Chinese English Sentence:
  • 很多玩笑反映了他们这种独特的观点——比如:圣彼得正在欢迎一位到天堂的人,这时一位戴花呢帽、留着胡子的老头开着辆红色费拉里车急驰穿过镶嵌着珍珠的大门。
    A number of jokes reflect their unique perspective-e. g. St. Peter was welcoming a new arrival when a red Ferrari driv-en by a bearded older man in a tweed hat zoomed at full speed through the pearly gates.
  • 向房间里望了一眼门便关上了。
    He just had time to peek into the room before the door closed.
  • 一放学,学生们就拼命跑出去玩了。
    As soon as school was over, the pupils pelted out to play.
  • 我们好有足够的钱买它,还剩下十一便士。
    We have just enough money to buy it, with11 pence to spare.
  • 如果我们才所谈的内容,没有把它变更一下的话,即使我想谈,也无从谈起。原因是我对植物学方面,所知道的太少了。
    I couldn’t have said anything if I had wanted to without changing the subject, for I didn’t know any more about botany than I knew about the anatomy of a penguin.
  • 我们大家要取得一致意见时,霍华德冒出个他的一点看法,又要引起争论了。
    We were nearly all agreed when Howard had to have his three pennyworth and start the argument all over again.
  • 出版的新书的复印本,送给别人让别人对作者或这本书进行评论。
    a copy of a newly published book that is sent for review to a writer or periodical.
  • 顽固的顽固地或愎地坚持的
    Stubbornly or perversely persistent.
  • 这些对夫妇有着截然不同的性格,但是他们这段时间以来,同实验开始的时候相比在感情上更为融洽了。
    The couples maintained distinct personalities, but they were more closely attuned emotionally than they had been at the start of the study, the researchers found.
  • 李光耀是亚洲一位优异的领袖。他是卓越管理、正不阿和自律精神的体现。
    " Lee is an exceptional Asian leader who personifies excellent management, integrity and discipline.
  • 皮特.威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件给他秘书出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具。
    Pete wilson, the governor, buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e-commerce.
  • 皮特。威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件给他秘书出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具
    Pete wilson, the governor, buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e commerce.
  • 我刚接了个电话。
    I just answer a phone.
  • 美国东南多沙沼泽中生长的一种大型三针松;针叶比北方的松长。
    large 3-needled pine of sandy swamps of southeastern United States; needles longer than those of the northern pitch pine.
  • 烤鸭,当地特产,出炉滚烫的时候味道最鲜美。
    It's roast duck, a local specialty. It tastes best when eaten piping hot.
  • 才叫的比萨饼还没有送来!
    The pizza I ordered earlier has not come yet.
  • 喂!我是532房间的jimbarkley。我才订的比萨饼还没有送来。
    Hello. This is Jim Barkley in room 532. the pizza I ordered earlier has not come yet.
  • 喂!我是532房间的jimbarkley。我才订的比萨饼还没有送来。
    Hello. This is Jim Barkley in room 532. The pizza I ordered earlier have not come yet.
  • 把板条的一侧刨一刨,使它放在这儿好合适。
    Plane one side of the panel down until it fits snugly into place.
  • 打比打的牌更高的牌。
    play a higher card than the one previously played.
  • 大牌打比打的牌高级的牌
    To play a higher card than the one previously played.
  • 活泼的孩子们从学校解放出来。
    playful children just let loose from school.
  • 就职,就受到竞争对手《羽报》的指控,诬陷他接受贿赂,封锁新闻。
    He had barely assumed this position when the editor of a rival newspaper, Plume,accused him falsely of receiving bribes and suppressing news.
  • 就职,就受到竞争对手《羽报》的指控,诬陷他接受贿赂,封锁新闻。
    He had barely assumed this position when the editor of a rival newspaper, Plume, accused him falsely of receiving bribes and suppressing news.
  • 我们家的狗生了4条小狗,他们很相象。
    Our dog has just had four puppies and they're as alike as peas in a pod.
  • 我们家的狗生了4条小狗,它们很相象。
    Our dog has just had four puppies and they're as like as peas in a pod.
  • 才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。
    I saw the policemen file away a moment ago.
  • 对不起,我才对你失礼了,我本该有礼貌地回答你的问题的。
    I'm sorry I was short with you; I ought to have answered your question more politely.
  • 一打起来他就想到还是走为上策。
    When the fight begin, he think it politic to leave.
  • 在失重的情况下自由的飘浮;出生的蝙蝠……长着绒毛、轻得像飞蛾;用轻聚酯布制成的夹克。
    floating freely in a weightless condition; a baby bat...fluffy and weightless as a moth; jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric.
  • 那些获知‘o’水准成绩的学生,想要知道他们在初级学院或理工学院,应该选读什么课程。
    Those who've just got their GCE 'O' level results want to know what course they should do in junior college or polytechnic.
  • 才急匆匆地沿这条路去商店了.
    He's just popped down the road to the shops.