  • 在她向我传授她的智慧和经验时,我总是着了迷似地倾听这个"时机器"。
    I was always mesmerized listening to this “ time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
  • 大气层中介于中层和外层空的一层。
    the atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere.
  • 位于对流层之上中层之下的范围的大气。
    the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere.
  • 层离地球表面约80公里(即50英里)的空气地带,形成中层的上边界
    An atmospheric area about80 kilometers(50 miles) above the earth's surface, forming the upper boundary of the mesosphere.
  • 侏罗纪的,侏罗系的(属于或界定为)中生代时代第二期的时和矿床的。该时期以恐龙的存在和最早的哺乳动物和鸟类的出现为特征
    Of, belonging to, or designating the time and deposits of the second period of the Mesozoic Era, characterized by the existence of dinosaurs and the appearance of the earliest mammals and birds.
  • 美国西南部豆科灌木丛和草地中夜活动的穴居蟾蜍。
    nocturnal burrowing toad of mesquite woodland and prairies of the United States southwest.
  • 你的房杂乱不堪,请把它打扫干净。
    Your room is in a mess. Please tidy it.
  • 不要把房弄得乱糟糟的!
    Don't mess the room up!
  • 这间屋子乱七八糟。
    This room's in a mess.
  • 楼上618房又脏又乱。
    Room 618 upstairs is in a mess.
  • 通信系统acf/tcam的一种关闭方式,在完成清仓关闭前的关闭期,将入报文挂起,将排队的出报文发送到各自的目的站。
    A closedown of ACF/TCAM during which incoming message traffic is suspended and queued outgoing messages are sent to their destinations before closedown is completed.
  • 我房的留言灯在亮着。
    My message light is on.
  • 烦请把下列消息转告给福克斯先生,他住在王子饭店788号房
  • 中介信使或中介;中
    A messenger or an agent; a go-between.
  • 在过去几年中,本公司与m公司之的交易额最高只有500英镑,特此回复。
    In reply we inform you that we have done business with Messrs. M.& Co., for the past years, in amount up to£500.
  • 一间脏乱的卧房
    A messy bedroom.
  • 你能对这乱七八糟的房做点什么?
    Can you do anything about the messy room?
  • 脏乱的卧房;孩子吃藏东西的习惯。
    a mussy fussy bedroom; a child's messy eating habits.
  • 念大学期,它都在我身边,在上那些会把人搞脏的课时穿着它总是很舒服。
    All during college, it stayed with me, always comfortable to throw over my clothes during messy projects.
  • 新陈代谢率;给定时内消耗的能量。
    rate of metabolism; the amount of energy expended in a give period.
  • 生物半衰期存储在活的有机体内的药物或其它物质经新陈代谢或被正常的生理活动消失一半所需要的时
    The time required for half the quantity of a drug or other substance deposited in a living organism to be metabolized or eliminated by normal biological processes.
  • 不光是冶金部,各个公司、厂矿、车的领导班子,包括职能机构,都要加强。
    We must strengthen not only the leading group of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, but also that of every company, factory, mine and workshop, as well as the operational units.
  • 方毅同志告诉我,冶金部有些司局长很不错,年龄在四十到五十岁之,都是六十年代或五十年代毕业的大学生,知识分子。
    Comrade Fang Yi related to me that we have fine directors in the departments and bureaus of the Ministry of the Metallurgical Industry.These intellectuals are between 40 and 50 years old and graduated from universities and colleges in the 1950s or 1960s.
  • 他形变晶在变形期发展形成的矿石沉积物,但未能形成晶面
    A mineral deposit that has developed during metamorphism without developing crystalline faces.
  • 在某一位置有个结尾;空的或者隐喻性的。
    have end in a certain location; either spatial or metaphorical.
  • 从另一房子里带给我那个盒子;把这封信带给老板。
    Bring me the box from the other room; Take these letters to the boss; also metaphorical, as in This brings me to the main point.
  • 心灵学形而上学的一支,研究灵魂心灵生命和心灵与身体功能之的关系
    The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.
  • 流星的大小从细若针头,大到数吨不等。当流星进入地球大气层后,其表面与空气摩擦从而产生热量,使人们在夜用肉眼就能看到。
    Meteors, ranging in size from that of a pinhead, to many tons, are visible to the naked eye at night, when the friction between the surfaces of the meteors and of the air, produces heat as the meteors enter the earth's atmosphere.
  • 他以创记录的时跑完100米。
    He runs the 100 meter in record time.
  • 他们在短时内完成了这项工作。
    They finished the job in short meter.
  • 他以创记录的时跑完100米。
    He runs the 100 meter in a record time.
  • 挖一个直径为1米、深为2米的洞大约要花费我两个小时半的时
    It take me about two hour and a half to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meter in depth.