Chinese English Sentence:
  • 那个人打昏了,但过了一会儿苏醒了过来。
    The man was stunned, but he came round after a time.
  • 他们强加我宴会账单;我被强加了一大笔税金账单。
    They stuck me with the dinner bill; I was stung with a huge tax bill.
  • 我当头一击,把我打得不省人事。
    He knocked me on the head and blow stupefied me.
  • 我看一些不同的发型的图片。
    Show me some pictures of different styles.
  • 了我们欣赏各种不同艺术风格的机会。
    This gave us an opportunity to appreciate differing artistic styles.
  • 我看看最新的发型照片好吗?
    Show me some photos of the latest hair styles, will you?
  • 他们被与新大楼中所有电工工作的分包合同。
    They have been awarded the subcontract for all the electrical work in the new building.
  • 他们被与新大楼中所有电工工作的分包合同。
    They have is award the subcontract for all the electrical work in the new building.
  • 转包合同把(签了合同的工作)分包别人;转包合同
    To arrange for(contracted work) to be done in portions by others; subcontract.
  • 电工工作已转承包史密斯有限公司。
    The electrical work has been subcontracted to Smith Ltd..
  • 纳税人:事实上,我公司把工程转包其他分包商了。
    Taxpayer: In fact, my company transfer the project to some subcontractors.
  • 公司把公寓分租大学生.
    The company subleases flats to students.
  • 他租下了这幢房子,然后把一个房间转租朋友。
    He rents the house and sublets a room to a friend.
  • 这项费用的支付应该连同回复书一起交服务提供方。
    This payment shall be made together with the submission of the response to the Provider.
  • 我把试卷交主考老师。
    I submitted my papers to the examiner.
  • 男性比较多自由的性行为的一种道德标准(和女性的附庸地位有关)。
    a code that permits greater sexual freedom for men than for women (associated with the subordination of women).
  • 把控制转交一个指定的闭式子例行程序。参阅subroutinecall。
    To transfer control to a specified closed subroutine.
  • 动物保护协会捐了一大笔钱。
    He subscribe a large sum to an animal protection society.
  • 如果你订阅报纸,它会直接你送到门上的。
    If you subscribe to the newspaper, it'll be delivered to your door.
  • 只要定一个要访问的用户移动电话号码,用户记录就会包含相关的主msid。
    Given a visiting subscribers mobile directory number, the subscriber record contains the related primary MSID.
  • 只要定一个mdn,用户记录就会包含相关的主msid。
    Given an MDN, the subscriber record contains the related primary MSID.
  • 会费应交俱乐部秘书
    Payment of subscription shall be made to the club secretary
  • 会费应交俱乐部秘书
    Payment of subscription shall be make to the club secretary
  • 如果你订阅报纸,它会直接你送上门的。
    If you send in a subscription on the newspaper, it'll be delivered to your door.
  • 他们所有的工作制定了标准。
    they set the measure for all subsequent work.
  • 子集包含一个定的或相似的子集的集合
    A set that includes a given and similar set as a subset.
  • 很多设备,如移动电话,只需要xhtml的一个子集,因为模块能自动过滤xhtml,只出设备所需要的东西。
    Many devices, such as cell phones, would need only a subset of XHTML because modules would automatically filter the XHTML to include only what the device needs.
  • 政府已拒绝汽车工业补贴。
    The government has refused to subsidize the car industry.
  • 资助赠款公基金为扶助一项公共事业拨州或地方政府的联邦基金
    A giving of federal funds to a state or local government to subsidize a public project.
  • 资助赠款为资助一个项目或计划拨机构或个人的基金
    A giving of funds to an institution or a person in order to subsidize a project or program.
  • 补助费政府予工矿企业的补助
    A subsidy from a government to an industry.
  • 尽管民政部门对符合最低生活保障条件的困难职工予了最低生活保障,但仍有部分职工家庭生活困难却不能得到最低生活保障。
    Although Civil Affairs Departments have extended subsistence allowances to qualified employees in economic difficulty, there are still some families who do not receive subsistence allowances.