  • 请给我两张去斯丁的头等来回票。
    Give me two first- class return ticket to hastings, please.
  • 前[纽约]市文化局调查主任彻告诉联邦陪审团说:怒气冲冲的迈尔森带领着她的三个高级幕僚闯入她的办公室。
    Gwendolyn Hatcher, former inspector general of the city Department of Cultural Affairs, told a federal jury that an outraged Myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow.
  • 鲍勃点燃了一只他最好的瓦那烟。
    Bob lit up one of his best Havana.
  • "可我又不在你手下工作,你为什么偏偏要挑我?""爱国的美国人,你已在这儿呆了多的。你知道,瓦那必须要有我们的人。"
    "But I'm not in your Service. Why do you pick on me? ""Patriotic American. Been here for years. We must have our man in Havana, you know."
  • “可我又不在你手下工作,你为什么偏偏要挑我?”“爱国的美国人,你已在这儿呆了多的。你知道,瓦那必须要有我们的人。”
    "But I'm not in your Service. Why do you pick on me?" "Patriotic American. Been here for years. We must have our man in Havana, you know."
  • 站在钢萨雷斯一旁的卡斯特罗向聚集在瓦那卡尔.马克思剧院内5000名民众发表了他自上周结束的艾连之争的艰苦而极富政治意义的历时7个月的战斗后首次公开讲话。
    Castro, who stood beside Gonzalez as he spoke to a 5,000- strong gathering at Havana's Karl Marx theater, was giving his first public speech since last week's end of the bitter and highly-politicized, 7-month battle over Elian.
  • 巴西的一位总统候选人在竞选期间认为有必要访问一下卡斯特罗和瓦那,而不是华盛顿,因为他想得到在巴西的卡斯特罗的拥护者的选票。
    When a candidate for the Presidency of Brazil feels it's necessary to call, not on Washington during the campaign, but on Castro and Havana, in order to pick up the support of the Castro supporters in Brazil?
  • 对生活的一种自我纵容的看法——夫洛克·埃利斯。
    a self-indulgent...way of looking at life- Havelock Ellis.
  • 最佳剧本集,没有被删节的——夫洛克·埃利斯。
    volumes of the best plays, unexpurgated- Havelock Ellis.
  • 一个亲切的和善解人意的朋友-纳撒尼尔·森。
    a kind and apprehensive friend- Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • 1761年海顿任埃斯特齐富豪家族乐队指挥,并写了大量各种不同的乐曲。
    In 1761 Haydn was made musical director to the rich Esterhazy family, and composed vast amounts of music of many kinds.
  • 她想,此人刚来到福德郡,怎么就要进城有事。于是她开始担心了;
    She could not imagine what business he could have in town so soon after his arrival in Hertfordshire;
  • 1997年夏,克洛斯出现在舞台上,在劫持惊险剧《空军一号》中演明智的副总统,里森·福特饰经常训斥下属的总统。接着她又在喜剧《进进出出》中有短暂表演。
    Close showed up in theaters as the no?nonsense V.P.to Harrison Ford's ass?kicking President in the 1997 summer hijack thriller Air Force One,and then cropped up in a brief appearance in the comedy In &Out.
  • 1997年夏,克洛斯出现在舞台上,在劫持惊险剧《空军一号》中演明智的副总统,里森·福特饰经常训斥下属的总统。接着她又在喜剧《进进出出》中有短暂表演。
    .Close showed up in theaters as the no nonsense V.P.to Harrison Ford's ass kicking President in the 1997 summer hijack thriller Air Force One,and then cropped up in a brief appearance in the comedy In & Out.
  • 但是,每当人民跟着他们走的时候,都发现他们的臀部带有旧的封建纹章,于是就大笑,一哄而散。
    But the people, so often as it joined them, saw on their hindquarters the old feudal coats of arms, and deserted with loud and irreverent laughter.
  • 马拉地人生活在印度中西部的马拉施特拉邦的印度民族的成员
    A member of a Hindu people inhabiting Maharashtra in west-central India.
