  • 所以用兵的法,不要寄望敌人不会来,而要依靠自己严阵以待,充分预备;
    In war, as appropriately pointed out by Sun Tzi, one cannot rely on the failure of the enemy to attack us. Instead, one must be ever ready to take on the enemy.
  • 继续改善和发展同发达国家的关系,在和平共处五项原的基础上,扩大共同利益,妥善解决分歧。
    We will continue to improve and develop our relations with developed countries and, on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, broaden the area of common interests and appropriately iron out differences.
  • 3.当成员要求以提交未披露过的实验数据或其他数据,作为批准采用新化学成分的医药用或农用化工产品上市的条件时,如果该数据的原创活动包含了相当的努力,该成员应保护该数据,以防不正当的商业使用。
    3. Members, when requiring, as a condition of approving the marketing of pharmaceutical or of agricultural chemical products which utilize new chemical entities, the submission of undisclosed test or other data, the origination of which involves a considerable effort, shall protect such data against unfair commercial use.
  • 他婚前什么都听母亲的,婚后什么都听妻子的。
    Before his marriage he was tied to his mother's apron-strings, and after it to his wife's.
  • [6]洛克、爱尔维休和狄德罗都相信所有的人都有相同的天赋,并且相信在约束大智英才的活动的法之下,有些人所能完成的,其他的人在相似的环境下,致力于相似的追求,也准是力所能及的。
    [6] Locke, Helvetius, and Diderot believed that all men have an equal aptitude for genius, and that what some are able to effect, under the laws which regulate the operations of the intellect, must also be within the reach of others who, under like circumstances, apply themselves to like pursuits.
  • 其余约三成的资金,透过当局批出新机场各项主要服务和西隧的专营权,并由负责机构就新机场和机铁工程向私营机构进行商业借贷而筹得。
    The remaining 30 per cent comes from private sector participation in the form of commercial lending for the new airport and the AR, key franchises at the new airport and the WHC franchise.
  • 按付款当日价格计算,整个机场核心计划的成本预算为1,553亿元,其中新机场、机铁和西隧的预算成本分别为702亿元、340亿元和65亿元,而其他7个由政府斥资进行的项目,预算成本是446亿元。
    The ACP is projected to cost $155.3 billion in money-of-the-day values. Of this amount, the estimates for the new airport, AR and WHC are $70.2billion, $34 billion and $6.5 billion respectively, and $44.6 billion for the seven other government ACP projects.
  • 你如在一个国际招待会上观察一下美国代表和阿拉伯国家代表交谈时的情景,便会发现美国人在大厅不住地向后退,而他们的来自阿拉伯国家的交谈对象步步紧跟。
    They differ, however, in where they draw these lines. Look at an international reception with representatives from the US and Arabic countries conversing and you will see the Americans pirouetting backwards around the hall pursued by their Arab partners.
  • 不抵抗完全服从于即使是不公平或霸道的势力的实践或原
    The practice or principle of complete obedience to authority even if unjust or arbitrary.
  • 而第三名仲裁员由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会主席指定,当首席仲裁员。
    Then the third one is to be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC as the presiding arbitrator.
  • 根据中国仲裁规,可以指定一名或三名仲裁员,我们双方通过协商可以共同指定一名独任仲裁员,如果要指定三名仲裁员,当然每方可以从中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁员名单里指定一名仲裁员。
    According to the Chinese Rules for Arbitration, one or three arbitrators can be appointed. We may hold consultation to appoint a sole arbitrator. In case three arbitrators are to be appointed, each party may nominate one arbitrator from the CIETAC Panel of Arbitrations.
  • 其中一项名为"香港法定古迹"的展览展出64项法定古迹和从考古遗址发掘所得文物,另一项名为"香港文物六千年"的展览介绍香港在不同历史时期的丰富遗物,并着重介绍考古文物和历史建筑物。
    The exhibition Hong Kong's Declared Monuments included 64 declared monuments and relics excavated from archaeological sites. The second exhibition Hong Kong's Heritage - A History of 6 000Years introduced the very rich relics of Hong Kong from different historical periods with an emphasis on archaeological finds and historical buildings.
  • 建筑形式美法则
    principle of architectural form
  • 工程制图遵循数学法制作的图形(例如工程学和建筑学中的)
    The making of drawings in accordance with the rules of mathematics, as in engineering or architecture.
  • 在莫斯科克格勃总部的秘密档案柜里保存着希特勒的一块下巴骨,而他的一块头骨碎片被放在俄罗斯联邦的国家档案馆里。
    In the KGB's headquarters on the fringes of Moscow, his skull is stored in the state archive of the Russian Federation.
