| - 将来生效或实施的事先制定以便在将来生效或具有生效的可能的;视情况而定的
Intended to go into effect or having the potential of becoming effective at a future time; contingent. - 第二,管理水平提高了,积累了经验,有了一批具备相当管理能力的干部。
Second, a higher level of management, combining accumulated experience and a contingent of cadres with fairly strong management abilities. - 连续观察心脏官能的电子设备。
a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart. - 有些人执着地追求完美,尽管他们也知道那是不可能的。
Some people continually strive after perfection, even though they know it's impossible to reach. - 我们恳切希望贵公司能继续订购。
We solicit a continuance of your order. - 我们能够指望这样的好天气再持续一段时间吗?
Can we hope for a continuance of this fine weather? - 我们不能再支持总统连任.
We can no longer support the President's continuance in office. - 感谢以往的惠顾,并企望能继续获得您的支持和信赖。
We thank you for your past favours, and hope for a continuance of your support and confidence. - 我们必须肩负道德上的责任,确保由先辈苦心经营,今日我们所拥有的新加坡,能够在我们这一代延续下去,并取得更好的成绩。
On our part, we have to assume moral responsibility to ensure the continuance and bettering of what our predecessors started. - 我们希望该商品能状况良好地到达贵地,并能以好的价格售出。
We hope that the goods will reach you in good condition, and realize profitable price, and lead to a continuance of business. - “上天的父,我们感谢您的厚爱,感谢您给我们和平,使我们得有今天,感谢您让我们具有共同信念使和平可能持久下去。”
"Heavenly Father, we bow our heads and thank you for your love. Accept our thanks for the peace that yields this day and the shared faith that makes its continuance likely." - 我相信,在我有生之年退休,对现行政策能继续下去比较有利,也符合我个人向来的信念。
I believe if I retire before I die, it will help ensure the continuation of the present policies. It will also be in keeping with my own wishes. - 多雨的天气可能还要持续好几天.
Wet weather may continue for a few more days. - 我能继续旅行吗?
Can I continue traveling? - 能继续往前开吗?
Can you continue driving? - 继续调整能源结构。
Energy restructuring will continue. - 雨天可能持续下去。
The wet weather may continue. - 我也希望你们能继续下去。
I hope you do continue them. - 明天可能继续晴天。
It'll probably continue fine tomorrow. - 道理很简单,就是不能中断学习的连续性。
The answer is simple: so as not to break the continuity of studies. - 事实上,这些都是临时安排,以便在未来十年内,我们的民主进程发展时,能够保持平衡和延续。
Indeed, they are an interim arrangement, designed to maintain balance and continuity while our democratic process evolves over the next 10 years. - 事实上,功能组别是《基本法》规定的过渡性安排,目的是让香港在未来十年按部就班发展民主,期间又可平衡各方的需要,并继续顺利运作。
Indeed, they are an interim arrangement under the Basic Law, designed to maintain balance and continuity while our democratic process continues to evolve of the next decade. - 如果政策对,能推动社会主义社会生产力发展,使人民生活逐步好起来,这种政策本身就保证了它的连续性。
If the policy is right and can promote the development of the productive forces in a socialist society and gradually raise the people's living standards, the policy itself ensures its continuity. - 这样不断盘问,他可能支持不下去。
He may break under continuous questioning. - (指轻武器)能够连续的自动填装和开火。
(of firearms) capable of automatic loading and firing continuously. - 连续体或某一过程中的具体能辨认的位置。
a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process. - 当然,其原因可能是如此大的波动只不过是发电机过程中波动连续体的极端例子,一个外核气候中的厄尔尼诺现象。
Indeed, it may be that such fluctuations are simply extreme examples of the continuum of fluctuations in the dynamo processes, an El Niflo in the weather of the outer core. - 许多人把诚实当做是一种权宜之计,但由于这种诚实态度弹性太大,致使它可能会被扭曲成谋求自己利益的一种手段。
Many people are honest for the sake of expediency, but this kind of honesty is so flexible that it can be contorted to serve in any situation which furthers their interests. - 当局在新道路工程的规划阶段,会就工程对环境的影响作出审慎评估,并尽可能考虑进行环境美化工程,为周围山坡修饰外形,以及装设隔音屏障等。
The environmental impact of new road projects is carefully examined at the planning stage. Where practical, measures such as landscaping, artificial contouring of surrounding hillsides and the installation of noise barriers are considered. - 当局在规划运输基础设施的过程中,已小心研究新道路工程在施工和营运阶段可能对环境造成的影响,并尽量考虑采取措施,以减轻工程对环境的影响,例如园林美化,为周围山坡修饰外形,装设隔音屏障等,并在有需要时为受影响的住户提供减低噪音的装置等。
The environmental impact of new transport projects during both the construction and operation phases is carefully examined at the planning stage. Environmental mitigation measures, such as landscaping, artificial contouring of surrounding hillsides, the installation of noise barriers and noise insulation works are implemented where necessary to minimise the environmental impact of transport projects. - 中国鼓励有生育能力的已婚夫妇在国家指导下自愿选择适宜的避孕措施和方法;
China encourages fertile married couples to select contraceptive methods of their own accord under the guidance of the state; - 由于卵子不成熟、卵子成熟期已过、怀孕、服用避孕药或者卵巢功能紊乱等原因导致卵子无法排出。
the absence of ovulation due to immaturity or post-maturity or pregnancy or oral contraceptive pills or dysfunction of the ovary.