  • 那问题已经困扰了我几个期。
    The problem has been bothering me for weeks.
  • 每颗微型卫都将配备一套双稳态接收器,不仅能接收自身发射器发出的地面返回信号,也能接收其邻近微型卫发出的信号,以此提高所采集图像的分辨率。
    Each microsatellite would have a bistatic receiver that would not only detect radar signals bouncing off Earth from its own transmitter, but also the signals sent by its neighbors, improving the resolution of the images collected.
  • 意大利守门员吉安路易·布冯上期说:"这种球就像你小时侯玩的那种控制不了的大圆球一样。"对此球不满的球员有许多,布冯只是其中之一。
    "It is like one of those crazy, bouncing balls, those that you play with when you are a kid," Italian goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon pronounced last week, becoming the latest in a long line of players to criticise the high-tech ball.
  • 他每逢期六便去玩滚木球戏。
    He goes bowling every Saturday.
  • 比尔还记得和他拳击打得眼冒金的情景。
    Bill Sligh remembered boxing him -- and seeing star.
  • 是报童把期日报送来的
    The newspaper boy has delivered the Sunday paper.
  • 多枝北美多年生紫菀,石楠状叶片和形小白花。
    common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers.
  • 姑娘们都穿上她们期天穿的华丽衣服。
    The girls are wearing their Sunday bravery.
  • 在还没有把摇下来之前,驴子也许会嘶叫一阵。
    An ass may bray a good while before he shakes the stars down.
  • 在荷兰埃因霍恩俱乐部效力时,33场比赛进30个球,很快成为一颗新,并被召入巴西国家队,最终,巴西队捧得了这次比赛奖杯。
    An immediate star at Dutch club Eindhoven, Ronaldo scored 30 goals in 33 matches and was a member of the Brazilian squad that won the World Cup in the US in 1994.
  • 几个期以来我们一直吃了上顿没下顿.
    We've been living on the breadline for weeks.
  • 有时期二抓住的强盗,期六就绞死;
    now, hanging a house-breaker on Saturday who had been taken on Tuesday;
  • 然而,维沃继续说道,在弄清楚慧分裂的原因之前,他们不能完全确信所观察到的现象。
    He cautioned, however, that they couldn't be absolutely sure this is what they saw until they figured out what caused the comet's breakup.
  • 休斯顿火箭队与7英尺5的中国中锋姚明的“调情”会变成一场“婚姻”,还是他们会在期三的nba选透之前告吹呢?
    Will the Houston Rockets' courtship of 7-5 Chinese center Yao Ming become a marriage, or will there be a breakup before Wednesday's NBA draft?
  • 然而一些科学家研究得出的证据表明,分裂是逐渐进行的。在慧最后死亡的前几个期里,它一直不停地剥离掉各种物质。
    Several of the Science studies, however, found evidence that the breakup happened progressively, with the comet shedding material during the weeks leading up to its final demise.
  • 由于慧受太阳的加热,所有的冰都快速汽化,从固体到气体的膨胀使得核分裂,这是慧分裂前的主要形态。
    The leading scenario for a comet's breakup is that all the ice vaporizes quickly as the comet is heated by the sun, and the expansion from solid to gas breaks the nucleus apart.
  • 他说:“慧系的建筑石。我们仍可以观察到它们几乎最原始的状态。慧核心爆炸释放出新的物质,这是每个从事慧科学研究的人都梦寐以求的。”
    .. The breakup of the comet's nucleus releases the fresh material, which everybody in cometary science wants to study," said Hermann Boehnhardt of the European Southern Observatory, who wrote a commentary accompanying the Science research.
  • 她总是那么轻松愉快,即使期一早晨亦是如此。
    She's always bright and breezy, even firdy thing on a Monday morning.
  • 六个期之后,笑笑和利亚姆在布伦达家的后院玩了起来。笑笑的体重逐渐增加,体力也慢慢地恢复了。
    Six weeks later Shao-Shao and Laks played in the back yard of Brenda's home, Shao-Shao had gained weight and his energy had been restored.
  • 最终她在briandepalma的名作“疤面煞”(scarface,1983)中获得了出演alpacino妻子的角色,由此获得了广泛的关注及机遇。
    This led to her portrayal of Al Pacino's wife in Brian De Palma's 1983 classic Scarface, for which the actress garnered favorable attention and greater opportunities.
  • 自从布赖恩退休后,他一期至少同他的朋友们打3次高尔夫球,结果我成了一个高尔夫活寡妇。
    Since Brian retired he has been playing a round of golf with his friends at least three times a week and I've become a golf widow.
  • 以下为行政长官董建华今日(期五)在政府总部大堂会见记者时发表的声明全文:
    The following is the full text of the statement by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at the press briefing at the Central Government Offices this (Friday) afternoon:
  • 美国国务卿曾经在几天前向安理会展示了情报部门搜集的新证据,证明伊拉克为了准备迎接检查而对一些地区进行了清理,转移了很多关于被禁止的武器计划的证据,也就是关于在照片中被分析家认为是正在一个军火库清理化学污染物的卡车,对此我想说明一下,那个地区是一个公开的地区,当然,也是伊拉克预计我们要进行检查的地点,我要说明的是,这两张卫照片相隔了几个期,报告中所谓的转移武器的行动很有可能只是例行公事,是为了迎接即将到来的检查所做的正常工作而已。
    The presentation of intelligence information by the US Secretary of State suggested that Iraq had prepared for inspections by cleaning up sites and removing evidence of proscribed weapons programmes. I would like to comment only on one case, which we are familiar with, namely, the trucks identified by analysts as being for chemical decontamination at a munitions depot. This was a declared site, and it was certainly one of the sites Iraq would have expected us to inspect. We have noted that the two satellite images of the site were taken several weeks apart. The reported movement of munitions at the site could just as easily have been a routine activity as a movement of proscribed munitions in anticipation of imminent inspection. Our reservation on this point does not detract from our appreciation of the briefing.
  • 舞台和银幕上的明;历史上的辉煌时刻;辉煌、壮丽的宫廷。
    the bright stars of stage and screen; a bright moment in history; the bright pageantry of court.
  • 星星光亮度不同。
    Stars vary in brightness.
  • 突然变亮的,然后经过几期或几年再逐渐变回原来的亮度
    A star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then gradually returns to its original brightness over a period of weeks to years.
  • 的亮度用数字化尺度表示出来的一个天体的亮度,最亮的等为-1。4;最昏暗的等为6,在这种度量的规则下,等减小一个单位表示外观亮度增强2。512倍
    The degree of brightness of a celestial body designated on a numerical scale, on which the brightest star has magnitude-1.4 and the faintest visible star has magnitude6, with the scale rule such that a decrease of one unit represents an increase in apparent brightness by a factor of2.512.
  • 一个球的所谓“等级”,即从地球上看到的它们的亮度,取决于三个因素,即它和地球之间的距离,它的温度和大小。
    Three factors are responsible for the so-called magnitude of a star, -- that is, for its brightness as seen from the earth, namely, its distance from the earth, its temperature and its size.
  • 请订一张去布赖顿的两期回程的二等来回票。
    A two-week return to Brighton, second class, please.
  • 请订一张去布赖顿的两期回程的二等回票。
    A two - week return to Brighton, second class, please.
  • 不管天气如何,我们期天去布赖顿。
    We’re going to Brighton on Sunday, rain or shine.
  • 在速度、光亮或者时间短暂方面像流一样。
    like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience.