Chinese English Sentence:
  • 树脂质的多汁乔木或灌木的一个属,一年大部分时无叶,产于美国西南沙漠和半沙漠地区。
    resinous succulent trees or shrubs of desert and semi-desert regions of southwestern United States that are leafless most of the year.
  • 敌人的抵抗时很短。
    the enemy offered little resistance.
  • 大房大得可以进出的房
    A room large enough to admit entrance.
  • 电阻时间常数测量
    measurement of time constant of resistor
  • 我们的部队顽强地顶住了敌人长时的围困。
    Our troops stood out resolutely against the long siege of the enemy.
  • 我今天发言的第二个目的是向大家展示更多的证据,我们将把我们已经得知的伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器的消息,以及伊拉克与恐怖分子之的关系公布于众,这同样是1441号决议的和其它更早的决议的内容之一。
    My second purpose today is to provide you with additional information, to share with you what the United States knows about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as well as Iraq's involvement in terrorism, which is also the subject of Resolution 1441 and other earlier resolutions.
  • 随着时的流逝,对dna证据可采性攻击的焦点已经转变了。
    The focus of the attacks on admissibility have changed over time.
  • 花了很多时解决这些问题
    It has taken forever to resolve these problems.
  • 皮秒时间分辨光谱学
    picosecond time resolved spectroscopy
  • 他们之存在的分歧应通过协商解决。
    The difficulty among them should be resolved by consultation.
  • 鸟呜声响彻林间。
    The woods were resonant with the songs of birds.
  • 吼叫发出长时的、深沉的、洪亮的声音;吼叫
    To utter long, deep, resonant sounds; bellow.
  • 里充满了孩子们的喊叫声。
    The room resounded with the children 's shouts.
  • 选举结果一宣布,全场响起了长时的掌声。
    When the results of the election were given out, the hall resounded with prolonged applause.
  • 瞬息,贵族变贫民,富翁成乞丐,荷兰陷入一片萧条。
    Soon the nobles became poor and the rich became paupers. Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland.
  • 在很长的一段时里,广大青少年好好学习,天天向上,爱祖国,爱人民,爱劳动,爱科学,爱护公共财物,英勇机智地同敌人、坏分子作斗争,树立了一代新风。
    For a long time, our children and young people studied well and made progress every day. They were filled with love for their motherland, for the people and for labour, science and public property, and they struggled heroically and resourcefully against bad elements and enemies, setting the tone for a new era.
  • 看看每个人!突然都变得正经八百了。
    Look at everybody! all of a sudden they are trying to look respectable.
  • 尼米兹,切斯特·威廉1885-1966二次世界大战期美国太平洋海军元帅,阻止了日军的扩张并最终以大规模使用航空母舰的战术摧毁了日本海军
    American admiral of the Pacific fleet during World War II who halted Japanese expansion and ultimately destroyed the Japanese fleet with a strategy based largely on the use of aircraft carriers.
  • 部长说:“国会才是辩论严肃课题的地方,任何人如果想针对如非法移民条例或其他重要的课题进行辩论,就应该把它带到国会来。”这说词无意让人直觉,谈严肃课题得进入国会殿堂,百万市民只有洗耳恭听的份了。
    A minister's reply inadvertently gave people the impression that discussion of serious issues could only be made in Parliament, the rest of us citizens needed only to listen with respectful attention.
  • 关于财富我们已作了以上预述,下一步将转而考察财富在不同国家与不同时代之的巨大差异,考察财富在数量和种类方面的差异,并考察在社会成员之分配财富的方式方面的差异。
    These things having been premised respecting wealth, we shall next turn our attention to the extraordinary differences in respect to it, which exist between nation and nation, and between different ages of the world; differences both in the quantity of wealth, and in the kind of it; as well as in the manner in which the wealth existing in the community is shared among its members.
  • 显然,在我们这样的国家,这样做不是真正的一致,而是虚幻的一致,不可能就国家安定在多数党和少数党之达成体现各自意见的共识。
    C1early no such device as this can give us in this country any self respecting agreement between majority and minority for a concerted effort toward the national welfare.
  • 聚会之後我们回到各自的房
    After the party we all go off to our respective room.
  • 关键在于加强凝聚力和我们都是新加坡人的认同感。同时,不同种族之也要真正的尊敬彼此在宗教、语言和文化上的差异。
    The key to this is to forge stronger, common bonds as Singaporeans while respecting each other's religious faiths, beliefs and cultures at a more than skin deep level.
  • 聚会之後我们回到各自的房
    After the party we all went off to our respective room
  • 今后企业的车主任、工段长、班组长要由本车、工段和班组的工人选举产生。
    Henceforth, workshop directors, section chiefs and group leaders in the enterprises should be elected by the workers in their respective units.
  • 若是母校争气,风生水起则门庭若市,不但在新生报名日挤满了殷切的父母,平时也不乏热心的家长贡献时精神,名正言顺攀亲搭戚,其良苦用心令人摇头叹息。
    If one's old school turns out a prestigious institution, it will see large crowds of enthusiastic parents thronging into its gate on registration days. At other times, it will have no lack of volunteers contributing their time and energy to its various programmes, trying to build up the right connections. Their diligence is admirable - and lamentable.
  • 每两年召开一次会议,时、地点由该后主席决定。
    Each association member sends three del-egates respectively. A meeting is held every two years.
  • 痰由呼吸道粘膜分泌的浓稠而粘的黏液,如在寒冷或其它呼吸性感染期
    Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as during a cold or other respiratory infection.
  • 在税收、土地使用、企业开办、进出口等方面,取消一切不利于民投资和民营经济发展的限制性和歧视性规定;
    Eliminate all restrictive and discriminatory regulations that are not friendly towards private investment and private economic development in taxes, land use, business start up and import and export.
  • 各公司可以在因特网上为客户和供应商之建起用于开放对话的内扩网,而不是在增值网上使用既费钱又受限制的电子数据交换格式。
    Rather than using costly and restrictive electronic data interchange formats on value-added networks, companies can set up extranets for an open dialogue between customers and suppliers over the Net.
  • 两个镜片之的连接部分;放在鼻子上。
    the link between two lenses; rests on nose.
  • 间隔这样排列的结果
    The result of so arranging.