  • 我们从工厂向顾客直接销售,绕过了中商。
    We sell direct from the factory to the customer and cut out the middleman.
  • 我们很理解中商的地位,另一方面,我们必须坦白告诉你,百分之三佣金真是一个例外。
    While we well understand the position a middleman is in, we would like to point our frankly that a 3% commission is really an exception.
  • 它起了web浏览器和数据库服务器之人的作用,因此公司不需要在用户端安装高性能的windows应用程序。
    It acts as a middleman between Web browsers and the database servers, so firms don't need to install high-maintenance Windows applications at the user end.
  • 如果你是一位中商,那么国际互联网对廉价和迅速服务的承诺会“剥夺”你中商的地位取消你作为生产商与顾客之交易的协助者角色的资格。
    If you are a middleman, the Internet’s promise of cheaper prices and faster service can “disintermediate” you , eliminate your role of assisting the transaction between the producer and the consumer.
  • 公司直接和卖主联系,避开中人。
    It deals direct with vendors, again avoiding middlemen.
  • 贸易中要免除层层中剥削,使他们少吃亏。
    In doing business, we should see to it that they are not subjected to exploitation by middlemen at any stage.
  • 有些新的中商,如(加州)圣何塞市的ebay公司经营着拍卖站点,它们使用动态定价,这是一个利用web的实时功能,让价格随供求关系自由波动的模型。
    Some of the new middlemen, like eBay Inc. in San Jose, are operating auction sites that use dynamic pricing, a model that exploits the real-time capabilities of the Web to let pricing fluctuate freely based on supply and demand.
  • 品质介于差和中等之的。
    poor to middling in quality.
  • 已到午夜,本台现在停止广播。
    It is midnight and we are now closing down.
  • 字(词)处理技术中,文本字符串的一种定位法,可使文本字符串的中点对准给定的参考位置。
    In word processing, the positioning of a text string so that its midpoint is ali gned with a given reference point position.
  • 盾脐,中心点饰有纹章的盾上位于中心点和底部点之的点;盾下半部的中心点
    The point on an escutcheon between the fess point and the base point; the midpoint in the lower half of the escutcheon.
  • 在中脉附近裂开,彼此之距离较远,没有完全分开成单个个体。
    cleft nearly to the midrib in broad divisions not separated into distinct leaflets.
  • 在叶的中脉附近裂开,彼此之距离很近,没有完全分开成单个个体。
    cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets.
  • 中部,中部分中部分,尤指人体的上腹部
    A middle section, especially the midriff of the human body.
  • 鱼网的网身象袋子似的重网的中部分,所有的捕获物都集中于此
    The pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated.
  • 他只是最近才到我们中
    He was but recently in our midst.
  • 在我们中间的陌生人
    A stranger in our midst.
  • 他站在人群中散发传单。
    in the midst of the crowd.
  • 在沙漠中间
    In the midst of the desert.
  • 我们必须清除我们中的叛徒!
    We must weed out the traitors in our midst!
  • 在我们/你们/他们中有一个小偷。
    There is a thief in our/your/their midst.
  • (前缀)在……之或者在……之中。
    (prefix) between or among or in the midst of.
  • 随着时的流逝,村民们逐渐习惯了与这个陌生人相处。
    As time/months went by, the willagers gradually got accustomed to the stranger in their midst.
  • 支持敌人、从事谍或破坏活动的一队危险分子;藏在你们中的敌人。
    a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst.
  • 因为无论在哪里,有两三个以我的名义聚会,那里就有我在人们中
    "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
  • 他把它描绘成“一个非常合适的地点,位于两座小山之,一条大河从中流过”。
    He described it as "a very agreeable situation located within two small hills in the midst of which flowed a great river."
  • 期中考试;学期中的假期
    Midterm examinations; a midterm break.
  • 在这两个镇的中有个小村子。
    There is a small village midway between these two towns.
  • 介于黄色和绿色之
    midway between yellow and green.
  • 站在a与b之间。
    Stand midway between A and B.
  • 一半两端中间的位置
    A position midway between two extremes.
  • 指一种处于红色和蓝色中的颜色。
    of a color midway between red and blue.