  • 香丸一种芳香物质的混合物,封装在袋子或盒子里来防止气味或感染,从前佩戴在人身上,但现在一放在梳妆台的抽屉或小橱里
    A mixture of aromatic substances enclosed in a bag or box as a protection against odor or infection, formerly worn on one's person but now usually placed in a dresser drawer or closet.
  • 她们飞跃于树端,追逐着彼此飘扬的衣袂,金黄的叶子随即如雪花飘落。
    They leap over the treetops and chase each other's flowing clothes. Golden leaves drift down like snowflakes.
  • 他称得上是牛饮地酒徒。
    He is the drinker that drinks like a fish.
  • 我耳边响起雷鸣的讲话声。
    A voice thundered in my ear.
  • 敏捷驯服的长耳哺乳动物,和一兔子比它有分开的上唇和更长的后腿;新幼兔有毛且眼睛睁开。
    swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyes.
  • 当一个板块被迫深人另一个板块下面的地幔中时,强烈的深源地震一会发生在俯冲带的下部。
    Deep seated earthquakes, often severe in magnitude, generally occur beneath subduction zones, as one plate is forced deep into the mantle beneath another.
  • 不管我们喜欢与否,"中庸回教徒"这个标签将不会消失。因为这是分别一回教徒和少数乖离回教的"不良回教徒"最容易的方法。
    Like it or not, the "moderate Muslims" label is likely to stay because it is the easiest way for the world to tell Muslims apart from small minority of "bad Muslims" who stray from their religion.
  • 来说,用于回声定位的叫声是用它们的频率、强度(分贝)以及持续时间(毫秒)来表示特征的。
    In general, echolocation calls are characterized by their frequency, intensity in decibels (dB), and duration in milliseconds (ms).
  • 用于回声定位的叫声一是20-200千赫之间的超声波,而人所能听到的最高频率在20千赫左右。
    Echolocation calls are usually ultrasonic ranging in frequency from 20 to 200 kilohertz (kHz), whereas human hearing normally tops out at around 20 kHz.
  • 这些声音一通过口发出,但具有马蹄铁形和叶形鼻于的蝙蝠则通过鼻孔发出它们的回声定位叫声,在那里它们具有非常适合放大器功能的基本的肉质马蹄铁或叶状结构。
    These sounds are generally emitted through the mouth, but Horseshoe and leaf-nosed bats emit their echolocation calls through their nostrils, there they have basal fleshy horseshoe or leaf-like structures that are well adapted to function as megaphones.
  • "经济舱机票对一工作人员比较合适,因为它的价格要便宜得多。"
    "An economy class air ticket is fit for ordinary workers, because it costs much less."
  • 政府采用环境质素指标制度,作为执行污染管制法例的一原则,并以保障保护目标为准则,例如保障市民健康或保护自然生态系统。
    The government has adopted a system of environmental quality objectives as a general principle in its pollution control laws. The objectives are set at levels that will protect conservation goals, such as the protection of public health or the preservation of a natural ecosystem.
  • 然而,随着巴黎地面涨潮的上升,那十一级把主教堂增高到如此巍峨的阶台一级接一级地被吞没了,尽管如此,时间还给了这座教堂的,也许远比取自它的要多得多,因为时间在主教堂的正面涂上了一层多少世纪风化所形成的深暗颜色,把那些古老纪念物经历的悠悠岁月变成了其光彩照人的年华。
    but,while thus causing the eleven steps which added to the majestic height of the edifice, to be devoured, one by one, by the rising tide of the pavements of Paris,--time has bestowed upon the church perhaps more than it has taken away, for it is time which has spread over the facade that sombre hue of the centuries which makes the old age of monuments the period of their beauty.
  • 总编:你一读哪一类书?。
    Editor-in-Chief:What kind do you read?
  • “一次又一次的失败”,“没有激动人心和好运”,但是什么照亮了山姆大叔的双肩,在全国各地,政府编辑们正惊呼‘山姆大叔成了美国政府行话式的代名词,这几乎跟‘约翰牛’一-流行。
    'Loss upon loss,' and 'no luck stiring but what lights upon Uncle Sam's shoulders,' exclaim the Government editors, in every part of the Country ... This name for our government has got almost as current as 'John Bull.'