  • 尽管他想成为一名艺术历史学家,他还是在学生戏剧节目中一试身手,曾经有一次身着《星际战舰》的服装出演《姆雷特》。
    Though considering a career as an art historian, he tried his hand at student drama, at one point featuring in Hamlet --? performed in Star Trek costumes.
  • 佛大学经济史专家克劳迪姬·戈尔丁说:“现在,离开学校去找一份工作比在大学里苦读书要容易。
    "It's easier to go out and get a job now than to do the hard work and stay in college," says Claudia Goldin, an economic historian at Harvard University.
  • 说到日寇实现其计划的程度,由于中国的抗战至今还限于单纯的政府和军队的抗战,日寇已在短期内取得了河北、察尔、绥远三省,山西亦在危急中。
    As to how far the Japanese aggressors have realized their plan, they seized the three provinces of Hopei, Chahar and Suiyuan within a short space of time, and now they are threatening Shansi; the reason is that China's War of Resistance has hitherto been confined to resistance by the government and the army alone.
  • 马叙利亚西部的一个城市,位于阿勒坡的西南偏南,始建于约青铜器时代,它是公元前第二个太平盛世中希泰族的中心,并且在《圣经》中以马斯的名字反复被提及。人口177,208
    A city of western Syria south-southwest of Aleppo. Settled probably in the Bronze Age, it was a Hittite center in the second millennium b.c. and is frequently mentioned in the Bible as Hamath. Population,177, 208.
  • 里开了1天的汽车后,找到了一个出租的房间寄宿过夜。
    After a day's motoring, Harry found a room for rent and holed up for the night.
  • 顿一条为无家可归者提供廉价旅馆而闻名的大街。
    a street in Manhattan noted for cheap hotels frequented by homeless derelicts.
  • 利斯小姐童真般的娇美艳丽和他初恋的情人海蒂如出一辙。
    It was hopeless even from the very start.
  • 这个精力旺盛的老人每天花一半时间在马背上-w.h.德森。
    a vigorous old man who spent half of his day on horseback- W.H.Hudson.
  • 久负盛名的吐鲁番葡萄、库尔勒香梨、密瓜等远销国内外市场,特色园艺业、种植业近年来迅速发展。
    Turpan grapes, Korla pears and Hami melons, which have long been famous Xinjiang products, sell well on both foreign and domestic markets.Specialty horticulture and crop planting have leapfrogged in the past few years.
  • ‘要说我没有参加罢工那完全是胡说。’维先生激动地说;孩子们正在激烈地争论。
    `To say I am behind the strike is so much nonsense,' declared Mr Harvey heatedly; the children were arguing hotly.
  • 勃空间望远镜随着其高级观测摄像机的安装而得以升级。
    The Hubble Space Telescope got an upgrade with the installation of its Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  • 就在最近,借助于“勃望远镜”,人们有了重大的发现。
    Just recently a major discovery was found with the help of a device known as the Hubble Telescope.
  • 现在,由勃拍摄的光线最清晰的图像正帮助天文学家们证实数十年来有关星系形成和进化的基本过程的旧理论。
    Now, the sharpest-ever visible-light images taken by Hubble are also helping astronomers confirm decades-old theories behind the fundamental processes of galaxy formation and evolution.
  • “老鼠”星系,因为有和啮齿动物明显相似的尾巴而得名。它们是由勃空间望远镜新的高级观测摄像机以令人吃惊的细节捕捉到的。
    The Mice galaxies, named after their distinct rodent-like tails, were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  • 例如,观察一下勃拍下的“老鼠”星系的新图像,天文学家们就能找出无数的蓝色块状区域,在这些区域中恒星以一种相对多样化的速度突然出现——巴尼斯估计星系中一年大约可以出现12颗新星。
    Looking at the new Hubble image of the Mice, for example, astronomers can pick out numerous regions of blue patches, areas in which stars are popping up at a relatively prolific rate -- Barnes estimates the galaxies are producing on the order of a dozen new stars a year.
  • 吃早饭之前,我肯定已到得逊区。
    I must be at Hudson before I break my fast.