  • 卡特勒,玛拿西1742-1823美国牧师、植物学家和拓荒者,以其对新英格兰植物的研究而著称。他作为俄亥俄河河谷殖民地的中心人物而闻名
    American cleric, botanist, and pioneer noted for his study of New England flora and as a central figure in the settlement of the Ohio River valley.
  • 封建时代独裁专断的恶习惯深中于众乃至一般党员的头脑中,一时扫除不净,遇事贪图便利,不喜欢麻烦的民主制度。
    The evil feudal practice of arbitrary dictation is so deeply rooted in the minds of the people and even of the ordinary Party members that it cannot be swept away at once; When anything crops up, they choose the easy way and have no liking for the bothersome democratic system.
  • 在玻璃底的船上观察水生动物;在水中的叶子。
    viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat; submerged leaves.
  • 人民众有无限的创造力,他们能够做出奇迹来。
    The masses have boundless creative power. They can do mighty works.
  • 担心狼会危及家畜,政府在20世纪初开始奖赏猎手,杀死黄石公园一头灰狼赏15美元。
    Afraid of the threat wolves would pose to their livestock,government bounty hunters in the early 1900's,killed Yellowstone' s grey wolves for the price of fifteen dollars a head.
  • 随后新娘将她的一束鲜花扔向一单身姑娘。
    Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls.
  • 五四运动至此遂成为有无产阶级、城市小资产阶级和民族资产阶级参加的广大众运动。
    Thus the May 4th Movement grew into a broad mass movement in which the proletariat, the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie all participated.
  • 在大昭寺等一些著名的寺院内外,挤满了磕长头、转法轮、朝佛的信教众。
    Inside and outside famous monasteries such as the Jokhang are crowds of worshipers either prostrating in prayer, turning their prayer wheels or bowing to Buddhist statues.
  • 为了使不识字的众也能参加选举,不少地方众用豆子代替选票,他们同意谁,就在那位候选人背后的碗中投进一颗豆子,谁得的豆子多,谁就当选。
    To enable illiterates to participate, beans were used in place of ballots in many places. Voters placed beans in the bowls behind the back of the candidates of their choice. Those with the most beans went into office.
  • 众向这位拳击冠军喝彩
    The crowds hailed the boxing champion.
  • 金博士通过这次成功的抵制行动表明,非暴力的众斗争能够改变现状。
    The boycott was a success and Dr.King had showed that peaceful mass action could bring about change
  • 身体柔软且分长叉的居水螅,生养成对的无肉柄水螅。
    feathery colony of long-branched stems bearing stalkless paired polyps.
  • 开花的多树枝石竹;非常接近于须苞石竹。
    much-branched pink with flowers in clusters; closely related to sweet William.
  • 天快黑时人开始散开了。
    The crowd started to break up when the night fell.
  • 警察驱散了打架的人
    The police broke up the fighting crowd.
  • 主张分裂的政治改革家
    A group of breakaway political reformers.
  • (一○)我军实行中间突破,将敌人的阵线打开一缺口后,敌之东西诸纵队便被分离为远距之两
    If our troops made a breakthrough at the centre and breached the enemy's front, his columns to the east and west would be cut into two widely separated groups.
  • 我默默地混进了这堆纷乱的人。我在想,这情景发生在这个可怜的女人咽气的卧室近旁,为的是拍卖她的家具来偿付她生前的债务,想到这里,心中不免感到无限惆怅。
    I slipped unobtrusively into the middle of the distressing tumult, saddened to think that all this was taking place next to the very room where the unfortunate creature whose furniture was being sold up to pay her debts, had breathed her last.
  • 栖息繁殖处,鹭巢
    A place where herons nest and breed.
  • 繁殖种;留下几头公牛育种。
    the breeding population; retained a few bulls for breeding purposes.
  • 警察驱散人,因恐他们酿祸。
    The policeman dispelled the crowd lest they should brew trouble.
  • 纠纷正在酝酿着,那示威者开始不耐烦了。
    There's trouble brewing and the crowd of demonstrators is getting very restless.
  • 大西洋西部和西印度岛水域中体色鲜艳的食肉性鱼。
    brightly colored carnivorous fish of western Atlantic and West Indies waters.
  • 任何镇压民权众运动的企图都是注定要失败的。
    Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure.
  • 加那利岛的一种灌木,叶倒披针状、尖端有刺毛;提供家畜饲料。
    shrub of Canary Islands having bristle-tipped oblanceolate leaves; used as cattle fodder.
  • 凯尔特人印欧民族的一支,最初分布在中欧,在前罗马帝国时期遍及欧洲西部、不列颠岛和加拉提亚东南部。尤指不列颠人或高卢人
    One of an Indo-European people originally of central Europe and spreading to western Europe, the British Isles, and southeast to Galatia during pre-Roman times, especially a Briton or Gaul.
  • 我们要精兵简政,真正下放权力,扩大社会主义民主,把人民众和基层组织的积极性调动起来。
    We must streamline the administration, delegate real powers to lower levels and broaden the scope of socialist democracy, so as to bring into play the initiative of the masses and the grass-roots organizations.
  • 用我们的战术,众斗争的发动是一天比一天扩大的,任何强大的敌人是奈何我们不得的。
    With our tactics, the masses can be aroused for struggle on an ever-broadening scale, and no enemy, however powerful, can cope with us.
  • 人群散开了。
    The crowd broke up.
  • 她的长裙扫过地板;喘息声扫过人
    Her long skirt brushed the floor; A gasp swept cross the audience.
  • 数百名众上街抗议警察暴行。
    Hundreds of people take to the street to protest against police brutality.
  • 他们残酷镇压罢工众只不过是火上加油。
    By brutally suppressing the strikers they simply poured oil on the fire.