  • 一个盒子所容纳的量。
    the quantity contained in a box.
  • 一箱一匣一盒所容纳之量。
    the quantity contained in a case.
  • 一小桶所容纳的量。
    the quantity contained in a keg.
  • 一水罐所容纳的量。
    the quantity contained in a pitcher.
  • 一个容器所容纳的量。
    the quantity that a container will hold.
  • 高压贮罐承受很高的内部压力的容器
    A container capable of withstanding high internal pressure.
  • 最后,有些污染物质特别是那臭名昭著的原子污染废料,可要对大气、土壤和水继续污染下去达几千年之久。
    Finally, some pollutants, most notably atomic waste, may continue to contaminate air, land, and water for thousands of years.
  • 廉价酒的麻烦在于它里面可含有杂质。
    The trouble with cheap wine is that it may be contaminated with foreign substances.
  • 样本可被污染的一种途径是来源于进行分析操作的技术人员或者搜集证据的工作人员的遗传物质。
    One way a specimen might be contaminated is by genetic material from the technician performing the analysis or from the person gathering the evidence.
  • 辩方专家证人试图增加对dna证据在搜集和鉴定方法上的怀疑,声称污染可发生。
    Opposing expert witnesses try to raise doubts about the way DNA evidence was gathered and tested claiming that contamination may have occurred.
  • 为了避免这种可性,进行pcr试验的犯罪实验室会在隔绝的前提进行操作,在严格的情况下使污染的风险降到最小。
    To avoid this possibility, crime labs that perform PCR do it in isolation and under stringent conditions that minimize the risk of contamination.
  •  核电站和核设施建设工程,受地震破坏后可引发放射性污染的严重次生灾害,必须认真进行地震安全性评价,并依法进行严格的抗震设防。
    For the construction projects such as nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities, which may lead to serious secondary disasters due to radioactive contamination in the wake of earthquake damage, seismic safety shall be evaluated carefully and the projects shall be fortified against earthquakes strictly in accordance with law.
  • 我们对威慑的概念有了新的认识,认为导弹防御系统够加强我们对那些试图用导弹袭击我们的坏人的威慑。
    We have adopted a new concept of deterrence that recognizes that missile defenses will add to our ability to deter those who may contemplate attacking us with missiles.
  • 所以,最好的读物是那种够带我们到这种沉思的心境里去的读物,而不是那种仅在报告事情的始末的读物。
    The best reading is therefore that which leads us into this contemplative mood, and not that which is merely occupied with the report of events.
  • 比尔的同代人,即使是在那个年龄,都看出他的与众不同。
    Bill's contemporaries, even at the age, recognized that he was exceptional.
  • 他应该是位不错的老师,因为在我的同班同学当中,好些人不但讲一口流利的华语,还会写文章。
    Lao shi must have been a good teacher, because a number of my contemporaries became fluent in both spoken Mandarin and written Chinese.
  • 所有的微处理器设计都是在当时的技术限制下追求更好的性
    All microprocessor designs seek better performance within the limitations of their contemporary technology.
  • 可鄙的似乎是由无或功不全引起的鄙视的怜悯
    Arousing contemptuous pity, as through ineptitude or inadequacy.
  • 逻辑与修辞使人言善辩:总之,读书陶冶人的性情。
    logic and rhetoric, able to contend: Abeunt studia in mores.
  • 农民们竭尽所地与干旱作斗争。
    The farmers tried their best to contend against the drought.
  • 这家公司太小,不与国际性的公司抗衡。
    The firm is too small to contend against large international companies.
  • 他不容忍他妻子的丑闻,因此和他妻子离婚了。
    He couldn't contend with his wife's scandal so he divorced his wife.
  • 微软公司正在努力通过允许ole定制化控制在多种多样平台上得到解释,使vb编程语言成为一个竞争者。
    Microsoft is working to make its Visual Basic programming language a contender by allowing OLE custom controls to be interpreted on a wide range of platforms.
  • 你根本不明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954)
    You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum, which is what I am.
  • 今年我们不出国,所以只去上海度假了。
    We can't go abroad this year, so we'll have to content ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai.
  • 他靠吃利息也挣到钱,是一个富有而满足的人。
    that he had money at interest, and was a wealthy and contented man.
  • 而更糟的是那些无知的人自以为已有所成就而停滞不前,却还不晓得相对于他国,这样的成就可是极其微不足道的。
    Worse still, the more ignorant Singaporeans may be so contented with the progress we have made that they have become stagnant. They have no idea that compared to what other countries have achieved, our success may be rather insignificant.
  • 对他的争辩不一笑置之。
    His contentions cannot be laughed out of court.
  • 按照尊重事实这一论点行事,记者把某些个人的私生活细节公布于众,这可为他们造成说不尽的痛苦。
    Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives.
  • 第4届奥林匹克运动会绝对是历史上下雨天最多的,可还是争吵最多的一届奥运会。
    The fourth Olympic Games were certainly the wettest and probably the most contentious in history.
  • 一张表情丰富的脸,表现从极其愤怒到平和的满意
    A face that expressed a gamut of emotions, from rage to peaceful contentment.
  • 这次迁居并不是轻而易举的,但他们全家含辛茹苦,终于不但维持了生计,而且还满足生活中的基本享受。
    It was not an easy transplantation,but he and his family eked out enough of a living not only for their survival,but even for their basic contentment.