  • 误差积分准则
    error integral performance index
  • 齿轮整体误测量技术
    integrated gear error measuring technique
  • 谬误;差错
    A mistake; an error.
  • 匆忙出差错。
    Error is always in haste.
  • 无差错或毛病的
    Free of errors or faults.
  • 实验数据的误差处理
    treatment for errors in experimental data
  • “你认为将委派谁呢?”“嗯,最后的抉择显然不是琼斯就是埃文斯,就资格和经历来说,两人都不多。”
    "Whom d'you think will be given the appointment?" "Well, the eventual choice lies obviously between Jones and Evans, and so far as their respective qualifications and experience go, there's nothing in it.
  • 通过提出无关的反对或别对争论观点的回避。
    an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections.
  • 不多均匀分布的小纤维覆盖。
    covered with fibrils more or less evenly disposed.
  • 预期的或预定的与实际出现的情况之间的别。
    an event that departs from expectations.
  • "设计工作中必须十分严谨,因为一点小的失误也会造成很大异。"
    "You have to be very exact in the design, because a small mistake can make a big difference."
  • 在今天这个日益环球化的商业环境,妥善处理来自不同国家员工的“文化异”,已经成为许多公司优先考虑的问题。
    In this increasingly global business world, many corporations are finding the subject of “managing cultural differences”, an area of priority for their diverse expatriate staff.
  • "货物标签上写的是一百美元,你向我索价一百二十美元,这个异该怎么解释?"
    The price tag says $100 and you charged me for $120; how do you explain the discrepancy?
  • 他在寒冷的高山上一点没有冻死。
    He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain.
  • 他的视力越来越差.
    His eyesight is becoming progressively worse.
  • 他差点儿瞎了。
    He nearly lost his eyesight [sight].
  • 他因视力而免服兵役。
    Poor eyesight exempted him from military service.
  • 视力将使你不适合于在图书馆工作。
    Poor eyesight will incapacitate you for a job in the library.
  • 缩小贫富之间的距是政府面临的主要难题之一.
    Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.
  • 相当的,不是很好的。
    fairly poor to not very good.
  • 秘书一字不地把这封信抄了下来。
    The secretary copied the letter faithfully.
  • 都市的万点灯火比起情人脉脉含情的迷人眼神来,那魅力是不分毫的呢。
    The gleam of a thousand lights is often as effective as the persuasive light in a wooing and fascinating eye.
  • 那一页的数字中有几个错。
    There are several faults in the page of figures.
  • 许多机器和先进水平相比一点不
    Many machines compared favourably with advanced standards.
  • 他们和白人学生比起来一点也不
    They compared favourably with the white students.
  • 兹同函寄上贵方往来帐,其上显示我方顺500英镑。
    I hand you, enclosed, your account current, showing a balance in my favour of??500.
  • 质量的;缺乏某些重要成分的;弱的;无力的
    Of poor quality or lacking some important ingredient; feeble
  • 另一个测量语文程度低落的方式,是悄悄向教育学院的讲师们打听,会发现受训的师资中,华文能力的异正在扩大。
    Another way to gauge the standard of Chinese is to obtain private feedback from lecturers at the National Institute of Education. The gap in proficiency of Chinese language teachers under training is widening.
  • 三英尺差四英寸。
    It wants4 inches of3 feet.
  • 父母出去了,孩子们留在家里自己照料自己。
    Their parents being away on business, the children were left to fend for themselves at home.
  • 它与人工受精确实别很大吗?
    Is it so far removed from in vitro fertilization?
  • 很多包过滤技术也受到管理接口之苦。
    Many packet-filtering technologies also suffer from poor management interfaces.