  • 他突心血来潮,说要干这项工作。
    Acting on the spur of the moment, he said he'd take the job.
  • 他一时冲动,决定去芝加哥;他突下定决心。
    he decided to go to Chicago on the spur of the moment; he made up his mind suddenly.
  • 这是在加工工业生产能力过剩的情况下调整结构的必选择,既可以消除基础设施的“瓶颈”制约,又可以带动装备制造业等相关行业的发展。
    This was an inevitable choice in readjusting the industrial structure when the processing industries had surplus capacity, for it has not only removed bottlenecks but also spurred growth in equipment manufacturing and other related industries.
  • 快,赶快走,不我们永远到不了那儿。
    Come on; put a spurt on or we'll never get there.
  • 房产市场突活跃了一阵子。
    There was a sudden spurt of activity in the housing market.
  • 拐向左后,他突加速而超过了别人。
    After turning left, he suddenly put on a spurt and passed the others.
  • 一些新的同业在全国各地的城市举办颇具吸引力的展示会,藉此他们的销售量遽增加。
    Well, some of the newcomers have put on attractive exhibitions in various cities throughout the country. That gives them a sudden spurt in sales.
  • 那个被宣布有罪的人大义凛的面对着行刑的队伍;被判有罪的罪犯。
    the condemned man faced the firing squad with dignity; a convicted criminal.
  • 浪费我们国家的自资源是一种罪恶
    It's a crime to squander our country's natural resources.
  • 我明白,对于伊拉克来说提供所有需要的证据并不容易,但寻找这些证据也不是核查人员的责任,不过伊拉克方面必须清醒地认识到此事的重要性。
    Although I can understand that it may not be easy for Iraq in all cases to provide the evidence needed, it is not the task of the inspectors to find it. Iraq itself must squarely tackle this task and avoid belittling the questions.
  • 昨晚那座建筑物突倒塌,造成数人受伤。
    Last night the building went squash suddenly and several people were injured.
  • 我一直很清楚“佳乐”早晚是留不住的,但是,离开自己心爱的东西,纵你知道应该这样做,可还是舍不得呀!。
    I had known all along that I would eventually have to release Squeak. Still, it is hard to let go of something you've treasured -- even when you know it's the right thing to do.
  • 我虽很忙,但还能找到时间轻松一下。
    I can squeeze time from my tight schedule for entertainment.
  • 后他眯着眼说道:“光线幽暗,读给我听吧。”
    Then, squinting his eyes, he said: "The night is dim. Read the letter to me."
  • 这孩子突把水从管子里喷了出来。
    The boy squirted the water out of the tube.
  • 一阵突的剧疼使他挺不起身来。
    He twisted up with a sudden stab of pain.
  • 每当他想要动一下时,一阵突的刺痛使他弯下身去。
    Every time he tried to move, a sudden stab of pain twisted him up.
  • ,你们的人手不够,我们会给你们补充人员。
    Of course you are understaffed and we are staffing you up.
  • 但这在全战争中只是三个阶段中的一个阶段,虽其时间可能最长。
    Though this stage will possibly be the longest, it is still only one of the three stages in the entire war.
  • 而贯通全战略阶段乃至几个战略阶段的、大体上想通了的、一个长时期的方针,是决不可少的。
    However, it is absolutely essential to have a long-term plan which has been thought out in its general outline and which covers an entire strategic stage or even several strategic stages.
  • 他设法恢复原职,居成功了。
    He staged a comback and succeeded in putting it over.
  • 除了在学校巡回演出外,该团举办1500多个免费表演及工作坊。现代舞培训计划"舞出艳阳天"已是第五年筹办,由16间中学的学生参与演出,成绩斐
    Apart from school tours, the company gave over 1500 free performances and workshops and staged the highly successful Dancing in the Sun project for the fifth year, which involved students from 16 secondary schools.
  • 我回到母校时,大多数教职员都是陌生的,但仍有一两个老的在那里。
    When I went back to visit my old school, most of the staff were quite new to me, but there were still one or two of the old stagers left.
  • 那位年轻女郎稍稍犹豫了一下,後就走上前去。
    The young lady stagger a moment, and then step forward.
  • 他在房间里摇摇晃晃地走着,很显他已喝醉了。
    He was staggering across the room and had obviously had a few.
  • 不顾事情真相的言论
    Remarks which betray a staggering contempt for the truth, ie are completely untrue
  • 国家岌岌可危的债务问题在很大程度上也应归因于那些作出财务决策的政治家和政府官员们,他们中有些人虽受过高等教育,但却很少甚至几乎没有接受过财务方面的必要培训。
    Our staggering national debt is due in large part to highly educated politicians and government officials making financial decisions with little or no training on the subject of money.
  • 而,对华校生来说,更重要的是,原本像是一潭死水的华族文化,现在开始疏通了,而且还可同源头活水接通。
    For the Chinese-educated, what is more important is that the Chinese culture - much like a pool of stagnant water - will now be able to flow again and even get connected with its source.
  • 先给桌子着色,后才能上清漆。
    Stain the table before you varnish it.
  • 等我回北京之后,把它们分切并染色后加以评价。
    These blocks will be sectioned and stained for evaluation after my return to Beijing.
  • 在第一次世界大战期间,一位有名的金属专家偶中发现了不锈钢。
    During the First World War, a well-known expert in metals discovered stainless steel by chance.
  • 她突在楼梯上停住了
    She stopped dead on the stairway.