  • 违法子必须受到法律惩罚。
    Those who disobey must be punished by law.
  • (人或物)杂乱无序的组。
    a wandering or disorderly grouping (of things or persons).
  • 解为独立的、往往是完全不同的元素的。
    divided into separate and often disparate elements.
  • 虚构怪物由奇形怪状的、不相干的部组成的一种虚构的怪物
    An imaginary monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts.
  • 这样一来,我们便发现了数量惊人的新证据,他们别来自与马凯假设有关的不同学科领域。
    And once we did, we found a remarkable body of new evidence emerging from disparate disciplines that was pertinent to the questions raised by McKay.
  • 一旦雇员认识到能连接到机构内所有散的数据库,他们就试图这么做,而且是成批地这么做。
    Once the employees realized they were able to connect to all of an organization's disparate databases, they tried to do just that -- in droves.
  • 内部网拥有的最重要的优势之一就是为地理上散的办公室或远地的工作人员提供一种高效的和性价比合算的通信方法。
    One of the most significant benefits an Intranet can offer is to provide a highly efficient and cost-effective method of communicating with geographically disparate office or remote workers.
  • 这就是轻型目录访问协议(即ldap)。这是一种连网协议,它让最终用户更容易在汹涌的布计算的水域中导航多个开的目录。
    It's the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol -- or LDAP -- a networking protocol that allows end users to more easily navigate the choppy, disparate directories of the rough distributed computing waters.
  • 全球范围内特别是南北之间的发展差距和贫富悬殊继续拉大,两极化状况更趋严重。
    As the gap in development and the disparity between rich and poor countries continue to widen all over the world, particularly between the South and North, polarization has become an increasingly serious problem.
  • 随着经济体制的转型和利益格局的调整,公民之间由于主客观条件的差异而产生了一定程度的贫富差别,出现一部公民因经济困难“请不起律师、打不起官司”,没有经济能力维护自己合法权益的问题。
    With transition of the economic system and adjustment of the interest patterns, a certain extent of disparity between the rich and the poor among citizens has been emerging due to the differences of subjective and objective conditions, resulting in such problems where a number of people are "not able to afford a lawyer or litigation" because of financial difficulties and these people do not possess the financial capacity in maintaining their legitimate rights and interests.
  • 本公司已特别指示货运部门别执行贵方5月1日和7月1日的订单。
    Special instructions have is give to our dispatch department to execute your order of may 1st and july 1st respectively.
  • 遣为了特殊任务而将某一军事单元(如:部队或船只等)从一个庞大母体上派遣出
    The dispatch of a military unit, such as troops or ships, from a larger body for a special duty or mission.
  • 他指挥发食物给难民。
    He directed the dispensation of food to the refugees.
  • 储料器一个漏斗状容器,盛放谷物或汽油等物质以准备
    A funnel-shaped container in which materials, such as grain or fuel, are stored in readiness for dispensation.
  • 咱们来分发这食物。
    Let us dispense the food.
  • 发,配,成并发成几个部
    To divide and dispense in portions.
  • 用动物皮(通常是山羊皮)制成的用来放或发酒的袋子。
    bag made from an animal skin (usually a goatskin) and used to hold and dispense wine.
  • 使液体成为细雾的配器(例如香水瓶)。
    a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine spray.
  • 这些事实表明中国早已掌握并不断发展配器设计技术。
    This fact indicates that China has already mastered, and has been continuously improving, its dispenser design technique.
  • 其他天才特色:水果蔬菜抽屉里的一个乙烯过滤器使您的蔬菜在更长时间里保持新鲜;高高的冰水配器用来容纳瓶罐。
    Other genius touches: An ethylene filter in the produce drawer keeps your veggies fresh longer, and the tall ice and water dispenser accommodates bottles and pitchers.
  • 《考克斯报告》称,中国通过铱星发射“获得”了智能配器技术(smartdispenser),用于多弹头导再入式飞行器(mirv)的配技术。
    The Cox Report says China "acquired'' the smart dispenser technique through iridium satellite launches and has used it in its MIRV (multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle) dispensing technology.
  • 这种喷剂是一种掺有乙醇的聚合物,被置于一个不大而精密中配器中。这个配器很像电影《星球大战》中道具飞船带喷咀的推进器,用一外加电场对混合溶液充电。
    The spray consists of a synthetic polymer mixed with ethanol and placed in a small, high-tech dispenser that could be mistaken for a prop on the set of Star Trek.
  • 配者,药剂师,配器配或发的人或物,尤其是指机器或器皿,用它可将东西发并用起来方便或规定数量
    One that dispenses or gives out, especially a machine or container that allows the contents to be removed and used in convenient or prescribed amounts.
  • 药房发医药或提供医疗辅助器材的公共机构
    A public institution that dispenses medicines or medical aid.
  • 散,离的行为或实例,如裂、散或
    The act or an instance of breaking up, as a division, dispersal, or disintegration.
  • 按照情况灵活地散兵力或集中兵力,是游击战争的主要的方法,但是还须懂得灵活地转移(变换)兵力。
    Although the flexible dispersal or concentration of forces according to circumstances is the principal method in guerrilla warfare, we must also know how to shift (or transfer) our forces flexibly.
  • 散、集中和转移的灵活性,都是游击战争具体地表现主动性的东西;死板、呆滞,必至陷入被动地位,遭受不必要的损失。
    Flexibility in dispersal, concentration and shifts of position is a concrete expression of the initiative in guerrilla warfare, whereas rigidness and inertia inevitably lead to passivity and cause unnecessary losses.
  • 繁殖体植物的常见无性繁殖部,比如芽接或其它支,它帮助物种的传播,新的个体可以从它发育起来
    Any of various usually vegetative portions of a plant, such as a bud or other offshoot, that aid in dispersal of the species and from which a new individual may develop.
  • 游击战争本来是散的,所以成其为普遍的游击战,且在许多任务,例如扰乱、钳制、破坏和做群众工作等,都以散兵力为原则;
    Because of its dispersed character, guerrilla warfare can spread everywhere, and in many of its tasks, as in harassing, containing and disrupting the enemy and in mass work, its principle is dispersal of forces;
  • 弹丝一条小长丝结构,通过吸收水促使孢子裂。可以是连接到孢子上的一个丝圈,如长在杉叶藻内的,也可以是各孢子间的一条长丝,如在苔藓内的
    A tiny elongated structure that forces the dispersal of spores by the absorption of moisture. It is either a band attached to the spore, as in horsetails, or a filament occurring among the spores, as in liverworts.
  • 一般地说来,游击队当散使用,即所谓“化整为零”时,大体上是依下述几种情况实施的:(一)因敌取守势,暂时无集中打仗可能,采取对敌实行宽大正面的威胁时;
    Generally speaking, the dispersal of guerrilla units, or "breaking up the whole into parts", is employed chiefly: (1) when we want to threaten the enemy with a wide frontal attack because he is on the defensive, and there is temporarily no chance to mass our forces for action;
  • 根据游击战争的特性,兵力的使用必须按照任务和敌情、地形、居民等条件作灵活的变动,主要的方法是散使用、集中使用和转移兵力。
    The nature of guerrilla warfare is such that guerrilla forces must be employed flexibly in accordance with the task in hand and with such circumstances as the state of the enemy, the terrain and the local population, and the chief ways of employing the forces are dispersal, concentration and shifting of position.