  • 生活于温暖海岸的鲜艳海鳝鱼;一对人没有攻击性,但若被激怒较大的海鳝也会有危险。
    family of brightly colored voracious eels of warm coastal waters; generally nonaggressive to humans but larger species are dangerous if provoked.
  • 十八般兵器
    eighteen kinds of weapons
  • 这样,第一次法国革命的要求,在18世纪的德国哲学家看来,不过是一“实践理性”的要求,而革命的法国资产阶级的意志的表现,在他们心目中就是纯粹意志、本来的意志、真正人的意志的规律。
    Thus, to the German philosophers of the eighteenth century, the demands of the first French Revolution were nothing more than the demands of "Practical Reason" in general, and the utterance of the will of the revolutionary French bourgeoisie signified in their eyes the law of pure Will, of Will as it was bound to be, of true human Will generally.
  • 高远的象有翅膀飞翔的;高扬的或升华的
    Soaring as if with wings; elevated or sublime.
  • 他正在当年的旧文件中搜寻伊丽莎白时代一家庭开支的细节。
    He is hunting up details of Elizabethan household expenditure in a document of the time.
  • 他正在当年的旧文件中搜寻伊丽莎白时代一家庭开支的细节。
    He's hunting up details of Elizabethan household expenditure in a document of the time.
  • 在伊拉克南部宁静的美索不达米亚沙漠这片年前文明初现曙光的土地上空,两架美国战斗机像老鹰搜寻躲藏的猎物一盘旋着。
    High above the unruffled Mesopotamian sands of southern Iraq,over the land where civilization dawned 8000 years ago,two American fighters circled like hawks in search of an elusive prey.
  • 《双城奇谋》是电影《指环王》的第二部,同样也是根据j.r.r.托尔金的同名小说改编的。在这部小说中,托尔金描述了在充满魔幻色彩的中土世界,居住着精灵族、哈比特族和巫师,正义与邪恶在那里进行了一场史诗宏大的的战争。
    "Two Towers" is the second movie based on the classic J.R.R. Tolkien novels about an epic struggle between good and evil in the fictional land of Middle-earth that is inhabited by elves, hobbits and wizards.
  • 幸福、和平;没有劳作或者奋斗的天堂的地方;天堂的小岛;有如天堂的幸福时代。
    elysian peace; a paradisal place without work or struggle; paradisial isles; an age of paradisiacal happiness.
  • 由于erp系统一都嵌入了业经考验的习惯性业务做法,所以它们的(计算机)实现代表了调整和改善业务过程的一次机会,利用这种结合来提高效率和增加生产力。
    Because ERP systems typically embed proven business practices, their implementation presents an opportunity to streamline and improve business processes, taking advantage of the integration to increase efficiency and boost productivity.
  • 在国旗上象征两个或更多主权国家的图案(一在上面内部角落里)。
    a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner).
  • 有不下数十次,我面临危及性命的重要紧急事故,我就借“隐形顾问”的神奇力量奇迹一地死里逃生。
    On scores of occasions, when I have faced emergencies, some of them so grave that my life was in jeopardy, I have been miraculously guided past these difficulties through the influence of my "Invisible Counselors."
  • 闪电般发光
    To emit flashes of lightning.
  • 闪电般发光的
    Emitting flashes of lightning.
  • 他们一不雇店员,或者只雇少数店员,开设小规模的商店。
    Generally they run small shops and employ few or no assistants.
  • 来港就业的一政策。
    General policy on entry for employment
  • 在一情况下,裁判官可最高判监两年或罚款十万元,但藉着特定法例赋予的权力,裁判官最高可判监三年和罚款500万元。
    There is a general limit of two years' imprisonment or a fine of $100,000.Specific statutory provisions empower the magistrates to impose sentences up to three years' imprisonment or fines of $5 million.