  • 我们的几项研发明经转化已被应用于商业领域,特别是在线性液压方面的一项突破性成果现在被国内各家石油公司采用。
    Several of our research discoveries have been adapted for commercial use, and one particular breakthrough in linear hydraulics is now being used by every oil company in the country.
  • 这项研被誉为治疗不孕症的突破。
    The work has been hailed as a breakthrough in treating the childless.
  • 但是,大量的历史事实已经说明:理论研一旦获得重大突破,迟早会给生产和技术带来极其巨大的进步。
    But a host of historical facts have proved that once a major breakthrough is achieved in theoretical research, it leads, sooner or later, to enormous progress in production and technology.
  • 然而一些科学家研得出的证据表明,分裂是逐渐进行的。在慧星最后死亡的前几个星期里,它一直不停地剥离掉各种物质。
    Several of the Science studies, however, found evidence that the breakup happened progressively, with the comet shedding material during the weeks leading up to its final demise.
  • 他说:“慧星是星系的建筑石。我们仍可以观察到它们几乎最原始的状态。慧星核心爆炸释放出新的物质,这是每个从事慧星科学研的人都梦寐以求的。”
    .. The breakup of the comet's nucleus releases the fresh material, which everybody in cometary science wants to study," said Hermann Boehnhardt of the European Southern Observatory, who wrote a commentary accompanying the Science research.
  • 酿造学研发酵过程的化学分支,例如酿酒
    The branch of chemistry that deals with fermentation processes, as in brewing.
  • 这一结论是由来自位于维也纳的奥地利科学院的沃尔夫冈·卢茨和奥地利拉克森堡的国际应用系统分析研所的布赖恩·奥尼尔调查得出的。
    The findings come from a study by Wolfgang Lutz, of the Austrian Academy of Science in Vienna, and Brian O'Neill, of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria.
  • 早在1998年,英国伦敦瑞丁大学研控制论(对信息传递和控制的研,尤其涉及人及动物大脑与机器及电子装置的差异)的教授布雷恩·沃里克就曾经将一枚芯片植入自己的胳膊,他进行这项实验的目的是为了测试自己的电脑能否在楼内无线跟踪他的行迹。
    Back in 1998, Brian Warwick, a professor of cybernetics at Reading University in London, implanted a chip into his arm as an experiment to see if Warwick's computer could wirelessly track his whereabouts with the university's building.
  • 竟把我的公文包放哪儿了?
    Where ever have you put my briefcase?
  • 女子戴的一种宽边考的帽子。
    a woman's dressy hat with a wide brim.
  • 这个班在进行一项关於古罗马人占领不列颠的研
    The class are doing a project on the Roman occupation of Britain.
  • 中国英国史研究会
    China British History Association
  • 英国海洋科学研究所
    Institute of Oceanographic Sciences,British
  • 但从更大的范围说,所有其他各种问题都有大量而复杂的研机构从事研
    There are the military services, there's an effort to develop joint doctrine now, but broadly, over all kinds of other issues it's very complex and large numbers of organizations.
  • 波特,乔治生于1920英国化学家。因其对高速化学反应的研而获1967年的诺贝尔奖
    American composer and lyricist remembered for his witty and sophisticated Broadway scores.
  • 一项研报告指出,在绿叶蔬菜(如花椰菜和甘蓝菜)中发现的类胡萝卜素,可能有助于防止视力下降。
    A study also suggests that carotenoids found in green leafy vegetables(such as broccoli and kale)may help prevent vision loss.
  • 据《国家肿瘤研会学报》的报告,对一组为数48000名男性的研发现,只有那些吃甘蓝菜及其它十字花科蔬菜的人减少了患膀胱癌的危险。
    According to a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Regardless of how many fruits and vegetables a group of 48,000 men ate, only those consuming broccoli and related cruciferous veggies reduced their risk of bladder cancer.
  • 红色的荧光染料,由溴作用于荧光素而产生,用于化妆品制造并用作研细胞结构的生物着色剂。
    a red fluorescent dye resulting from the action of bromine on fluorescein; used in cosmetics and as a biological stain for studing cell structures.
  • 虽然经常刷牙对于牙齿健康很重要,但研人员指出,某些人可能具有发生牙科疾病的遗传倾向。
    While regular brushing and flossing remain essential to good dental health, the research indicates that some people may have a genetic tendency to dental problems.
  • 格莱泽,唐纳德·阿瑟生于1926美国物理学家。他因发明泡沫室而获得1960年的诺贝尔奖,泡沫室是用来研次原子微粒的仪器
    American physicist. He won a1960 Nobel Prize for his invention of the bubble chamber, an apparatus used to study subatomic particles.
  • 一项由英格兰白金汉郡奇特恩斯大学学院的研者进行的研发现,以医护工作者为例,如果顶头上司不近人情的话,他们的血压通常就会比平时高出一些。
    A study by researchers at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College in England found that the blood pressure of healthcare assistants was higher when they were supervised by someone they considered unreasonable.
  • 我们研从种籽和花蕾到花的成长过程。
    We stud the evolution of flower from seed and bud.
  • 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
    The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the5th century, when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell.
  • 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
    The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the 5th century, when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell.
  • 国际佛教研究协会
    The International Association of Buddhist Studies
  • 布法罗大学的一项研表明,饮用葡萄酒似乎对肺部健康有好处,但是在这一方面,主要的功劳应该归功于白葡萄酒而不是红葡萄酒。
    Drinking wine appears to be good for the lungs, a University at Buffalo study has shown, and in this case, the primary credit goes to white wine rather than red.
  • 结果,成千上万的自愿者不断地研linux,为它增加新的特色并除虫纠错。
    As a result, thousands of volunteers are constantly working on Linux, adding new features and winkling out bugs.
  • 社会主义竟怎么搞?
    How can people build socialism?
  • 同许多人一样,我有注意到巨额的经常帐目赤字以及短期贷款的累积。我觉得这个现象同墨西哥和阿根廷从1993至1994年的情况实在相似了。根据我较早的研,我已经断定亚洲国家的成就虽然骄人,但并非什么奇迹,所以会面对跟其他国家一样的限制,因此我当时表示:糟了!亚洲可能发生货币危机!
    Like a lot of people, I saw the very large current account deficits and the buildup of short-term debt and I thought: this looks awfully like Mexico and Argentina in 1993-94. Andsince I had already decided on the basis of my earlier work that Asia was impressive but still human and subject to the normal limitations that affect other countries, I began saying: Gosh, there could be a currency crisis here.
  • 人员相信,批量制造、成组运行的微型卫星将最终淘汰如今庞大而昂贵的卫星。
    Researchers are convinced that mass-produced microsatellites, working in groups, will eventually make today’s bulky and more costly devices obsolete.
  • 竟是官僚主义、命令主义好,还是依靠群众、说服群众好?
    Which method is actually better then, practising bureaucratism and authoritarianism or relying on the masses and reasoning with them?
  • 我专心致力于我的研
    Buried myself in my studies.