  • 北卡羅萊納州被劃為業州?
    North Carolina is classed as an agriculture state.
  • 毛澤東此文是為了答復當時黨內黨外對於民革命鬥爭的責難而寫的。
    This article was written as a reply to the carping criticisms both inside and outside the Party then being levelled at the peasants' revolutionary struggle.
  • 民用車把蔬菜裝運到市場。
    The farmer carted his vegetables to the market.
  • 計劃生育工作人員堅持面嚮基層、深入村、服務上門、方便群衆的原則,嚮育齡群衆提供指導、咨詢和服務,幫助他們根據自己的健康狀況和需要,選擇適宜的避孕節育方法。
    Following the principle of catering to grass-roots units, going deep into the countryside, offering services to people's doorsteps and providing conveniences to the people, family planning workers provide people of child-bearing age with guidance, advice and services, and help them select favourable contraceptive methods according to their health and needs.
  • 石灰是一種很有價值的用品,可用來填塞木罅、保護木艇,以防海洋微生物蛀蝕,又可用來使容器防漏、中和田的酸性土壤,以及供建屋、製????及其他多種用途,顯然在當時占有重要的經濟地位。
    Lime was a valuable commodity useful for caulking and protecting wooden boats against marine organisms, water-proofing containers, dressing the acid soils of agricultural fields, building and salt production among other purposes. It clearly played an important role in the economy of the period.
  • 民的鬥爭沒有停止過。
    The peasants' struggle has never ceased.
  • 面對封建奴制度的殘酷統治,西藏勞動人民從未停止過反抗鬥爭。
    Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom, Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles.
  • 業區大部分集中在南方。
    The farming area is centered largely in the south.
  • 第二階段是1985—1988年,以變革産品流通體製及調整村産業結構為主。
    The second stage(1985-88) was centered on the reform of the farm produce circulation system and readjustment of ruralindustrial structures.
  • 改革村生産關係,實行以家庭聯産承包為主的責任製和統分結合的雙層經營體製,擴大糧食的市場調節範圍,合理調整糧食價格,調動民發展糧食生産的積極性;
    It has carried out the reform of rural relations of production, including implementation of the policy of the household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output and the two-layer management system featuring the integration of centralization and decentralization. In addition, the scope of market readjustment for grain has been expanded and the price of grain adjusted rationally so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of the farmers for grain production.
  • 以家庭聯産承包為主的責任製和統分結合的雙層經營體製,是改革開放以來中國村實行的基本經營制度,有效地促進了糧食等産品生産的發展,保障了生産者的經營自主權和經濟利益,受到了廣大民群衆的衷心擁護。
    The household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output and the two-layer management system featuring the integration of centralization and decentralization are the basic management systems Chinese rural areas have adopted since the initiation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world. As these systems have effectively promoted the production of grain and other agricultural products, and safeguarded the producers' own decision-making power in management and their economic benefits, they have won the heartfelt support of the broad masses of farmers.
  • 這一時期糧食生産的快速增長,主要得益於中國政府在村實施的一係列改革措施,特別是通過實行以家庭聯産承包為主的責任製和統分結合的雙層經營體製,以及較大幅度提高糧食收購價格等重大政策措施,極大地調動了廣大民的生産積極性,使過去在業基礎設施、科技、投入等方面積纍的能量得以集中釋放,扭轉了中國糧食長期嚴重短缺的局面。
    This second phase saw the highest increase rate in the country's grain production, which was made possible mainly by a series of reform policies and measures initiated in the rural areas by the Chinese government, including, among others, the household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output, the two-layer management system featuring the integration of centralization and decentralization, and raising, by a fairly large margin, of the prices of grain purchased by the state. These important policies and measures greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the farmers, brought into full play the potential for agricultural production accumulated through years of efforts to improve agricultural infrastructure, the level of science and technology and the amount of investment. In this way an end was put to the situation of China's chronic grain shortages.
  • 山東、河北、江蘇、浙江、四川、海南等22個省(區、市)頒布了《無公害産品管理辦法》,開展了無公害産品生産基地建設和無公害産品標識認證工作。
    Twenty two provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) such as Shandong, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Hainan have promulgated Measures of Pollution Free Agriculture Product Management, and carried out the establishment of pollution free agriculture products and the labeling certification of the pollution free agriculture products.
  • 各級政府要做好規劃,增加對業的科技投入,加強服務,着力抓好産品質量標準和認證體係、檢驗檢測體係、市場信息體係建設,創造良好的市場環境。
    In order to create a favorable market environment, governments at all levels must work out feasible plans, increase scientific and technological input in agriculture, improve their services, and improve the quality standard and certification system, the inspection and testing system, and the market information system for agricultural products.
