理事会早在九一一前便已时常举行的开讲座。
    So do the public talks given by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) which began much earlier than the unfortunate 911.
  • 朱特人日耳曼一族的成员,元5至6世纪时入侵不列颠,定居在不列颠南部和东南部以及怀特岛上
    A member of a Germanic people who invaded Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries a.d. and settled in the south and southeast and on the Isle of Wight.
  • 因此,阮屿是与大自然调和的。
    Therefore Governor Yiian's Islet is in perfect harmony with nature.
  • 屿今日屹立于湖的中央,一片一百多码阔的平地,比水面高不到一尺,岛屿上四周满种着柳树。
    Today the Governor Yiian's Islet stands in the middle of the lake, a level piece of land about a hundred yards across, rising barely a foot above the water and planted all around with willow trees.
  • 这个农场与世隔绝,离它最近的住家在30里以外。
    The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away.
  • 由于缺少共汽车,向个村庄一直与外界隔绝。
    Several villages have been isolated by lack of buses.
  • 以色列电视昨晚指控美国掩饰叙利亚与泛美航空司103号班机爆炸案的关联。
    Israeli TV last night accused the U.S. of covering up a Syrian link to the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing.
  • 拉妮雅获益于中产阶级家庭舒适的教育,不仅感受到阿拉伯海湾极度的富有,而且接触到生活在以色列占领下约旦河西岸被剥夺了民权的巴勒斯坦人的严酷现状。
    She had the benefits of a comfortable, middle? class upbringing that brought her in touch both with the fantastic wealth of the Arab Gulf and with the grim realities of disenfranchised Palestinians living in the Israeli? occupied West Bank.
  • 让我想想,对了,安然是其中之一。这家大司就在您的老家得克萨斯州,它比今年3月份以色列坦克开过来时我办室下面那家小吃摊倒得还快。
    Let me see, ah yes, there was Enron -- that giant corporation from your very own state of Texas, that went bust faster than the falafel stand down the road from my office when Israeli Merkava tanks came rolling in last March.
  • 现时推出「港元债务工具发行计划」正合时宜,对按揭证券司的成功运作极为重要。
    The launching of the Debt Issuance Programme is a timely development crucial to the successful operation of the HKMC.
  • 二零零一年,该司通过本身的200亿元债券发行计划、200亿元债务工具发行计划及零售债券发行计划,发行了26批合共156亿元的债券,成为本港定息债务证券的最活跃机构发债体。
    In 2001, the HKMC successfully issued 26 debt issues for a total amount of $15.6 billion under its $20 billion Note Issuance Programme (NIP), $20 billion Debt Issuance Programme (DIP) and through the retail bond issuance scheme, making it the most active corporate issuer of fixed rate debt securities in Hong Kong.
  • 签署仪式完毕后,按揭证券司行政总裁彭醒棠先生将会详细介绍「港元债务工具发行计划」的各项特点。
    Mr Peter Pang, Chief Executive Officer, will explain the details of the various features of the Debt Issuance Programme after the signing ceremony.
  • 在第一阶段,按揭证券司购入按揭贷款,作为司本身的投资组合,营运资金主要通过发行无抵押债券筹集得来。
    The initial phase involves the purchase of mortgage loans for its own portfolio and the funding of the purchases largely through the issuance of unsecured debt securities.
  • 一九九九年年底,按揭证券司透过本身的200亿元债券发行计划和200亿元债务工具发行计划,成功发行合共114亿元无抵押债券,成为最活跃的港元定息债券发行人之一。
    At the end of 1999, the HKMC has successfully issued a total of $11.4 billion of unsecured debts through its $20 billion Note Issuance Programme (NIP) and $20 billion Debt Issuance Programme (DIP), making it one of the most active issuers of Hong Kong dollar fixed rate securities.
  • 首先欢迎各位出席香港按揭证券有限司「港元债务工具发行计划」的签约仪式。
    Let me first welcome you all to this signing ceremony to launch the Hong Kong Dollar Debt Issuance Programme of the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation (HKMC).