(解剖學)與嘴相對或遠離的。 (anatomy) opposite to or away from the mouth.
(解剖學)位於距離附着點或者起端最近的地方。 (anatomy) situated nearest to point of attachment or origin.
(解剖學)朝嚮遠離身體的中綫或者中間平面的地方。 (anatomy) directed away from the midline or mesial plane of the body.
(解剖學)位於距離附着點或者起端最遠的地方,例如指肢或者骨。 (anatomy) situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone.
船起錨離岸。 The anchor was raised and the ship pulled out.
那艘拖網漁船在離海岸不遠處停下來拋錨。 The trawler was brought to anchor in the strait.
起錨的在遠離海底處垂懸,用於指錨 Hanging clear of the bottom. Used of an anchor.
我們離開那個錨地,嚮着東北方向駛去。 We left that anchorage and stood away towards the northeast.
她覺得自己脫離了集體;不能保持他以往獨立的身份-捨伍德·安德森;認為自己與其他人分開十分孤單的;孤立感。 she felt detached from the group; could not remain the isolated figure he had been- Sherwood Anderson; thought of herself as alone and separated from the others; had a set-apart feeling.
角距離,是由一定點到兩物體之間所量度的夾角。 Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point.
卡賓達安哥拉領土,它在剛果和紮伊爾之間大西洋上形成一塊孤立領土。是在比利時屬剛果(今紮伊爾)要求沿剛果河下遊建造一條通嚮海洋的通道時,被割離出安哥拉本土的 A territory of Angola forming an exclave on the Atlantic Ocean between Congo and Zaire. It was separated from Angola proper when the Belgian Congo(now Zaire) acquired a corridor to the sea along the lower Congo River.
接着秘書就憤怒地離開了辦公室。 With this the secretary left the office angrily.
運動員們離開賽場時,被憤怒的人群推搡着。 The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.
等於度的角距離單位。 a unit of angular distance equal to 60 degrees.
俯角天體在地平綫下的角距離 The angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon.
地平緯度地平綫以上天體的角度距離 The angular distance of a celestial object above the horizon.
量日儀一種望遠鏡,用以測量天體之間微小的角距離 A telescope equipped to measure small angular distances between celestial bodies.
距角從地球上看的兩個天體之間的角距離 The angular distance between two celestial bodies as seen from Earth.
角距離單位等於一度的(待查表)。 a unit of angular distance equal to a 60th of a degree.
角距離單位等於(待查表)毫弧。 a unit of angular distance equal to one thousandth of a milliradian.
俯角從觀察點看,在水平平面下的角距離 The angular distance below the horizontal plane through the point of observation.
測量兩個天體之間的角距離;類似於八分儀。 an instrument for measuring the angular distance between celestial objects; resembles an octant.
黃緯黃道以南或以北天體的用角度量的距離 The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.
近點距離,近點角從太陽觀察到的行星距近日點的角度偏差 The angular deviation, as observed from the sun, of a planet from its perihelion.
穿過用角度來測量的進拱點的一個軌道裏的某點的角距離。 the angular distance of a point in an orbit past the point of periapsis measured in degrees.
天體出沒方位角沿地平綫從準確的東或西方向到一個天體與地平綫竪直圈交叉角的角距離 The angular distance along the horizon from true east or west to the intersection of the vertical circle of a celestial body with the horizon.
具有活性陰離子的化合物。 a compound characterized by an active anion.
錳酸形成的一種????,含有錳作為其陰離子。 a salt of manganic acid containing manganese as its anion.
含一個氧原子和一個氫原子的oh負離子。 the anion OH having one oxygen and one hydrogen atom.
釩酸的一種????或酯,一個含有五價釩的陰離子。 a salt or ester of vanadic acid; an anion containing pentavalent vanadium.
錳酸????一種在某陽嚮離子中含有的錳酸????,尤指含有mno4原子團的???? A salt containing manganese in its anion, especially a salt containing the MnO4 radical.
負碳離子,陰碳離子一種陰離子,其中碳帶一個負電荷和一個非共用電子對 An anion in which carbon carries a negative charge and an unshared pair of electrons.