  • ……上星期美国与格兰调查人员在控诉书中指责两名利比亚情报员应对1988年格兰洛克比上空的爆炸负责后,总统说,“叙利亚人被错怪了。”调查人员说没有叙利亚牵连的证据。
    "…The Syrians took a hum rap on this," the President said last week after an indictment by U.S. and Scottish investigators blamed two Libyan intelligence agents for the 1988 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland. Investigators said there was no evidence of Syrian involvement.
  • 从一九五七年第一次莫斯科会谈,到六十年代前半期,中两党展开了激烈的争论。
    From the first Moscow talks in 1957 [among delegations from the Soviet Union, China and Hungary] through the first half of the 1960s, bitter disputes went on between our two parties.
  • 奥吉布瓦人一个北美土著民族,在17和18世纪向西进入美国密歇根州、明尼达州和安大略省西部和马尼托巴省之前原居住于休伦湖北部,而后又迁入北达科他州、蒙大拿州和萨斯喀彻万省的大平原北部
    A Native American people originally located north of Lake Huron before moving westward in the17th and18th centuries into Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, western Ontario, and Manitoba, with later migrations onto the northern Great Plains in North Dakota, Montana, and Saskatchewan.
  • 也许你有理,但你对珊说的话太伤害她了。
    You may be in the right, but what you said to Susan was very hurtful!
  • 我和我丈夫是格兰人。
    My husband and I are Scottish.
  • 从催眠状态苏醒
    To arouse from a hypnotic state.
  • 珊一面等待出租车的到来,一面懒洋洋地翻阅旧杂志。
    Susan leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.
  • 一切旧的希望总是日复一日在这个时刻复
    What old illusion of hope is not here forever repeated!
  • 这个国家的经济复是一种假象;许多人都靠领取失业救济金过活。
    The country’s economic recovery is an illusion; many people are on the dole.
  • b-12侦探明尼达州罗切斯特·马尤诊所的研究人员正在使用一种全新的方法。该方法依靠构成生命的基本组织维他命b-12来发现人体内的癌症。
    Detective B-12. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., are using a new imaging method that relies on vitamin B-12, and essential building block of life, to find cancer in the body.
  • 那末中国开始的时候是否确实也有这方面的思想混乱,即完全模仿和学习了联社会主义的道路,而不是采取一种中国式的社会主义道路?
    Could China have been so ideologically confused initially as to have completely imitated and adopted the socialist style of the Soviet Union, failing to make it into a Chinese-style socialist road?
  • 一种北美中部和东部产的栎树,中大型,槲果卵球形,壳斗大,具流;木材纹理细密,坚韧耐久。
    medium to large deciduous oak of central and eastern North America with ovoid acorns deeply immersed in large fringed cups; yields tough close-grained wood.
  • 格拉底的心目中,灵魂也有一种独立和不朽的存在;
    The soul also acquired an independent and immortal existence in Socrates;
  • 格拉底对灵魂不朽的信仰在现代人的心目中也许毫无意义,因为他在这方面的许多理论根据,如化身转世之类,是现代人所不能接受的。
    Socrates' belief in immortality would probably mean nothing to a modern man, because many of his premises in support of it, like re-incarnation, cannot be accepted by the modern man.
  • 如果说,联共产党领导的革命战争是在三个年头里完结了的话,那末中国共产党领导的革命战争,过去已经花去了很长的时间,而要最后地彻底地解决内外反革命势力,我们还得准备再花一个应有的时间,像过去那样地过分的性急是不行的。
    Seeing that the revolutionary war led by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union took three years to conclude, we must be prepared to devote to the already protracted revolutionary war led by the Chinese Communist Party the longer time necessary to dispose of the domestic and foreign counter-revolutionary forces hnally and thoroughly. The kind of impatience that was formerly displayed will never do.
  • 任何短期的干预,以改变基本的规律,都只会延误经济复的周期。
    Any short term intervention in changing the ground rules will impede the cycle of recovery.
  • 联的关系正在改善。
    Relationship: Relations with the USSR are improving.
  • 以中国人的语法说来,我们说这些相似的心灵是同一条灵魂的化身,例如有人说东坡是庄子或陶渊明转世的,袁中郎是东坡转世的。
    In Chinese phraseology, we speak of these kindred spirits as re-incarnations of the same soul,as Su Tungp'o was said to be a re-incarnation of Chuangtse or T'ao Yuanming, and Yuan Chunglang was said to be the re-incarnation of Su Tungp'o.
  • 指一般包括俄亥俄州、印第安那州、伊利诺斯州、爱荷华州、密里州、堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州以及有时包括密歇根州、威斯康星州和明尼达州在内的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including Ohio; Indiana; Illinois; Iowa; Missouri; Kansas; Nebraska; and sometimes Michigan; Wisconsin; Minnesota.
  • 氧化木精一种红褐色的晶体化合物,c16h12o6,用作指示剂及生物着色剂
    A reddish-brown crystalline compound, C16H12O6, used as an indicator and a biological stain.
  • 尤其是联的援助,是抗战最后胜利决不可少的条件。
    In particular, Soviet assistance is absolutely indispensable for China's final victory in the War of Resistance.
  • 印尼政权腐败,社会动乱,印尼大学生便带头举行游行集会,最终还导致总统哈多下台。
    With increasing corruption in Indonesian politics and social instability, Indonesian university students took the lead inorganising protests which eventually led to President Suharto's downfall.
  • 印尼政权腐败,社会动乱,印尼大学生便带头举行游行集会,最终还导致总统哈多下台。
    With increasing corruption in Indonesian politics and social instability, Indonesian university students took the lead in organizing protests which eventually led to President Suharto's downfall.
  • 苏联社会主义工业化
    socialist industrialization in the Soviet Union
  • 另一方面,也和联式的、无产阶级专政的、社会主义的共和国相区别,那种社会主义的共和国已经在联兴盛起来,并且还要在各资本主义国家建立起来,无疑将成为一切工业先进国家的国家构成和政权构成的统治形式;
    On the other hand, it will also be different from the socialist republic of the Soviet type under the dictatorship of the proletariat which is already flourishing in the U.S.S.R., and which, moreover, will be established in all the capitalist countries and will undoubtedly become the dominant form of state and governmental structure in all the industrially advanced countries.
  • 如果他死了,珊就继承这笔钱。
    In the event of his death Susan will inherit the money.
  • 该公司重新注入资金即可复
    The firm will be revitalized by an injection of new funds.
  • 该公司重新注入资金即可复
    The firm would be revitalized by an injection of new funds.
  • 北大西洋的一个海湾;水源来于斯科汉纳河。
    an inlet of the North Atlantic; fed by Susquehanna River.
  • 格兰和爱尔兰用来指海洋的狭长的海湾,尤其是几乎被陆地包围的海湾。
    a long narrow inlet of the sea in Scotland (especially when it is nearly landlocked) and in Ireland.
  • 答:英法三国谈判所以没有成功,完全由于英法政府没有诚意。
    Answer: The talks failed purely because the British and French governments were insincere.
  • 1998年5月哈多倒台,印尼华人多次呼吁新政府修订歧视条例,别再使用“支那”。
    After the downfall of Suharto in May 1998, Chinese Indonesians have been urging the new government to put an end to the discrimination as well as the insulting term "Cina".