  • 内德过去是一深水潜水员,现在他已走到另一个极端,开始从事悬挂式滑行运动。
    Ned used to be a scuba diver and now he's gone to the other extreme and taken up hang gliding.
  • 妇女委员293,占13.96%,少数民族委员243,占11.58%。
    There are 293 women members, accounting for 13.96 percent, and 243 members are from ethnic groups, accounting for 11.58 percent.
  • 老罗斯福是真诚的喜欢那些底下人,他对白宫里所有的旧役佣人,甚至做杂务的女仆,都叫出字问好。「亚切.白德」曾经有这样一段记述:
    His honest liking for humble people was shown by the fact that he greeted all the old White House servants by name, even the scullery maids.
  • 曾6次获得年排世界第一的桑普拉斯的大力发球、高压球的动作,不但具有非洲土风舞的艺术特色,而且在举拍争取高点压球时,动作的造型简直就像古希腊的一座精美雕像,强烈的阳刚之美,感染着万千观众。
    Sampras is the world number one seed for six years in succession. His powerful service and high pressure movements not only have characteristics of African country dance, but also when he lifts his racket to strive for high point balls, the sculpt of movements is like a statue of ancient Greece, which are full of the beauty of strong manliness. It has impressed thousands upon thousands of the audiences.
  • 曾六次获得年终排世界第一的桑普拉斯的大力发球、高压球的动作,不但具有非洲土风舞的艺术特色,而且在举拍争取高点压球时,动作的造型简直就像古希腊的一座精美雕像,强烈的阳刚之美,感染着万千观众。
    Sarnpras is the world number one seed for six years in succes-sion. His powerful service and high pressure movements not only have characteristics of African country dance, but also when he lifts his racket to strive for high point bails, the sculpt of movements is like a statue of ancient Greece, which are full of the beauty of strong manli-ness. It has impressed thousands upon thousands of the audiences.
  • 拉歇兹,加斯东1882-1935法国裔美国雕塑家,以其巨型裸体雕塑闻,作品包括站立的女人
    French-born American sculptor known for his large nude figures, including Standing Woman.
  • 马约尔,阿里斯蒂德1861-1944法国雕刻家,以其深受古典风格影响的裸女雕像而著
    French sculptor noted for his large, classically influenced statues of female nudes.
  • 他既是著的雕刻家又是杰出的肖像画家。
    He is eminent both as a sculptor and as a portrait painter.
  • 德加,(西莱尔·热尔曼)埃德加1834-1917法国画家、雕塑家,尤以擅长于描绘芭蕾舞演员优美细腻的舞姿而闻
    French painter and sculptor noted especially for his fluid studies of ballet dancers.
  • 切利尼,贝温尤托1500-1571意大利作家及雕塑家,以其作品自传和柏尔修斯的雕塑而闻
    Italian writer and sculptor who is known for his Autobiography and his sculpture of Perseus.
  • 罗丹是自米开朗基罗之后最著的雕刻家:人们热爱罗丹,对米开朗基罗则只是尊敬。
    Rodin is the most famous sculptor since Michelangelo: people love Rodin, while Michelangelo is merely respected.
  • 只是在信的末尾他才几乎顺便地提到他是一好的画家和雕塑家。
    Only at the end does, he mention, almost incidentally, that he is a good painter and sculptor.
  • 爱波斯坦,雅格布1880-1959生于美国的英国雕塑家,以其胸像作品和其宏大却褒贬不一的作品而闻,如大理石雕塑维纳斯(1917年)
    American-born British sculptor who is noted for his busts and his massive, controversial works, such as the marble Venus(1917).
  • 赫普沃思,芭芭拉1903-1975英国雕刻家,以纽约市联合国大厦前的独影(纪念戴各·哈马啥尔德)而著
    British sculptor best known for her Single Form(Memorial to Dag Hammarskj鰈d) at the United Nations Plaza in New York City.
