  • 八米长五米宽的房的面积为四十平方米。
    A room 8 meters long and 5 meters wide has an area of 40 square meters.
  • 这个房间长五米。
    This room is five meters long.
  • 要是你安排得更有条理些,就不会浪费那么多时了。
    If you had used more method, you wouldn't have wasted so much time.
  • 由三月底至六月中期,古物古迹办事处在屯门龙鼓滩三处丁屋地点进行了一项大规模的抢救发掘工作,发掘范围达300平方米,并在离地面一米深处发现属新石器时代晚期(约公元前二千年)的文化层。
    A large-scale rescue excavation was conducted from late March to mid-June at three small house sites at Lung Kwu Tan, Tuen Mun. A total area of 300 square metres was excavated and a late-Neolithic cultural layer of about 2000 BC was encountered one metre below ground surface.
  • 在两个非重读音节或短音节中夹着一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember。
    a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed-unstressed syllables (e.g., `remember').
  • 短长短三音节音步一种三音节音步,在两个非重读音节或短音节中夹着一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember
    A trisyllabic metrical foot having one accented or long syllable between two unaccented or short syllables, as in the word remember.
  • 休止,中断几行诗文之的停顿,受意义和自然韵律而非节奏的支配
    A pause in a line of verse dictated by sense or natural speech rhythm rather than by metrics.
  • 而艾丽丝·姚却不一样。她是地铁电台、亚洲电视和有线电视台的节目主持人。她和男友已经交往了很长时
    However Alice Yau,a programme host with Metro Radio,ATV and Cable Television,won't feel all cut up if the day slips by now and then without a present from her long standing boyfriend.
  • 他用脚步量了两根杆子中的距离,发现是五米。
    Pacing off the distance between the two poles, he found it to be five metros.
  • 凹坑在光盘上的排列轨迹隔在dvd上(0.74微米),比在cd上(1.6微米)更加紧密。
    The pits are arranged in tracks that are spaced much closer on a DVD (0. 74 microns) than on a CD (1. 6 microns).
  • 位于新几内亚和日本之的密克罗尼西亚的一串珊瑚和火山群岛。
    a chain of coral and volcanic islands in Micronesia halfway between New Guinea and Japan.
  • 从隔壁房传入麦克风的声音。
    The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine.
  • 如果没有碰撞,该设备就按需继续发送,在两个包之总是至少暂停1微秒,以便让其它设备也有机会上网。
    If there wasn't a collision, the device keeps sending as needed, always pausing at least a microsecond between packets to allow other devices a chance at the wire.
  • 据ngio论坛的市场推广主席兼sun公司i/o部门经理的查尔斯·安德烈斯称,对最终用户的ngio成本"将为每台机器20美元左右,随着时的推移,成本会下降的。"
    The cost of NGIO for the end user will be "roughly $20 per machine," says Charles Andres, chairman of marketing at the NGIO Forum and Group Manager for I/O at Sun Microsystems."Over time the cost will come down."
  • 中国在空领域的国际合作始于二十世纪七十年代中期。
    China's participation in international space cooperation started in the mid-1970s.
  • 他在花园中种上玫瑰。
    He planted roses in the middle of the garden.
  • 远离中心的比在中心处或中的一个更远的
    Farther than another from the center or middle.
  • 他正站在教室中间。
    He is standing in the middle of the classroom.
  • 考试中, 有个男孩冲进了教室。
    A boy rushed into the classroom in the middle of the exam.
  • 床单的中部分磨薄了。
    The sheets have worn thin in the middle.
  • 你要哪本书?我要中的那一本。
    Which book do you want? I'll have the middle one.
  • 请站在房子中间。
    Please stand in the middle of the room.
  • 居于中间位置的
    Being in a middle position.
  • 请在中间分头路。
    Part in the middle, please.
  • 上午10时左右早晨中的部分
    The middle of the morning.
  • 仲夏夏季的中间部分
    The middle of the summer.
  • 仲冬冬季的中一段时
    The middle of the winter.
  • 放在中间
    To place in the middle.
  • 中流溪流中间的部分
    The middle part of a stream.
  • 他在两公司的谈判中作中人.
    He acted as a middleman in discussions between the two companies.
  • 股票经纪人,证券交易商在股票证券交易中的代理人中的中
    A middleman in the exchange of stocks and securities among brokers.
  • 他在两公司的谈判中作中人。
    He act as a middleman in discussion between the two company.