Chinese English Sentence:
  • 请翻到十二页。
    Please turn to page twelve.
  • 他无聊地坐在那儿著书.
    He sat there idly turning the pages of a book.
  • 很快地翻动报告
    Flipped the pages of the report.
  • 他进来时我在阅一本杂志。
    I was paging through a magazine when he came in.
  • 阅这本杂志时,我看到一篇论述社会发展客观规律的短文。
    Paging through the magazine, I came across a short article on the objective law of social development.
  • 他在阅体育专栏时看到一篇关于母校田径史的文章。
    As he was paging through the sports columns, he came caross an article on his school's history in track and field.
  • 他请裁缝把他的裤子改了一下。
    He asked the tailor to make over his pants.
  • 谁翻过我的文件了?
    Who's been rooting about among my papers?
  • 查了所有的文件。
    I searched through all my papers.
  • 最后翁格洛斯的迦勒底文的注释性译则作“来自上帝的一阵风吹在水面上”。
    and finally, the Chaldaic paraphrase of Onkelos, which renders it, A wind coming from God blew upon the face of the waters.
  • 新的访问权限模型用于经由用户组口令保护只读译单元。
    New access-rights model for protect read- only translation unit via user group password.
  • 他把这张薄薄的名片过来,看了看反面书写潦草的地址。
    He flipped over the thin piece of pasteboard and read the address scribbled on the back.
  • 在过去一年中,标准台式系统的速度了一番多,为改进诸如三维图形和远程学习培训用的视频会议等应用的性能铺平了道路。
    In the past year, the speed of the standard desktop system has more than doubled, paving the way for improved performance on applications such as 3-D graphics and video teleconferencing for distance learning and training.
  • 起裤脚,把伤口给我们看。
    Peeling back his trouser leg, he showed us the wound.
  • 的确,笔者过去在译中,也曾常为“technology”这个词头痛过,只好按具体内容和场合,或译为“工艺技术”,或译为“工艺学”,等等。
    Indeed, while translating this word in the past, I often felt perplexed, and had no choice but to use an appropriate term according to the context and circumstances. Sometimes I translated it as "gongyi jishu"(technological skill ) or "gongyi xue"(technical study) etc.
  • 的确,笔者过去在译中,也曾常为“technology”这个词头痛过,只好按具体内容和场合,或译为“工艺技术”,或译为“工艺学”,等等。
    Indeed, while translating this word in the past, I often felt perplexed, and had no choice but to use an appropriate term according to the context and circumstances. Sometimes Itranslated it as " gong-yi jishu " (工艺技术 technological skill ) or " gongyi xue " (工艺学 technical study) etc.
  • 娜蒂契达趁着到国外旅行空出她自己的住房之际,邀请柴可夫斯基在她外出期间住到这里来,阅她的书籍,参观她的藏画,好让她回来时能在隐隐之中到处感觉到他的存在。
    When Nadyezhda vacated her own home for a trip abroad she asked Tschaikovsky to visit it in her absence, to go over the books and to inspect her paintings, so that when s he re turned she world feel the atmosphere pervaded by his personality.
  • 肥料包括烘肥以及氮、磷和钾化合物等任何大量的自然或合成原料,撒于土壤上或入土壤中以增加其供给植物生长的能力
    Any of a large number of natural and synthetic materials, including manure and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds, spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth.
  •  第五十二条本法所称的复制,指以印刷、复印、临摹、拓印、录音、录像、录、拍等方式将作品制作一份或者多份的行为。
    Article 52 The term "reproduction" as used in this Law means the act of producing one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, copying, lithographing, making a sound recording or video recording, duplicating a recording, or duplicating a photographic work or by other means.
  • 像一头猪在泥浆中动一样。
    roll around, as of a pig in mud.
  • 在空中或地面上向后筋斗的鸽子。
    pigeon that executes backward somersaults in flight or on the ground.
  • 新式服装的系列设计在远东被非法印(剽窃)。
    The design for the new dress collection is pirate in the far east.
  • 新裙子系列的图样是远东非法印的。
    The drawings for the new dress collection are pirate in the far east.
  • 新裙子系列的图样是远东非法印的。
    The drawings for the new dress collection is pirated in the Far East.
  • 用干草叉叉用或象是用干草叉叉起或
    To lift or toss with or as if with a pitchfork.
  • 你若把那张海报过来,你就知道我的意思了。
    If you will reverse the placard you will see what I mean.
  • 你计划译这部小说吗?
    Are you planing to translate the novel?
  • 播种前也须翻土。
    The soil must be turned over before planting.
  • 他把这首诗译成了英语。
    He translated the poem into English.
  • 诗歌翻译不好。
    Poetry does not translate well.
  • 诗歌大多翻译不好.
    Most poetry doesn't translate well.
  • 他不允许邻居到他园中去。
    He didn't allow his neighbours to poke into his garden.