  • 中国适宜居住的湿润、半湿润地区只占47%;而干旱地区和半干旱地区占53%。
    China's humid and semi-humid areas, appropriate for living, account for only 47 percent of the total land mass, while the arid and semi-arid areas account for 53 percent.
  • 背上有不规的十字花纹;产于亚利桑那州南部和墨西哥地区干旱的丘陵和峡谷地带。
    having irregularly cross-banded back; of arid foothills and canyons of southern Arizona and Mexico.
  • 在美国的城区,研究中的统计数据高达37%。
    Arid figures as high as 37 per cent have emerged from studies in urban areas of the US.
  • 有一天晚上我从某外国电台(巴勒斯坦的所有电台都被以色列总理沙龙的军队查禁了)听到一消息说,施乐公司也曝出丑闻。
    I heard the other night a report on a foreign radio station (all Palestinian stations have been forced off the air by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's military forces), of yet another scandal brewing at Xerox, the famous photocopying company.
  • 有问题的按问题性质,协同群众商量解决办法。
    As for the problems that have arisen, we should consult with the masses to work out solutions based on the merits of each case.
  • 凡是分过土地的地方,应区别真分还是假分,一大片地区分了的还是只在一些孤立据点分了的,问题多的还是问题较少的,而规定出不同的处理办法。
    In areas where land has been distributed, we should make a distinction between true and false distribution, between distribution carried out in a vast area and that in isolated places, and between areas where many problems have arisen and ones with fewer problems, so as to work out solutions accordingly.
  • 切勿烧掉没有意思的信件,是为英国贵族的第一个原
    Never burn an uninteresting letter is first rule of British aristocracy.
  • 三一律戏剧结构三原之一,由法国新古典主义者从亚里斯多德的诗论得出,叙述为戏剧只应当有一个情节,此情节应当在一天发生,并限制在一场所
    One of the three principles of dramatic structure derived by French neoclassicists from Aristotle's Poetics, stating that a drama should have but one plot, which should take place in a single day and be confined to a single locale.
  • 柏拉图、亚里土多德、康德、达尔文和弗洛伊德等思想家,都曾试图探索笑声(柏拉图担心笑声会使国家陷于混乱,康德推理认为。当人们以为会发生的事情没有发生时,就会产生笑,这就是出人意料的妙语起作用的原因),但他们一直是从哲学的角度而不是从科学的角度来探索的。
    Thinkers from Plato and Aristotle to Kant, Darwin and Freud have tried to fathom laughter (Plato fered it would disrupt the state, and Kant theorized that it arises when what you expect to happen doesn't, which is why surprising punch lines work), but they've been long on philosophy and short on science.
  • 代数学计算的普遍原理,其中通常为字母表中字母的符号,其代表数字或一组特定数字中的几个数字,它们通过对组中全部数字都适合的运算法相联系
    A generalization of arithmetic in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent numbers or members of a specified set of numbers and are related by operations that hold for all numbers in the set.
  • 塞密斯陶克立斯对波斯王的话说得极是。他说:“言语有如张挂展览的花毡,其中的图形都是显明的;而思想有如卷折起来的花毡。”
    It was well said by Themistocles, to the king of Persia, That speech was like cloth of Arras, opened and putabroad; whereby the imagery doth appear infigure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in packs.
  • 矩阵元素类似矩形的事物,如元素有规地形成列或行
    Something resembling such an array, as in the regular formation of elements into columns and rows.
  • 来自台湾的旅客人数升至第二位,达180万人次,占旅客总数17.1%,跌幅为2.1%。
    Taiwan rose to second place, with arrivals of 1.8 million, down 2.1 per cent,and constituting 17.1 per cent of total arrivals.
  • 一九九七年的访港旅客总数达1040万人次,比上年下降11.1%,而与一九九五年比较,上升2%。
    Total visitor arrivals in Hong Kong in 1997 were 10.4 million, down by 11.1 per cent compared with 1996 - but 2 per cent up on 1995.
  • 年内,人事登记处共签发728257张身分证;其中313621张是发给新抵港人士以及年满11或18岁的人士,而236980张发给因遗失或损坏身分证,或须更改身分证上资料,而申请补发身分证的人士。
    In 1997, 728 257 identity cards were issued:313 621 to new arrivals and persons who reached the age of 11 or 18 years, and 236 980 to people who applied for replacement identity cards due to loss, damage or change of personal particulars.
  • 以对未经证实或者无法证实的原的傲慢自大的维护为特点。
    characterized by arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.
  • 竹芋任一种美洲热带竹芋属的植物,包括竹芋,生有卵形的通常带有斑点的细叶和开形状不规的花
    Any of several tropical American plants of the genus Maranta, including the arrowroot, having thin, ovate, usually spotted leaves and irregular flowers.