  • 贾科尼亚特提,阿尔贝托1901-1966瑞士雕刻家、画家、超现实主义者,他最著的是他对人体外形的拉长的雕刻,如行走的人(1960年)
    Swiss sculptor, painter, and exponent of surrealism who is best known for his elongated sculptures of human figures, such as Walking Man(1960).
  • 巴托尔迪,弗雷德里克·奥古斯特1834-1904法国雕刻家,由于他的纪念性雕像而闻自由照亮世界约纽港自由女神,由法国运往美国,于1886年落成
    French sculptor best known for his monumental figure of Liberty Enlightening the World, the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, presented to the United States by France and dedicated in1886.
  • 作为一会计,他拿的薪水很高。
    He earn a high salary as an accountant.
  • 随着edsgerdijkstra著的“goto有害”论的问世,goto便从此失宠。
    goto fell into true disfavor with the publication of the famous “Goto considered harmful” paper by Edsger Dijkstra, and since then goto-bashing has been a popular sport, with advocates of the cast-out keyword scurrying for cover.
  • 他正在学习会计学或他是一会计专业的学生。
    He is studying accountancy or he is an accountancy student.
  • 她和他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其
    Se step in a false position on under false pretences strike sound a false note sail under false colours a play sb falset names in a familiar way.
  • 大型重量级体格的海鸟,嘴长而结实,以其突进地入水抓鱼而著
    large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish.
  • 香港是聘用训练有素海员的中心,约有870香港注册高级船员和普通船员,在超过17个不同海事机关旗下的远洋船舶上工作。
    Hong Kong is a centre for employing well-trained seafarers. Some 870 Hong Kong officers and ratings serve on foreign-going ships flying flags of more than 17 different maritime administrations.
  • 我们的餐馆以海味闻
    Our restaurant is famous for its seafood.
  • 根据问责制,政府最高层的官员,包括政务司司长、财政司司长和律政司司长,以及所有决策局局长,全部都不会是公务员,而是以合约方式聘用的问责制主要官员,合约年期为五年,但不超逾提他们的行政长官的任期。
    Under the Accountability System, the upper echelon of the Government — the Chief Secretary for Administration, Financial Secretary, Secretary for Justice and all Directors of Bureaux — will no longer be civil servants, but will be appointed on contract terms as Principal Officials. They may serve for a term of five years, but not exceeding that of the Chief Executive who nominates them.
  • 他们在条约上签盖章。
    They signed and sealed the treaty.
  • 发现有本法第十八条规定的录所列的病虫害的,作不准带离运输工具、除害、封存或者销毁处理。
    In the event any disease, insect pest or harmful organism specified in the catalogues mentioned in Article 18 of this Law is discovered, the cargoes shall be subjected to such treatments as prohibition from discharge from the means of transport, disinfection and disinfestation, sealing up or destruction.
  • 他说:“当你成为一成功的编剧后,你所获得的地位使你不必每日为生计操心,成功带来的结果是你更多地饮酒、参加社交聚会以及身体发福。”
    " " When you become a successful screenwriter, you gain status without daily accountability, and as a consequence your success may lead you to more alcohol, more parties, and more obesity," he says.
  • 汉代姓名私印
    Personal Name Seals of the Han Dynasty
  • 他已成为一名海员。
    He has become a seaman.
  • 他是一好水手,但是最后竟葬身海底了。
    He was a fine seaman, but ended up in Davy Jones' locker.
  • “而且也是一一流的海员,是在大海与蓝天之间度过一生的——是负责莫雷尔父子公司这种重要的公司的最合适的人才。”腾格拉尔回答。
    "And a first-rate seaman, one who had seen long and honorable service, as became a man charged with the interests of a house so important as that of Morrel & Son," replied Danglars.
  • 此外,为了向本港的年青人提供持续的高等教育机会,该局将通过与海外着大学达成衔接课程安排,在香港为该局的高级文凭毕业生提供全日制和部分时间制的学位课程,让他们继续升学。
    Furthermore, in order to support the provision of a seamless higher education for young people in Hong Kong, the VTC will be offering both full-time and part-time 'top-up' degree programmes in Hong Kong to higher diploma graduates through articulation arrangements with reputable overseas universities.