  • 我们农村改革之所以见效,就是因为农民更多的自主权,调动了农民的积极性。
    The reason our rural reform has been so successful is that we gave the peasants more power to make decisions, and that stimulated their initiative.
  • 希望能被予进一步研究的费用。
    Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research.
  • 我想来贵校进修,并盼能予助学金。
    I am writing to you to apply for a fellowship with a stipend in your university.
  • 按发票金额的130%货物投保是违背合同规定的。
    It goes against the stipulation of the contract to insure the goods at 130% of the invoice value.
  •  (二)根据国家和地方人民政府有关规定,对集体和个人造林、育林予经济扶持或者长期贷款;
    2) To offer economic support or long-term loans to the collectives and private individuals who plant and cultivate forests according to relevant stipulations of the central and local people's governments;
  • 医生明天伤口拆线。
    The doctor will take the stitches out of the wound tomorrow.
  • 过去发生的事在一随机过程中影响一定事件的过去发生的一组事件
    The set of past events affecting a given event in a stochastic process.
  •  有一个基本信息要传达有意投资股票的人:不要理会进场的时机,买入股票做长期投资。
    The primary message for people who are interested to invest in the stock market is that they should ignore market timing and buy stocks for the long term.
  • 她把女儿嫁一个证券经纪人。
    She married her daughter to a stockbroker.
  • 基米将站在银行台阶上的一个男孩叫了进来,活像一个股东似的,向他了解该镇的情况,不时他几个一角的银币。
    Jimmy called a boy that was standing on the steps of the bank as if he were one of the stockholders, and began to ask him questions about the town, giving him dimes from time to time.
  • 脚穿上(比如,长筒袜)
    To provide(a stocking, for example) with a foot.
  • 市议会已提议在湖中养鱼,以市民提供食用鱼及供他们观赏。
    The city council have suggested stocking the lake with fish to provide food and fun for the citizens.
  • 请拿长袜给我看看。
    Please show me some stockings.
  • 他们每人做一件小衬衫,一件背心,一条裤子,织一双长袜。你他们每人做一双鞋子。”
    I will make each a little shirt, waist-coat, and trousers and knit them a pair of stockings and you shall make them a pair of shoes."
  • “哦,我的可怜的小脚哟!谁再你们穿鞋和系鞋带呢,亲爱的,我可不能了,我离你们太远了,没法再照顾你们了,以后你们只好自己照顾自己吧!……
    `Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I'm sure _I_ shan't be able! I shall be a great deal too far off to trouble myself about you: you must manage the best way you can;
  • 面对苛求的顾客和艰难的竞争,大学只是予学生越来越多的“a”,从而引起分数膨胀,学位贬值。
    Faced with demanding consumers and stiff competition, colleges have simply issued more and more A's, stoking grade inflation and devaluing degrees.
  • 我的表给人偷了。
    I had my watch stolen.
  • 她的表给人偷了。
    She got her watch stolen.
  • 她的表给人偷了。
    She had her watch stolen.
  • 小瓶真的照办了,而且比她期望的还快,她还没有喝到一半,头已经碰到了天花板,因此,必须立即停止,不能再喝了!否则脖子要折断了。
    It did so indeed, and much sooner than she had expected: before she had drunk half the bottle, she found her head pressing against the ceiling, and had to stoop to save her neck from being broken.
  • 我们的供应品中断了。
    Supplies have stopped reaching us.
  • 哪一家商店配送货品府上?
    Which store are you supplied by?
  • 所以在早期,小店主对盐非常小心,在顾客倒盐时,他不喜欢有人穿堂而过。
    ) So, the storekeeper of pioneer days was very careful with his salt. As he poured out salt for a customer, he did not like for any- one to walk across the floor of the store.
  • 储存一宗买卖中要交换的商品和要用的补的地方。
    room for storing goods and supplies used in a business.
  • 当她的孙辈们长大不需要再看故事书时,沃纳太太就买故事书他的邻居,维修工和看门人的孩子们看。
    When her grandchildren grew too old for storybooks, Mrs.Werner bought them for the children of the neighbors, maintenance men and superintendents.
  • 贾蒙花了很多年的时间,研究莎士比亚的作品,所以那讲故事的和我,都同意把这问题交贾蒙先生去决定。
    Mr. Gammond had devoted years to the study of Shakespeare,So the storyteller and I agreed to submit the question to Mr. Gammond.
  • 我一定要你我一个直截了当的回答。
    I must insist on you give me a straightforward answer.
  • 这工作很简单,因此我不必详细地再你这位有丰富经历的人讲解了。
    The job is straightforward and I shouldn't have to spell I t out to a person of your experiences.
  • 干部有疾并生活、家庭等项困难问题者,必须在可能限度内用心以照顾。
    When cadres are in difficulty as a result of illness, straitened means or domestic or other troubles, we must be sure to give them as much care as possible.
  • 予陌生人热心的欢迎。
    gave a warmhearted welcome to the stranger.
  • 这个策略交了软件开发人员一个反映实际生活的概念:世界是由“事情”组成的,每个“事情”都有自己特定的属性和行为。
    This stratagem gave software developers a concept that mirrored real life: a world made of things, each with their specific attributes and behaviors.
  • 我来点草莓冰淇淋做甜食。
    I'd like some strawberry ice-cream for my dessert.