  • 第十一條 民集體所有的土地,由縣級人民政府登記造册,核發證書,確認所有權。
    Article 11 People's government at the county level shall register and put on record lands collectively owned by peasants and issue certificates to certify the ownership concerned.
  •  民集體所有的土地依法用於非業建設的,由縣級人民政府登記造册,核發證書,確認建設用地使用權。
    People's government at the county level shall register and put on record the use of land collectively owned by peasants for non-agricultural construction and issue certificates to certify the right to use the land for construction purposes.
  • 第三十二條 違反本法第十四條規定,在禁止開墾的陡坡地開墾種植作物的,由縣級人民政府水行政主管部門責令停止開墾、采取補救措施,可以處以罰款。
    Article 32 In the case of any violation of the provisions in Article l4 of this Law by cultivating crops on reclamation-forbidden hill slopes, the department of water administration under the people's government at the county level shall order the cessation of the reclamation and the adoption of remedial measures, and may also impose a fine.
  • 第三十三條 企業事業單位、業集體經濟組織未經縣級人民政府水行政主管部門批準,擅自開墾禁止開墾坡度以下、五度以上的荒坡地的,由縣級人民政府水行政主管部門責令停止開墾、采取補救措施,可以處以罰款。
    Article 33 Where any enterprise, institution, or agricultural collective economic organization, without approva1 of the department of water administration under the people's government at the county leve1, reclaims waste hillsides with a slope of above 5 degrees but under the reclamation-forbidden degrees, the department of water administration under the people's government at the county level shal1order the cessation of the reclamation and the adoption of remedial measures, and may also impose a fine.
  • 他任農民協會主席。
    He is appointing peasant association chairman.
  • 衡山、湘鄉二縣的監獄裏,關了好多個鄉民協會委員長、委員。
    A good many chairmen and committee members of township associations in Hengshan and Hsianghsiang Counties have been thrown in jail.
  • 全自治區75個縣(市、區)的現任人民代表大會常務委員會主任絶大多數是昔日的奴或奴隸。
    Most of the current chairmen of the Standing Committees of the people's congresses of the 75 counties (cities and districts) in the autonomous region used to be serfs or slaves in old Tibet.
  • 衹要看拘捕了民協會委員長、委員,當地的不法地主們便大高興,反動空氣便大增高,就知道這事是否錯誤。
    To judge whether or not it is a mistake, you have only to see how joyful the lawless landlords become and how reactionary sentiments grow, wherever the chairmen or committee members of local peasant associations are arrested.
  • 所有最下一級民協會的委員長、委員,在第一第二兩個時期中,幾乎全數是他們(衡山縣鄉民協會職員,赤貧階層占百分之五十,次貧階層占百分之四十,窮苦知識分子占百分之十)。
    In both the first and second periods almost all the chairmen and committee members in the peasant associations at the lowest level were poor peasants (of the officials in the township associations in Hengshan County the utterly destitute comprise 50 per cent, the less destitute 40 per cent, and poverty-stricken intellectuals 10 per cent).
  • 滑雪板在捨堆了一堆。
    The skis are stacked outside the chalet.
  • 從能俯瞰山𠔌的懸崖上的捨所看到的風景
    A view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley.
  • 謝爾比美國北卡羅來納州西南部的一個城市,位於夏洛特以西,它是-個業區內的紡織和加工中心。人口15,310
    A city of southwest North Carolina west of Charlotte. It is a textile and processing center in an agricultural region. Population,15, 310.
  • 從中世紀的奴中産生了初期城市的城關市民;
    From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the earliest towns.
  • 她不再是思想純潔、天真無邪的傢少女,而是墮落傢族的殘渣餘孽。
    No chaste-minded, unsophisticated peasant maid she, but the last dregs of a decadent stock!
  • 菩薩要民自己去丟,烈女祠、節孝坊要民自己去摧毀,別人代庖是不對的。
    It is for the peasants themselves to cast aside the idols, pull down the temples to the martyred virgins and the arches to the chaste and faithful widows;it is wrong for anybody else to do it for them.
  • 它不會傷害你,但是藥會。
    It won't hurt you, but chemicals will.
  • 陳先生的水果不使用藥。
    Mr. Chen used no (didn't use any) chemicals on his fruit.
  • 稻田裏灑滿了農藥。
    The paddy fields are besprinkled with agricultural chemicals.