  • 一种软质的银白有毒金属元素,用于钢合金,存在于许多复合矿物中,包括钒钾铀矿和钒铅矿。
    a soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloys; it occurs in several complex minerals including carnotite and vanadinite.
  • 钒铅矿一种红、黄或褐矿物,尤指一种铅和钒矿
    A red, yellow, or brown mineral, essentially an ore of vanadium and lead.
  • 淡黄的风信旗加顶于建筑物。
    A wheater vane crowns the building.
  • 开粉白花香草味道的欧洲草本植物。
    European herb with vanilla-scented white-pink flowers.
  • 香草醛,香兰素一种白或淡黄晶体化合物,c8h8o3,见于香子兰豆以及某些香脂和松脂中,用于做香水、调味品和药剂
    A white or yellowish crystalline compound, C8H8O3, found in vanilla beans and certain balsams and resins and used in perfumes, flavorings, and pharmaceuticals.
  • 反应性因身体状况的变化而引起的变反应,尤指由于温度变化而引起的
    A change in color caused by variation of the physical conditions to which a body is subjected, especially such a change caused by variation in temperature.
  • 调一种泽,尤指苍白或细微的变化
    A shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation.
  • 的几种颜的;杂的或斑驳的
    Of several colors; varicolored or variegated.
  • 的各种颜的或以各种不同颜为特征的;多种彩的
    Of or characterized by different colors; varicolored.
  • 菱形花纹一种以同为背景,多菱形花纹的编织图案
    A knitting pattern of varicolored, diamond-shaped areas on a solid background.
  • 广泛种植的平顶、密集、多串状花瓣的欧亚石竹。
    Eurasian pink widely cultivated for its flat-topped dense clusters of varicolored flowers.
  • 用不同的颜阴影或图案使多样化。
    variegate with different colors, shades, or patterns.
  • 的具有多样的颜的;有斑点的
    Having a variety of colors; variegated.
  • 广泛栽植于加那利群岛的一种多年生草本植物,有蓝、紫、红或杂的雏菊状头状花。
    herb of Canary Islands widely cultivated for its blue or purple or red or variegated daisylike flowers.
  • 头状花冠为白或兰到紫或杂放射形的澳洲西部一年生植物。
    western Australian annual much cultivated for its flower heads with white or bluish to violet or variegated rays.
  • 社会是由形形的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。
    Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.
  • 钙铝榴石,桂榴石一种褐或黄褐的石榴石
    A brown or yellowish-brown variety of garnet.
  • 有各种各样的颜可供选择。
    There are various colors to choose from.
  • 他经历过形形的奇遇。
    He had passed through various adventures.
  • 似姜植物一种颜各异及花朵带有芳香味的植物
    Any of several related plants having variously colored, often fragrant flowers.
  • 杜鹃花一种杜鹃花属灌木,有着鲜艳的不同颜的花
    Any of various shrubs of the genus Rhododendron having showy, variously colored flowers.
  • 罗丝草一种马先蒿属植物,有一簇簇不规则,不同颜的花
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Pedicularis, having clusters of irregular, variously colored flowers.
  • 百日草属植物的任何一种,具有多样的,亮丽彩的花序。
    any of various plants of the genus Zinnia cultivated for their variously and brightly colored flower heads.
  • 用洋葱和香草调味的葡萄酒和紫罗兰做成的白的沙司;吃鱼或吃肉时用。
    white or veloute sauce with wine and stock variously seasoned with onions and herbs; for fish or meat.
  • 蚤草多种飞蓬属植物中的一种,长有彩丰富的、有许多舌状花的菊花头状花冠
    Any of various plants of the genus Erigeron, having variously colored, many-rayed, daisylike flower heads.
  • 美洲胡椒任何一种热带美洲作物,形状如小米辣或辣椒,有彩各异的豆荚状多籽的种子
    Any of several tropical American, cultivated forms of Capsicum frutescens or C. annuum, having podlike, many-seeded, variously colored berries.
  • 六出花属植物一种南美洲多年生六出花属草本植物,花朵绚丽多而常被采摘
    Any of several South American perennial herbs of the genus Alstroemeria, popular as cut flowers for their showy, variously colored blooms.
  • 它被一层暗绿的油漆覆盖,油漆遮住了原有的彩并且每边都被切掉了三英寸(七点五厘米)。
    It is covered by a dirty green varnish that obscures the colour and about three inches (7.5 centimetres) have been cut off each side.
  • 不同品种的玫瑰可以杂交以改变其颜
    Variety of roses can be crossed to vary their colours
  • 不正的偏离正常的、期望的或所要求的颜
    Varying from the usual, expected, or required color.
  • 经过烘烤,这种土变成深浅不同的红褐
    When fired the clay turns varying tones of reddish brown.
  • 在不同的光线下或者从不同的角度观察颜不同。
    varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles.