Chinese English Sentence:
  • 犯人恳求法官宽恕。
    The prisoner begged the judge for mercy.
  • 不久以后,连内阁员也请求在她的宴会桌上参加谈话。
    It was not long before cabinet officials were begging to join the conversation at her table.
  • 来自贝鲁特的电讯说有几位美国外交被作为人质遭到绑架。
    A newsflash from Beirut says some of the American diplomats have been kidnapped as hostage.
  • 十月,行政长访问布鲁塞尔,向欧洲联盟及比利时政府的高级员简述香港的最新发展。
    The Chief Executive visited Brussels in October to brief senior officials ofthe European Union and the Belgian government on the latest developments in Hong Kong.
  • 比利时的两种方语言之一;接近于荷兰语。
    one of two official languages of Belgium; closely related to Dutch.
  • 布鲁塞尔比利时首都和最大城市,位于比利时中部。方使用双语制(法兰德斯语和法语)。1830年成为比利时的首都。人口2,395,000
    The capital and largest city of Belgium, in the central part of the country. Officially bilingual(Flemish and French), it became capital of Belgium in1830. Metropolitan area population,2, 395, 000.
  • 好战的年轻军;好战的冲动;好战的性格。
    bellicose young officers; a combative impulse; a contentious nature.
  • 那个军用带子把剑佩上。
    The officer belted his sword on.
  • 向罪犯宣读了判决。
    The bench read the sentence to the criminal.
  • 拥有政府职位的人,如地方行政
    One, such as a magistrate, who occupies a bench.
  • 上次选举使泰勒先生当上地方法院法
    The last election bench Mr. Taylor in the district court.
  • 贾斯蒂斯·沃森先生当了60年法后最近退休了。
    Mr.Justice Waston has recently retired after sixty years on the bench.
  • 或其他执行审判任务者在法庭坐的长凳
    The bench on which a judge or other presiding officer sits in court.
  • 在英格兰和威尔士高等分院分为三个庭:王座庭、大法法庭和家事庭。价值超过5,000英镑的多数民事权利要求案由它审理。
    In England and Wales, the high court is divided into three divisions: the queen's bench, the chancery and the family divisions; the court hears most civil claim where the value exceed??5,000.
  • 联邦检察本尼迪克特说,一位施贵宝药厂环保专员建议药厂遵守防止水源污染法案,厂方不理,无奈辞职,[政府]对该厂的调查乃于1988年开始。州与联邦调查人员曾与该专员面谈,他们昨天不肯透露该专员姓名。本尼迪克特说他们发现“她所说得非常正确。”
    The investigation of Bristol-Myers Squibb began in 1988, after an environmental specialist who worked for the company quit in frustration because her recommendations for complying with the Clean Water Act were not heeded, said a Federal prosecutor, Craig A.Benedict. State and Federal investigators interviewed the specialist, whom they would not identify yesterday, and discovered that "she was right, in spades," Mr.Benedict said.
  • 行政长董建华今日表示:「我对於戴安娜王妃之死感到非常震惊和难过,我谨此向她的家人致以深切慰问。
    "I am deeply shocked and saddened to hear the death of the Princess of Wales, I would like to send my deepest condolences to bereaved members of her family," Mr Tung Chee Hwa, the Chief Executive, said today.
  • 纽约自卫法允许一个人当他认为生命处于危险时,可以采取致命的回应。弗里德法理所当然地指示陪审员们去考量假设他们处于这个人的境地,他们是否会感到生命堪虞。
    New York's self-defense law allows a person to respond with deadly force when he believes he is in mortal danger. Judge Bernard Fried properly instructed the jurors to "put yourself in the shoes of this person" and determine whether they would have felt mortal fear.
  • 一位军一定要我睡他的铺位。
    An army officer insisted that I take his berth.
  • 他恳求法官开恩。
    He besought a favor of the judge.
  • 判决书还说:"尽管还没有事实证据能够证明他确实对微软怀有偏见,但我们认为杰克逊法的行为严重玷污了地区法院的声誉,使人们对司法程序的公正性产生怀疑。"
    ``Although we find no evidence of actual bias, we hold that the actions of the trial judge seriously tainted the proceedings before the District Court and called into question the integrity of the judicial process,'' the court added.
  • 联邦上诉法院裁定地方法院法托马斯-潘菲尔德-杰克逊在处理这场司过程中一些举动不太恰当,给人留下了他对微软持有偏见的印象。
    The appeals court ruled that US District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson improperly conducted himself in the case, leaving himself open to the appearance he was biased against Microsoft.
  • 迈:中国谈到,搞现代化,发展经济,需要西方的资金,但现在西方投资者抱怨同中国做生意太难,存在一些问题,房租太高,谈合同争吵不休,各种税收名目繁多,劳动力太贵,贪污、受贿,还存在着僚主义。
    Wallace: To modernize the Chinese economy and develop your country, Chairman Deng, you said China needs Western investment. But Western investors complain that China is making it difficult to do business here: exorbitant rents for offices, too much bickering about contracts, too many special taxes, labour that is too expensive, plus corruption, kickbacks, and the Chinese bureaucrats.
  • 北京申办员说:没有进行交通管制
    Beijing bid official: no traffic controled
  • 二十五年前作家罗宾·库克(robincook)写了一本小说《昏迷》,讲述了一个黑市医疗阴谋,在这个黑市中人体器待价而沽,被拍卖给出价最高的人。
    Twenty-five years ago, author Robin Cook wrote Coma, a novel about a black-market medical scheme where organs were auctioned to the highest bidder.
  • 首要官员;重要首长
    A big official; a big chief.
  • 两侧对称的两边对称的,用于生物体或器
    Bilaterally symmetrical. Used of organisms or parts.
  • 那些员的无礼行为使我愤慨不已。
    The rude behaviour of theses officials roused my bile.
  • (食用)肝动物体内分泌胆汁的器,可用作食物
    The bile-secreting organ of an animal, used as food.
  • 肝脏位于肠腔右上部脊椎动物器,较大,呈赤褐色,带腺,可分泌胆汁,有助于某些血蛋白的形成和碳水化合物、脂肪及蛋白质的新陈代谢
    A large, reddish-brown, glandular vertebrate organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity that secretes bile and is active in the formation of certain blood proteins and in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  • 镇民接到命令,要为一团兵提供一夜住宿。
    The townspeople receive billet order them to lodge the regiment overnight.
  • 媒体没有对佛罗里达州大选的欺诈和腐败行为进行调查;找出匿名揭发此事的内情提供者;弄清楚最高法院五位背信法的历史背景——这些人对美国民主造成了致命伤害;相反,它沉默不语,就好像什么事也没有发生。
    Instead of diving into the fraud and corruption of the Florida election,ferreting out the Deep Throats,and combing through the biographies of the five treasonous Supreme Court justices who put the bullet through the heart of democracy in America,they shut up and behaved as if nothing was happening.
  • 卡雷尔,亚历克西斯1873-1944法裔美国外科医生和生物学家。他因在血管扎线和血管及器移植方面的贡献而获1912年诺贝尔奖
    French-born American surgeon and biologist. He won a1912 Nobel Prize for his work on vascular ligature and grafting of blood vessels and organs.