  • 他把凳子推到子下面。
    He pushed the stool under the table.
  • 不知道怎么处置,他正在紧张却发现一条胳膊几乎撞到摞在面的书上,便如受惊的马一样往旁边一个趔趄,几乎碰翻了琴凳。
    He did not know what to do with those arms and hands, and when, to his excited vision, one arm seemed liable to brush against the books on the table, he lurched away like a frightened horse, barely missing the piano stool.
  • 他弯腰往桌下看。
    He stooped to look under the table.
  • 这个饥饿的男孩把上全部食物一扫而光。
    The hungry boy stowed away all the food on the table.
  • 请你先把办公收拾好再离开办公室。
    Please put your desk straight before you leave the office.
  • 我没有力气抬这张子。
    I haven't the strength to lift this table.
  • 她探身去取放在餐对面的黄油。
    She stretched across the table for the butter.
  • 由两个架子之间担架支撑的长的窄餐
    a long narrow dining table supported by a stretcher between two trestles.
  • 桌上摆满了书。
    The table is strewn with books.
  • 当心不要撞在那张子上,否则,会打翻上面的全部摆设。
    Be careful not to stumble against that table, or you’ll upset the whole bag of tricks.
  • 你要当心,要是你撞在子上,那上面的全部摆设就会被撞翻。
    Be careful what you're doing. If you stumble against that table you'll upset the whole bag of tricks.
  • 他把树桩当桌子用。
    He used the stump as a table.
  • 三个树桩像一张子一样服务;女学生作为一个。
    The tree stump serves as a table; The female students served as a control group; This table would serve very well; His freedom served him well; The table functions as a desk.
  • 从医院传来的好消息;好成绩单;她好的时候非常非常好;好刀就是适合于切割的刀;这个木桩会是个好野餐;能兑现的支票;好笑话;优质的外墙涂料;好秘书;适合于办公室的裙子。
    good news from the hospital; a good report card; when she was good she was very very good; a good knife is one good for cutting; this stump will make a good picnic table; a good check; a good joke; a good exterior paint; a good secretary; a good dress for the office.
  • 子上有足量食物供大家食用。
    enough is as good as a feast; there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country.
  • 日本火锅或涮锅恐怕不能同煮。
    I'm afraid that "Sukiyaki" or "Shabu-Shabu" cannot be cooked at the same table.
  • 近日圣代冰淇淋降价销售。一天,一个10岁男孩走进一家宾馆里的咖啡店,然后坐在一张子旁。
    In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table.
  • 你铺好子准备吃晚饭好吗?
    Could you set the table for supper?
  • 三角凳上支撑的子。
    a table supported on trestles.
  • 充斥着应用软件的面;觉得被工作淹没了;被淹没而难以注意的;被恐惧淹没了的男人;被工作淹没了。
    a desk flooded with applications; felt inundated with work; too much overcome to notice; a man engulfed by fear; swamped by work.
  • 客人聚集到摆好饭菜的餐周围。
    The guests swarm round the table where the food is set out.
  • 上那包糖果对那孩子是个难以抗拒的诱惑.
    The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.
  • 我把一盘饼干放在子上,结果3个孩子一下子把它们都吃光了。
    I put a plate of biscuits on the table and the three children ate them at one fell swoop.
  • 孩子们说他们仍然饿着,于是我放了一盘蛋糕在子上,结果蛋糕一下子就不见了。
    The children said they were still hungry so I put a plate of cakes on the table and at one fell swoop they vanished.
  • 在数据面,64k和nx64k比特/秒的话音和视频位流需要转换成ip包或atm信元,在向面系统传送的每一路上要保留这些比特流的等时性质。
    In the data plane, 64K and Nx64K bit/sec voice and video bit streams need to be translated into IP packets or ATM cells, preserving the synchronous nature of these streams all the way to the desktop.
  • 他用手指咚咚地敲打着子。
    He drummed on the table with his fingers.
  • 把盘子都放到子上。
    Put all the plates on the table.
  • 晚上好,要一间有2张子,每张子可坐下8个人的餐厅。
    Good evening. We want a dinning room with two tables, each table for eight.
  • 我们为你们安排了三张餐,台号是3、4、5.每9位。请每顿饭都在这里用餐。
    We're arranged three tables for you. They're No. 3, No. 4 and No.5.Nine people for each table , please sit at the same tables every meal.
  • 有一张空桌时
    a table becomes uacant
  • 对不起,(时间)没有空子了,但是我们可以在(时间)为您安排。
    I' m sorry, there aren't any tables left for (time), but we can give you a table at (time).
  • 她在上铺了一块布。
    She spread a table-cloth on the table.