  • 器一种把电能从一个电位转移到另一个电位的装置。尤指一对多组缠绕在一起且互相感应的配对电线圈,通过电、电流、相位或其它的电特性改变产生这样一种电能的转换
    A device used to transfer electric energy from one circuit to another, especially a pair of multiply wound, inductively coupled wire coils that effect such a transfer with a change in voltage, current, phase, or other electric characteristic.
  • 金属模子一种用于镌刻的金属件,可将设计好的图案印到较软的金属上,例如制货币
    An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.
  • 讽刺是一种知性武器;脑力劳动者忙于创造文学、艺术或科学的劳动;对被迫人民具有极大的知性同情;理性的知性;几分知性类型;知性文学。
    satire is an intellectual weapon; intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor; has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people; coldly intellectual; sort of the intellectual type; intellectual literature.
  • 多尔带领的顾问团有一名叫科林·布莱克默的教授说:“证据显示,住在高电线附近的人,得癌症的危险系数稍微增大了。
    Professor Colin Blakemore, a member of Doll's group, said:"The evidence is that there is a slightly elevated risk of cancer near to power lines.
  • 他的身体被工作垮了.
    His health collapsed under the pressure of work.
  • 二者互相勾结以迫中国人民,而以帝国主义的民族迫为最大的迫,因而帝国主义是中国人民的第一个和最凶恶的敌人。
    The two collude with each other in oppressing the Chinese people, and imperialism is the foremost and most ferocious enemy of the Chinese people, because national oppression by imperialism is the more onerous.
  • 坚持反对帝国主义、霸权主义、殖民主义,加强同世界各国人民的团结,支持被迫民族和发展中国家争取和维护民族独立、发展民族经济的正义斗争,为维护世界和平和促进人类进步事业而努力。
    China consistently opposes imperialism, hegemonism and colonialism, works to strengthen unity with the people of other countries, supports the oppressed nations and the developing countries in their just struggle to win and preserve national independence and develop their national economies, and strives to safeguard world peace and promote the cause of human progress.
  • 殖民主义者对被迫人民犯了无数罪行,是绝对逃脱不了惩罚的。
    The colonialists could never get away with the innumerable crimes they had committed against the oppressed people.
  • 气压计的水银柱
    A column of mercury in a thermometer.
  • 惊厥怀孕时出现或之后随即出现的昏迷和痉挛,症状是水肿、高血和尿蛋白
    Coma and convulsions during or immediately after pregnancy, characterized by edema, hypertension, and proteinuria.
  • 内燃机增压
    supercharging of internal combustion engine
  • 增强的力把氧气入内燃机的汽缸。
    forces increased oxygen into the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine.
  • 羽毛被的厚度填满了缩绝缘材料的某种物品的厚度,如尼龙被
    The thickness of an item, such as a down comforter, that is filled with compressible insulating material.
  • 政府采取措施,把物价回到原来的水平。
    The government took measures to roll commodity prices back.
  • 我们还将运用信贷、利率杠杆,促进积商品房的扩大销售,并从过去重点支持开发商品房过渡到支持居民购买商品房。
    We will also apply such economic levers as credit and interest rate to stimulate the selling of unsold commodity houses, and shift our focus from supporting the development of commodity housing to encouraging individuals to purchase commodity houses.
  • 例如一方面是人们受饿、受冻、受迫,一方面是人剥削人、人迫人,这个事实到处存在着,人们也看得很平淡;
    For example, there is suffering from hunger, cold and oppression on the one hand, and exploitation and oppression of man by man on the other. These facts exist everywhere and people look upon them as commonplace.
  • 自换流式电型逆变电路
    voltage source inverter by self-commutation
  • 能够被缩或者变得更紧密。
    capable of being compressed or made more compact.
  • 带有重宽且光滑的滚筒用来路面和人行道的机器。
    equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements.
  • 我们的消化系统中的部分渗透壁;把土实以免渗水。
    the partly porous walls of our digestive system; compacting the soil to make it less porous.
  • 在市中心收集的废物会运往废物转运站,先经挤,然后装入密封货柜,转运往3个策略性堆填区弃置。
    Waste collected in urban centres is delivered to these stations for compacting into sealed containers for subsequent delivery to and disposal at the three strategic landfills.
  • 路基填土压实
    compaction of earth embankment
  • 城市垃圾压缩处理
    compaction of municipal refuse
  • 数据压缩
    data compression and compaction
  • 液体食物被缩进了高罐子里。
    liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank.
  • 缩机可将汽车缩成一小块。
    A compactor can crumple up a car into a small cube.
  • 飞行器的隔离舱中保持的气
    the air pressure maintained in the air-tight compartment of an aircraft.
  • 使缩减少…的数量或容积
    To reduce the volume or compass of.
  • 强制通过采用力、威胁或恐吓强制按某种方法行动或思考;强迫
    To force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure, threats, or intimidation; compel.
  • ?芝加哥大学的劳务经济学家詹姆斯·海克曼同意博茨泰因的观点认为缩中学教育是"一个非常令人信服的想法"。
    University of Chicago labor economist James J.Heckman agrees with Botstein that compressing high school is "a very compelling idea."
  • ??芝加哥大学的劳务经济学家詹姆斯·海克曼同意博茨泰因的观点认为缩中学教育是“一个非常令人信服的想法”。
    University of Chicago labor economist James J. Heckman agrees with Botstein that compressing high school is "a very compelling idea.
  • 把学习第三语文作为减轻学习华文力的对换条件,这是一个鼓励学生掌握第三种语文的最佳方法。
    What better way to encourage third-language competence than to make it a trade-off for alleviating the pressure to study Chinese?