  • 作为广告放在共场地的标志。
    a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement.
  • 这样一来,甚至木材司也只能通过传统方法来培植新树种,他们也不能大量地复制新的基因组——一个基本步骤。
    Thus, even if timber companies created better trees through traditional techniques, they couldn't reliably reproduce the new genomes in large numbers -- an essential step.
  • 妇女们喜欢那些表现妇女在办室工作、乘飞机旅行、驾驶着汽车等情形的广告。
    They like advertisements which show women in office, planes, and cars.
  • 我要在这则式上签署,牢牢记住这则式,并且以十足的信心,一天大声朗诵一次,这则式将逐渐左右我的思想行动,让我成为自信的成功人土。
    I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory, and repeat it aloud once a day, with full FAITH that it will gradually influence my THOUGHTS and ACTIONS so that I will become a self-reliant, and successful person.
  • 西藏自治区人民政府于1965年成立自治区文物管理委员会,专司全区文物保护管理工作,并布小昭寺、热振寺、楚布寺等11处自治区级重点文物保护单位,对其中急需维修的进行了维修。
    In 1965, the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region set up the Cultural Relics Administration Committee to take charge of the preservation and administration of cultural relics in Tibet. It named 11 historical sites, such as Ramoche Monastery, Radreng Monastery and Tsurpu Monastery, as important cultural relic sites under autonomous region-level protection, and repaired those that urgently needed repair.
  • 直到20世纪90年代初,联合技术司还是个人浮于事,效率低下,年年亏本,表现欠佳的大集团时代的遗留物。
    Never a stellar performer, by the early 1990s United Technologies was an overstaffed, inefficient, money-losing relic from the age of conglomerates.
  • 苔丝和安吉尔坐进一辆大马车时代笨重的老古董(老德伯家族罪孽传说的象征)里,来到了教堂。在他们最后离去时,一只白鸡啼了三次。
    In a lumbering old relic of coach days (symbolic of an ancient D'Urberville legend of crime) Tess and Angel are carried to church, and upon their final departure a white cock crows thrice.
  • 布达拉宫、大昭寺、甘丹寺、藏王墓、江孜宗山抗英遗址、古格王国遗址等9处被列入1961年国务院布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位。
    A total of nine historical sites were listed among the first batch of important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the State Council in 1961, including the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Ganden Monastery, Tibetan King's Tomb, Mount Dzong (Dzongri) Anti-British Monument in Gyangze County, and the Guge Kingdom ruins.
  • 我们登了广告招聘一名得力的办室女秘书。
    We've advertised for a girl Friday to provide general help in the office.
  • 通过做广告吸引众去看的电影。
    a movie that is advertised to draw customers.
  • 这家司用广告的形式通告开船日期。
    The company advertised the sailing day.
  • 这是一次公开招标。
    This is an advertised bidding.
  • 您可以通过使用某个共uddi站点,来为你自己的企业发布这个电子商务的服务,这样你的合作伙伴和客户就能够发现你已经可以接受电子订单了。
    Using one of the public UDDI operator sites, you could “advertise” the availability of this electronic commerce capability so that your partners and customers could find out that you can accept orders electronically.
  • 无宗教信仰的,异教的开声称无宗教的;异教徒的
    Professing no religion; heathen.
  • 海报通常印刷而成的大布告、招贴或告,常附有插图,张贴以用来宣传或布某事
    A large, usually printed placard, bill, or announcement, often illustrated, that is posted to advertise or publicize something.
  • 一个司可以利用报纸、杂志、电视、广告牌,甚至用飞机在空中喷烟形成字的办法为其产品做广告。
    A company may advertise its products by means of newspapers , magazines , television , boardings , and even skywriting.
  • 从19—年11月2日《日本贸易报》看到贵司有关钢笔和铅笔等广告。
    In the November 2,19- issue of the Japan trade bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc.
  • 这种相适应不是要求民放弃宗教信仰,不是改变宗教的基本教义,而是要求宗教在法律的范围内活动,与社会的发展与文明的进步相适应。
    However, such adaptation does not require citizens to give up religious belief, nor does it require any religion to change its basic doctrines. Instead, it requires religions to conduct their activities within the sphere prescribed by law and adapt to social and cultural progress.
  • 我们有些共同的东西;与其他司一样的是他们也大做广告。
    we have several things in common; in common with other companies they advertise widely.
  • 做广告用共布告做广告或作为计划的一部分列入计划表
    To advertise or schedule by public notice or as part of a program.
  • 登广告寻求公寓房
    Advertise for an apartment.
  • 司登广告招聘一名新秘书。
    The company advertised for a new secretary.
  • 在史密斯诉琼斯机器有限司一案中未提及此案。
    This case is not advert to in Smith v. Jones Machine Ltd.
  • 辞职放弃(职或职务)
    To relinquish(an office or function).
  • 他将掌管司的全权让给了女儿。
    He relinquished all control over the company to her daughter.
  • 辞职放弃公职或职责
    Relinquishment of an office or function.
  • 我对坐办室那种刻板的工作毫无兴趣
    Routine office job has no relish at all for me
  • 我对坐办室那种刻板的工作毫无兴趣。
    Routine office job have no relish at all for me.
  • 古物古迹办事处专业人员于二月迁往湾仔文康广播局总部办后,位于九龙尖沙咀弥敦道136号被列为历史建筑物的前九龙英童学校已暂时改建为一所文物资源中心。
    After relocation of the professional staff of the AMO to the head office of the Broadcasting, Culture and Sport Bureau in Wan Chai in February, the historical building of the former Kowloon British School at 136 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, was converted into a temporary Heritage Resource Centre.
  • 在1989年,戴尔对保持库存的厌恶遭受了重大打击。当时司购买了数以百万计的外加存储器芯片,试图在预计的供应不足时能够有一定的存货。
    Dell's reluctance to hold inventory was briefly overridden in 1989, when the company bought millions of extra memory chips in an attempt to stay ahead of an expected shortage.
  • 然而,在其他地方,不愿让雇员远距离工作的事时有发生,而支持这种不愿给雇员自由的等级体系的理由是那儿有数十亿平方英尺的办场所。
    Elsewhere, however, a considerable reluctance to let the employees go has been occurring. Billions of square feet of office space are there to back up the reluctant hierarchies.
  • 新加坡早期致力于在政治和经济上求存,经过多年努力才进入发达国家行列。新加坡领袖和人民目前正努力确保新加坡社会继续维持开放、人民能够对政府的政策发表意见、有更多的途径让人们开辩论和要求纠正对他们造成不良影响的政策。
    From its earlier obsession with political and economic survival to its hard-earned First World status, Singapore leaders and people are increasingly striving to ensure that it remains an open society, in which the citizenry has a voice in good governance and that more avenues are available to debate and seek redress on public policies adversely affecting them.